A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | ajenteks says:

haha, nice work.

2 | Courage says:

*snigger* Nice going.

3 | funkmon says:

Pretty good...except Mister Chief looks a bit too well drawn in this strip...weird.

4 | sharkface217 says:

Wow, very nice. Haven't laughed like this in a long time. Way to go!

5 | Kanman-075 says:

It is funny. I see the Mister Chief all the time in the Bungie weekly updates. Oh Gruntsbane, you made a spelling error. You spelled "to" instead of "two", otherwise the comic is great!

6 | Jammerfer says:

That was awesome, but I guess I figured it out when I saw MISTERy in the title. Mr.Chief looks great in the first frame, but kinda disturbing smile in the third. And you got "to" right (lookin' at kanman) However, the idea was good, but there are still a few "misteries". Like why WAS the cruiser called the C&C? Why was Mister Chief so shiny in the last strip? Why do fools fall in love? and more.

7 | Xerro says:

Funny... Mister chief does look weird in the final frame though... kinda scary.

8 | Lord_Warlock says:

Heh heh heh! Didn't see that one coming. Still, nice joke!

9 | cpl. Harland says:

I think it was a weird comic because Mister Cheif was in it. I think it would have been better if Mister Cheif weren't in it.

10 | Halo53 says:

What a twist :D

11 | no_117 says:

I think mister chief ruined it

12 | The GRUNT 1000 says:

its a no wonder he said it was so beautiful....casuse the "dynamic lighting"!

13 | The GRUNT 1000 says:

12th comment rules for me! I usually get 45th or the last comment! (-_-;) now im happy
and if I don't take too long... this will be my 13th!!!!...or 14th but anyways great comic, Gruntsbane...if I spelled that right! =;^-^;= heh!

14 | Claw says:

Uh...........................................I'm freaked out by Mister Chief's facial expression there in that last panel....

15 | Case says:

That was great! I didn't expect to see Mister Chief.

16 | Gruntish Elite says:

WORT WORT WAHAHAHAHA! Lol that is a freakin funny arse comic! I agree with the rest of us Sausages, Mister Chief looks kind of disturbing in the last panel. Great work though, Gruntsbane!

17 | Gruntsbane says:

Mister Chief is kinda disturbing so I think it fits :P

18 | mrsmiley says:

To all who are disturbed by Mister Chief... GOOD! He is a freakin wierdo! By the way, "to" is spelled correctly. *raises eyebrow*

19 | SPARTAN-117 says:

LMAO...his emblem is funny

20 | 00117 says:

lol, good comic. didnt expect it.

21 | Vigoorian says:

What the, our little 'friend' appears to be Mister Chief! (Wonder what's next)

22 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

It's so awful in combination of well-drawn with awful-drawn and the right dialog, IT'S HILLARIOUS!!!!!!

23 | Guest #9999999 says:

So... this "Mister Chief" is the Spartan Master Chief was sent to rescue... and blah blah blah (three hours later)

Anyway, good comic, guys. Now for the daring escape!

24 | Terminatordavid says:

lol, great comic.

25 | mike says:

ahHA! i knew it was mister chief! wait....no i didnt.....hmmm...great strip though :-D nice bump mapping

26 | vladimir says:

Man that is great.
But I dont know how a poet would describe Mister Chief... Disturbing words.

27 | Jeff says:

mister chief's bump-mapping was spectacular. Master Chief has nothing compared to him... lol. Nice comic.

28 | no_117 says:

W8 A SEC! I looked at art on b.net and mister chief is Frankies best drawing of the Master chief! *SWEET*

29 | poogunk says:

I think i Pooed myself, maybe i pooed you too? dont lose any more hair over it.

30 | RON ZUKENNE the elite says:

wow that guy looks like something i drew with my alien fingers!

31 | Pope says:

I can't wait for that huge outdoor multi-player level

32 | Random Jackel says:

Funny.We thought it was gonna b a spartan that escaped Reach like MC.
Anyway,thats the last time we let a grunt fly the ship - dummy got us to Australia, not Africa(New Mombasa)
And its raining!!!!!!!!

33 | Vasheeth says:

On strip #48, I predicted his partner (the person he's rescuing) would be mister chief!


34 | Cloud Tribal says:

Wow,I thought it would be a girl red spartan.

But Mister Chief!? XD Good one.

35 | SPaTan 199 says:


36 | GrUnT-KiLlEr says:

That emblem is so cool it hurts my eyes to look at it. Ow!

37 | Aaron says:

Man this game is off the hinges

38 | Biohazard-Audio says:

If he's a flaming ninja, why isn't he on fire?! :p

good comic, keep it up!

39 | w4t3rm3l0n says:

isnt third echelon from splinter cell? 0_0

40 | bob the bob says:


41 | Fred-104 says:

didnt get at first but in the end i found out it was a good comic. GREAT JOB GUYS waiting for the next good 1

42 | Mr. Grunt and Zameme says:

Mr Grunt:I agree with just about everyone-Mister Chief looks disturbing...
Zameme: Get back to work Grunt, stop talking to the humans!

43 | rabid08 says:

Very funny indeed. I wish they'd really let you choose that emblem for Halo 2 :)

44 | Gold Elite says:

Bizare. I always wondered if Mister-Cheif's....thing, on his face, was ether a mouth or some sort of mouth-peice. I know now :P Anyway, I like. I am guessing this was all built up to make this moment.

45 | Mr. Grunt says:

How could he get a tatoo/emblem printed on his armor? :)

46 | Desolator12 says:

The Mark IV (I think that's the right one) armor in H2 is supposed to be fully customizable... that's why... also, helljumpers have the same thing...

47 | Huricos says:

"ONI Intelligence"?

so that would be "Office of Navel Intelligence Intelligence".

48 | Gruntsbane says:

Ha ha, nice catch Huricos :)

49 | red elite says:

it was dumb but ok

50 | Gmello says:

That was the funniest dang comic I've ever read, cheers')

51 | drew says:

nice lol

52 | Mr.Grim says:

That was a funny one, red elite.

53 | Shiro says:

That was just random XD

54 | Suka 'Ramamee says:



Get down there with your squad. I want to see that prisoner leave this ship in peices. LOTS of pieces.

55 | hambone says:

shut up

56 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

Gruntsbane, u put too smart of things in ur comix.
Ha Ha, I was trying to sound like # 55 post!

57 | bubbleboy says:

yo hambone if you dont like the comics dont diss them they are great!

58 | Masterchief evil says:

i get it he's like halo 2 masterchief with the emblem

59 | Ultra Elite says:

See? I told you.

60 | SPARTAN-022 says:

Wow. he is beautiful. BUMPED *blang*. MAPPED *blang* *blang*


61 | kraid17 says:

i told you! he's so %$#@ ugly that how can he possibly be handsom?and wats with the dynamics?!

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