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47. Not Yet September 19 { July 09, 2004 }
57 comments so far | leave your own
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1 | pc rook says:
man what another disappointed comic.... is mc trying to be a black pirate or something? and cortana has a nice camel toe on the second frame... lets keep it clean gruntsbane... and once again this comic makes absolutely no sense
2 | Some random guy says:
Maybe its all coming to a big climax. Or gruntbane is running out of ideas
3 | SILVER_ELITE says:
lol...seems like masterchief wanted to be a pimped out pirate instead of a geneticlly enhansed super soilder with a kick @$$ suit of armor.....maybe he could be a pimped out geneticlly enhansed super soilder pirate with a kick @$$ pimp suit....and an eye patch....and a low rider hog.........GREAT COMIC GRUNTSBANE!!!
4 | daedalus says:
Great comic.. left me with a smile on my face.. which is a good place for it
5 | InSaNe1024 says:
The joke is about a Bungie game that the Webmaster thought of called "Pimps at Sea". It's also one of the funniest lines I have ever read, and it sounds like he was making fun of Cortana for saying matey. 'Nother joke: How did Chief know Cortana was lying? He could see right through her. ^^
6 | Havoc says:
Lol, I like it :)
7 | Yayap and Zuka says:
...and run this vessel into the heavens like pimps in space?
never thought MC would say something like that
8 | Random Elite says:
Enuff of the food nipples!
Anyways,good comic.WORT WORT WORT!!
Com ere u stupid grunt!
9 | Kanman-075 says:
Not the best comic, but it does help carry the story line. Keep up the good work Gruntsbane, this was a good comic.
10 | Isna Noselee says:
11 | Torque says:
Umm, I don't know about you guys but what's so special about September 19?
12 | Riddick says:
If it were my chioce, I would just stick with the plot rather then make rediculous comic ideas.
13 | Dr. Doom says:
14 | Sabata00 says:
pimps in space is like pimps at sea which bungie is pretending to be planning on developing...
15 | Android 210 says:
16 | Xerro says:
Too tired to say much. So i'll just say funny comic.
17 | Finchmeister says:
Good comic. One of the better ones of late. You guys do know about "Pimps at Sea", don't you?
18 | David says:
That's a good one, but comeon, isn't he gonna have some kinda funny encounter with any covenant? I mean, he hasn't done ANY fighting, or play fighting yet.
19 | Gruntish Elite says:
LOL! Pimps in space..(wipes eyes) Great one Gruntsbane
20 | Tim[GH] says:
Funny encounters with Covenant rule.
21 | Owm says:
Arrg, I be speaking with a southern... wait... nevermind... Anyway, great comic, love the PaS reference. Heehee ;)
22 | Tim The Wizard says:
Arg. We be happy with this comic. Keep thee good work up.
23 | Hg vapor says:
Owm writes:
"Arrg, I be speaking with a southern... wait... nevermind... Anyway, great comic, love the PaS reference."
Yipe! An inside joke about a webcomic in a webcomic about an inside joke! Thank goodness that there's no RvB reference to Halobabies to continue the headlong descent into madness! :)
24 | Guest #9999999 says:
"Argh! I be havin' a Southern accent!"
"That's not southern, that's a pirate!"
I never would have thought the MC would act like a pirate. I would like to see a funny Covenant encounter. I sort of thought up one, but it was stupid... I won't say it.
25 | Red Loser says:
Pirates are so cool. Especially pimp pirates. Great comic! :)
26 | you comics really suck says:
This isnt going to lead to a big climax because theyre running out of jokes. The jokes were good but now they just suck I think you should just quit till halo 2 comes out
27 | rallyman says:
i think its all cortana's falt that the master chief wants to be a pirate if she had not said matey then mabey the inner pirate of the mc would not have come out
28 | Rawnblade says:
lol, good one. I had a grin on my face at the very end, you could just imagine Cortana's impatience.
Once again, nice comic. Keep it up!
Oh, and is it just me, or is Cortana becoming increasingly more aggressive?
29 | some guy says:
didn't you guy's hear, bungie's probably going to make a game called pimps at sea
30 | thehobbit164 says:
Funny like the rest of the comics. I love the series thing that been going on it was a good idea
31 | BioHazard-Audio says:
Great... i used to watch a show called Pimps on Spa... oh wait.. that was PIGS in Space.. nevermind :p
Now all we need to do to MC is to paint his armor red and send him to bloodgulch in place of Sarge :p
and yah... Cortana does seem agressive... but that's because of all the data that she has on Halo... the Forerunners, and the Flood. Read the books :)
32 | Vasheeth says:
Best commic ever! Go pimps in space! That should be a movie. Pimps in Space. Bungie should make Pimps at Sea after Halo 2.
33 | letslive says:
lol funny shit, good work
34 | Yoozel says:
I think it takes some Bungie background knowledge to get it. But I liked it.
35 | Gruntsbane says:
Yeah but knowing some Bungie history is never a bad thing.
36 | bob says:
mm, camel toe
37 | Halo53 says:
Anyone who thought this was stupid or wasn't funny obviously didn't get the joke. If you understood the joke, it was hilarious. Great job Gruntsbane
38 | Mr. Elite says:
HAHAHA...i don't get it....
39 | tedbundy says:
Sept. 19th is the day the Star Wars DVDs come out, w00t!
40 | halo_boi says:
i didnt get it
41 | Shiro says:
Well if you don't get it, most of teh parts Cortona was talking about, Portise and Starboard especially are what you call left and right on an actual ship in the water. Plus the "Cross the Ship's bridge, pass the main bulkhead and then backtrack astern to rescue your matey" And she only calls it a ship, nothing else as well. So in other words, her calling the cruiser as a ship and using all those turns just left a wide open opportunity for the MC to make fun
42 | Suka 'Ramamee says:
Captain's quarters to engineering, lock down the main bulkhead and cut surveillance connections from the bridge...we'll catch em having tea.
43 | Insane Master Chief says:
What is PaS?
And pc rook is right, she does have a camel toe in the second frame. You sick bastard, Gruntsbane. It's meant to be HaloBABIES. The paedophilia on this site has now spread to the artist. All children on this site below the age of 12 here: run while you still can, I'll hold him off.
44 | (Now mad)Skal says:
i dont get it,they were there now theyre gone.she wasnt that hot anyway.Making her look like a starving albino african 9-year old boy wasnt a good idea
45 | Arbitary Death From Above says:
LMAO. Pimps In Space.
46 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:
you guys are such retards. MC is making fun of cortana cause she refered to the captive spartan as "your matey"... get it?
47 | Doubl3 H3lix says:
Eibe, i think they know and that u don't know what sarcasm is. Loser.
48 | 'Kassamee says:
Ha!! Aye avast, space pimps! Very funny.
49 | JB6498 says:
main bulkhead? wouldn't that be the hull? because bulkheads are the walls of a ship.
50 | anonymous says:
I don't get it, and what's so great about Sept. 19?
51 | Masterchief evil says:
probaly halloween
and the're speaking pirate
52 | Halo=gae says:
This comic is GAY
53 | Plasma_101 says:
LMAO!Cortana is SUCH a party pooper!:p
54 | Plasma_101 says:
Oops,I meant Cortona or whatever.
55 | Zeka the Gold Elite says:
Wort? Wort? Wort?
56 | C1oud says:
lol whats wrong with you guys it makes perfect sence, cortana is naming out parts of the ship and being serious while cheif took all that in as pirate lingo lol read again nubs
57 | SPARTAN-022 says:
LOL. w8, i dont get it.
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