{ 45. Wireless Lockpick | Comic List | 47. Not Yet September 19 }
46. Random Weapons Cache { July 02, 2004 }
74 comments so far | leave your own
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1 | Mister Chief says:
Not very funny but very original.Keep up the good work!
2 | Sarge says:
Well not so funny but it wil be funny if Chief goes into battle and finds out that the covenant put a FAKE replica of human weapons and when he tried them out, it does not work,
Chief: time to go out!!!
Cortana:Elies entering the detention centre
Elites: Wort wort wort
*chief trys to fire*
Chief: What!?
Cortana: Convenient huh?>_>
Then i will say the comic will be funny, try a better one next friday, Gruntsbane.
3 | Ripper 714 says:
I knew there was a reason why those things were there....
4 | Digikid says:
Hey do not be so harsh on him!!! I thought that it was pretty good!
5 | Kanman-075 says:
It is a good comic, and very true about the game. Keep up the good work Gruntsbane!
6 | Stuntmutt says:
I realise my opinion counts for very little in such matters - but contrary to the first couple of posters, I thought it was VERY witty.
Good work gents.
7 | Isna Noselee says:
The comic's great, but I always wonder, exactly how did the weapons got there? I thought the covenant disarmed thier prisoners rather than kill them with thier weapons.
8 | Torque says:
I like the comic too, but are they gonna reach the objective yet (The Captive Spartan)?
9 | Riddick says:
I like the comic as well, but it wasn't as funny as it use to be. I hope the comedy comes back next Friday.
10 | Sabata00 says:
I really liked that comic andI would ike to see some of you that are saying it's bad think of that.
oh and covenant dare not touch inferior human items, Torque.
11 | Rogue Rebel says:
The covanant are very stupid to leave amunition in the cell...and I thought they were smart.
12 | Yayap and Zuka says:
how did they get there in the first place?
13 | Rogue Rebel says:
A human was already there then he died and they did something with him.
14 | Rogue Rebel says:
Then they forgot to take the ammo or something...
15 | Kyrceck says:
Very wity, indeed. Great job, keep it up.
16 | ??? says:
are those things that look like water baloons sopposed to be gernades
17 | 00117 says:
I think the joke was last week the mc said it was convenient that Cortana could open the cell. Now Cortana is saying "Now that's convenient." But maybe that's just my take on it.
18 | Xerro says:
Worth a smile this strip, didn't get me laughing though, but as Kyrceck and Stuntmutt said it was a witty line, and relates to the game well. As for the drawing good as ever, with Cortana looking very authoritive in the first panel. Anyway good job can't wait till next week, and for when we finally meet the prisoner they're meant to find.
19 | Grunty says:
Good work Gruntsbane!What I don't understand is in the game of halo I found a grunt with a pistol:dead.Poor little guy....oh,and how do infected elites have assualt rifles?And in the 3rd level truth&reconcilliation how come there are dead marines and in one area a dead stealth Elite?
20 | grunt-gt says:
its was a great comic i always wonder about why there are huge piles of ammo every five minutes, and how the marines got there? did a group of marines attack T&R trying to save the captin before chief.
21 | Junpei says:
LoL, so true, how does that stuff ge there anyway? ;-D
22 | GruntBoi says:
yah i am really confused oabout all the big craploads of stuff you find everywhere, and yah i guessthe marines could of tried to save keys, but anyways it was pretty good!
23 | Mr. Elite says: did the ammunision and guns and stuff get there?
24 | hashbrown says:
thats just so true to the game, there are random piles of wepeons every-where
25 | Elite says:
Hmm..cryptic. Nice.
26 | Guest #9999999... says:
See, why doesn't that ever happen for me... maybe because I make an effort to keep my men alive!
Well, I don't think Covenant are familiar with our technology. Blaspheme, they say. No wonder they never bother to take out that 600+ pack of bullets.
27 | The Emperor Master says:
Great comic!
It's just 100% accurate, as well. You would always be able to find a pile of random weaponry somewhere. I still wonder why Covenant are grabbing our weapons and putting them in piles....
