A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | sQuEaK says:

this makes me laugh... very well done

2 | Patrick says:

Soo funny I have that feeling every time that happens to me. When I am hit with a grenade I just run to the closest enemy to extract revenge.

Yay second comment

3 | ShadowSniper says:

ha ha well that will be offical longest 3 second in his life
HA HA hey neato 3rd

4 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

This masterpiece liguidates in fertile tears in my eyes.... true brillance. Im guess this subterainian homesick alien jsut wants a bowl of thinly sliced gerkins. horah

5 | Random Elite says:

Well that shut him up
Now MC can nick what he had.
Reminds me of co-op...HAHAHAHAHA!!!
btw,what is up with u,FDAP???

6 | Kanman-075 says:

Great comic Gruntsbane! I've always disliked the Mister Chief. Keep up the good work!

7 | Spartan Chcik says:

I wonder if the plasma grenade was the big scary monster... Great comic.

8 | wort wot wort says:

I bet the master chief did it

9 | no_117 says:


10 | Ce says:

funny .... OMGWTF!!!!!!

11 | Android 210 says:

I never know if nade hits me... and then I blow up

12 | Gruntish elite says:

LOL! That was great. Same thing usually happens to me. I stand there and frea out like a weenie. Either that or I run away hoping it's not really stuck to me...LOL! Mister Chief is funny...but he's also scary in a scary sort of way...

13 | shadowho says:

Ahahaha misterchief wort it. (wort = worth , wort wort wort) lol

14 | oatt'? says:

OMG WTF?!?!?! The grenade should have gone in to his mouth. That would have shut him up.

15 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

Heh.....seems more like it was a random toss of a grenade than a focussed shot, all the more funny. third pannel sorta reminds me of what little grunts scream when I stick a grenade to them, thats when they're the cutest,heh heh, although I still wonder why grunts sometimes go "Not Again!!," it just puzzles me. Anyways Mister Chief shouldn't die or else Baby MC won't have anyone to watch his butt, and don't say Cortana since she's stuck in the ships bridge and cant do much except open locked doors for him.

16 | Junpei says:


17 | EliteMan says:

OMG WTF!!!! That's funny man, nice one.

18 | Hg vapor says:

OMG? No. Thank you, God. :)

19 | .......... says:

well personaly, i hated this comic, i mean really how is it fuuny? it happens to every one, it dosent have a joke, its just a dude gonna get blown up. and thats just not funny.

20 | Aniqiewan says:

aahh the worst thing that can happen,makes me squeal like a girl. sigh.

21 | Anthony says:

what's weird about this is that mister chief might survive, becuz of his ability to turn into a "raccoon" according to Frankie....but that theroy is wacked

22 | Van_Pliskin says:

yes, from the HBO forum, frankie has stated that mister chief "can make the grenades 'disappear' when he transfroms into a 'raccoon'"...but anthony is right, that theory is wacked as hell....oh, and it was funny too


23 | Yayap and Zuka says:

welp there goes the better drawn mister chief... Hey at least its in a great firework show...

24 | Van_Pliskin says:

it's always better to go in style....let's hope the guy who does the drawings doesn't incorperate the "raccoon" transformation

25 | Xerro says:

I don't think Misterchief will die, or the mission would of been kinda pointless. Still i agree with everyone here, it's funny.

26 | Fred-104 says:

LMAO ROFL that was good i hate when taht happens. good one guys

27 | Vigoorian says:

HOLY CRAP! This comic really got me by suprise! Now where was I... Oh yeah; OMG WTF!!!!

28 | ~Trail says:

Good riddance Mister Chief!

29 | Rabid08 says:

What... I thought mr.smiley wanted this kid-proof. It's as if he's being hippo-critic

30 | Joel-Doh says:


31 | Mr. Elite says:

O_o w t f?

32 | David says:

I don't get it. A plasma grenade just got stuck to his ugly, poorly drawn face. What's so funny about it?

BTW I notice that there is an inconsistency in grenades, since back when these comics were actually FUNNY, grenades were water balloons.

33 | Sergeant Big says:

Wrong, FRAG grenades were water baloons. The plasma grenades should be play-doh or something.

34 | melmk2k says:

Sticky s rule! I have a cheep arse cuz who throws em right in your face. ARG!!! I love to set it to unlimited suply & go on a Sticky rampage!!! It drives everyone nuts.

35 | Stuck2Grenades says:

LOL. That was suprising. It would be funny if while he was running around he got hit by a fuel rod gun.

36 | Guest #9999999 says:

OMG WTF?!?! Oh, that is funny! Oh, greatness, man! Greatness. Caught me by surprise and made my gut hurt.