28 | Armyofone says:
the reason there're piles of ammunition in cells is because the covies take the weaponry and lock it away from the humans or in other levels it's probably because marines have died there or dragged or have been feasted upoun.
29 | Biohazard Audio says:
Perfect. Cortana's got that 'wut you talkin 'bout willis' face in the first panel. Your faces prove to be hilarious...
And yah... those random weapons stockpiles ARE convenient... hell, saved my life a thousand times! one time I was falling, but I landed on a 'nade and guess what? it exploded and send me flying back up to where I was... 'course, I was dead... but that's another story in and ov itself
30 | Anonymous says:
Great, now the elves and the gnomes are working with the Covenant, huh? Or the Flood. But, those stockpiles are convenient. Like the one on Two Betrayals, with teh RL. BTW if pistols and assault rifles shoot darts, then what would a plasma rifle shoot? Oh, and, great comic, like always.
31 | yo momma says:
it was cute that is all i can say
32 | halo boi says:
who leaves a pile of weapons in a cell in broad nightime. besides he only has 3 extra shots. I mean c'mon how's he gonna make it to extraction in 8 shots put together including the grenades
33 | Claw says:
Wow, Cortana looks angry in the first panel. Really angry. Also on the comedy side: I've never really found these comics very funny. Sorry.
34 | SPARTAN-117 says:
lol so true
35 | nah do babo says:
man this comic was just a joke... a joke that it wasnt even funny... does this gruntsbane even know what a comic is? i looks like cortana needs a shave.
36 | Scottum says:
37 | Hg Vapor says:
There are piles of guns and ammo around because the Covenant won't touch the impure belongings of infidel aliens until they undergo proper ritual purification by the unit chaplain. This requires the filing of the proper documentation through the computer core and the digital signature of the unit's logistics officer to certify that resources are available for proper disposal of the contaminated materials.
In other words, the Covies have to deal with bureacracy too. :)
38 | gruntkiller says:
Not Funny this is pretty much the same thing as last week
39 | Kira says:
Great work as always. I love your artwork. I dont know why some of you people complain about how it isnt funny, I think its just one of those kind of comics that are plot based and dont really go for just humor..but it is funny at times, if thats not the kind of comic this is then my bad.
40 | christie says:
keep up the good work guntsbane i love it like always.
and to all you critics out there you try to make a comic like this.
41 | ash the psycoho bunny says:
hmm... new facial expressions... convenient
42 | L05T_D3M0N says:
i'v always wondered why they have ammo scattered in the stupidest locations
43 | SPARTAN 117 says:
LOL! If you look closely at the pistol and AR, they are actually sucker dart shooters. And those grenades are water balloons!
44 | Random Grunt says:
i reckon the flood got out early and ate the marines,but had there arms taken off so the assultrifles/ammo was stiil there.
Now wheres that food nipple????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
45 | Random Grunt says:
WHAT THE HELL DOES "LOL" MEAN???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
46 | Vasheeth says:
Wasn't he supposed to be in there to get out a fellow spartan?
Anyway, wasn't THAT funny, still good for a laugh, but NICE drawings! I like the look of Cortana on the first one, she looks like a marine.
47 | MORM says:
thats so true to halo
it wasn't the funniest but I mean
why is are there human weapons lying around in a covie ship
it was pretty funny though
48 | Tunk says:
'LOL' Mean laughing out loud, duh.
people, don't you notice the dullness of these lines? of course! Thats WHY its funny. Supposed to be like one of those cheesy commercials where it shows the product then someone pops up and says 'Thats nifty!' or 'How compact!' or whatever the deal is.
49 | Tunker says:
HOLY HELL, it looks like Cortana is having her pms in the first block!
50 | jon -023 says:
the ammo is there becausecaptain keyes got cought with marines with him they killed the marines and left there ammo
51 | Android 210 says:
for all of you naysayers.. KILL YOURSELVES!! Earth doesn't need whiners like you..