Wait... isn't he gonna respawn? This is co-op... right?

37 | Spartan chick says:

He's acting just like a baby grunt. I pity mister chief.

38 | cpl.Harland says:

He diserved it. He was a dick.

39 | red elite says:

that was funny but a shame for the master cheif

40 | yayap says:

ha ha that was funny! hey don't you guys think it?

41 | HunTERminator says:

Wow. That was the worst strip I've ever seen

42 | AngryMouse14 says:

the funny part of this strip is how blunt the joke is. This happens to everyone, and the fact that u may not find it funny is what makes it hilarious.

i think...


43 | DemonWarLord says:

I find this comic very funny the poorly drawn Mister Cheif gets nailed in the face and freaks out like a grunt. And yes I go Kamakze too when hit by plasma grenade.

44 | Gagaw says:

I agree with HunTERminator, this is the worst strip I've ever seen.

45 | torkillall says:

It would have been funnier if you made the plasma a piece of play-dough like sargeant big said.

46 | RON ZUKENNE the elite says:

that was funny.... i bet it was a grunt.

47 | Armyofone says:

that was quite funny. Reminds me of little grunties,running around helplessly saying NOT AGAIN!!!!*zones off thinking about grunts and plasma nades*OH! and what is with the OMG,WTF!....WTF....

48 | mike says:

ahahhaha mister chief will die! i dont like mister chief, i dont like frankie either, nothing personal frankie if your reading but everyone idolizes you and is a total brown noser to you!

49 | Jub Jub says:

I did it! I threw that one, I hope i don't get pummelled now. Uh oh, an elite, gotta get off the comp. No, master, just checking E-mail... what do you mean not E-mail, no its not halobabies again, uh oh, AHHHHHHH! Not Again!

50 | Spartan Chick says:

Ha ha...funny Jub Jub

51 | red elite says:

jub jub back to work! wort wort wort!!

52 | FUELRODGUN says:


53 | _-Mattrix-_ says:

lol i do kamakazi/painic like a grunt thing... lol I think grunt belive in rencarnation... why else would grunts yell "NOT AGAIN" plus Plasma 'nades must hurt... covies jump off high bridges to avoid them. lol

54 | reidlos etile says:

!Mia doog hcus evah dluow etile a ylno .Ti did I on.

.doog tniop ttaM
(for those who can't speek Elite)No i did it. Only a Elite would have such good aim! lol and good point Matt...

55 | invisible grunt says:

first of all- reidlos etile that is not elite it is your own made up language. elites speek crude english. their battle cry is wort wort wort. Your language is easy to figure out.

second of all- it was most likley a grunt aiming at the other side of the walk way

Anyway funny comic

56 | incisible grunt says:

by the way what do gunts mean when they say not again. have they died before? strange

57 | Unelite elite says:

i also wonder about the "not again" saying of the grunts, i mean if theyve died b4 do the covenent know how to revive?

58 | Sgt. Johnson says:

Well, on to plan B!

59 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

hey u took my name!!!(well, part of it lol) no one can be the badass that is Seargent A. J. Johnson!!!!(hint:WANNABE) But i get your joke, i love the outakes and audio files too...

60 | Armyofone says:

okay is it just me but I have sworn I've heard a elite say "mmmmmm, bubble"or"hmmmmm,bubba or somethin' like that(that was way off topic)there language is weird yet funny.

61 | That Random Guy says:

Wow if MC armor cant handel one plasma nade then im not gona play as him in halo 2.

62 | steven Jackman says:

hahahahaha i love that it is awsome

63 | Morpheus says:

Until the next comic, i thought Master Chief plugged the grenade on Mister Chief cause he was so ANNOYING!!!

64 | Suka 'Ramamee says:

Alright! One toasted meatbag, hold the mayo.

65 | P1r0 says:


66 | ww3ace says:

"What, like a blue spider? get it off! get it off!"


67 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

That was hilarious!!!
it happens on XBOX LIVE and is funny also.


68 | Cristy says:

run before mister chief exploooodes!!... *runs*

69 | hehehe says:

dats funny


70 | brian says:

This was really very funny, it made me laugh. Teeheeheee

71 | Masterchief evil says:


72 | [a27]l3 says:

rofl i always wanted to see this mister chief with a nade in teh face XD

73 | Zeka the Gold Elite says:

Nice throw

74 | Chip Dubbo says:

I dont get it :P But, I like the buildup. Really funny! :D

75 | HunterMan says:

LOL nice work

76 | Ultra Elite says:


77 | kraid17 says:

oh oh oh he has a nose in the second frame!I like it!

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