Anyways.. I bet the Guardians put the ammo+nades there
52 | Ben "Greasnin" Platt says:
Have any of you ever considered the fact that you are all retarded? Seriously, anyone who can't get these jokes shouldn't even be ALLOWED to play Halo.
53 | mike says:
lol they got so lucky
54 | kevin says:
i THINK i get the strip.. vetty witty... keep it up :D
55 | David says:
lol means: Laugh out loud
it's a common term used by people who spend time on discussion boards. along with gtg, btw, and n00b
I love this cartoon, another poke at Bungie's small cheats, I've always been bothered by the fact that there seem to be corpses with lots of ammo every where I end up going, but never any dead enemies, and never an explanaition.
56 | thechosen1 says:
The ammo is sooo random. I mean, HOW do the flood get up into the final platform in two betrayals (where the rocket, ar, and shotgun ammo is)? IT'S JUST SO RANDOM!!!
(and i shall find that food nipple before you, random grunt!)
57 | Wolfius says:
I'm betting that plasma weapons will be either dart guns, nerf foam guns, or, most likly, water guns.
Weapons and ammo in the cells was probally taken off the prisoners and thrown in there, along with the ocasional dead prisoner's corpse, for convinent and localised storage. The remainder on ships likly comes from rescue attempts, or captured marines trying to escape prior to reaching the cells.
For the most part, hunam weapons and ammo can be explained by the fact that marines landed over a huge area, and found covies already there; the ack of covie dead laying around is likly a result of them collecting their own dead and wounded, while leaving marines to rot.
As for Flood elites and jackles having hunam weapons, chalk it up to them grabing whatever was at hand; maybe they couldn't reload covie plasma weapons either.
58 | random man says:
Let's review,
Q. Why are there massive random stockpiles of weapons on Halo?
A. Cuz you'd all be screwed with no weapons and no ammo. Isn't that horribly obvious. I know the marines are there to make it look like they came through and died but i dont think u all need to go searching for some deeper meaning to the random weapons.
59 | kitos says:
this is a good comic strip. Well done!
60 | no_117 says:
i guess it as ok. =O I almost forgot! ROCK ROCK ON!
61 | cpl. Harland says:
I like the way Cortona reacted to how the Cheif found something faster than her.
P.S. I really like the way you do your comics. Thank you for writeing comic stripes
62 | kiknuraz says:
dude, keep makin comic's, ur one of the first i've seen make em and u do a good job, keep em up!!!
63 | Shiro says:
well if they wanted to do this right.. they should of put a dead marine there too, But it is halo babies. But taht reminds me... How do teh Covenant Weapon's fire in this comic? o.o
Chief: *sees dead marine covered in darts* look at the poor bugger...
Deadmarine: I'm not dead
Cheif: ...!
DeadMarine: It's just how you're supposed to be after getting all those hits
Chief: Riiiiiight...
64 | RaNcIdPsYcHoJoSh says:
You call those grenades?
65 | Suka 'Ramamee says:
Meh, they make good storage containers, 'long as noone's in 'em.
66 | Confused Skal says:
Again,no boobs:i'm just making a point here...
67 | The worter says:
No....on level three you did find ammo and health packs in a cell
68 | eliteghost01 says:
what would be really convenient would be a refridgerator on the covenant ship. that way I could get to my tang!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....tang...........
69 | Doubl3 H3lix says:
I also thought that it was strange to have all of those automatic weapons just lieing arond a battle cruiser.
P.S.cortana doesn't look quite right. did GB break his hand?
70 | Wacky Camper says:
This fits in very well with the game because in the Truth and Reconciliation mission there would be random stashes of grenades and med kits in some of the prison cells.
71 | Masterchief evil says:
72 | Zeka the Gold Elite says:
Why did I put my stolen Human weapons there...
73 | arbiter5000 says:
sarge might be right.chief better raise hell!
74 | SPARTAN-022 says:
LOL. i luv those stock piles soooo much. the saved my MJOLNIR plated butt SOOOO many times!!!
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