A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

Looks as if this cold brain tends to drive my soul crazy, as if torments enough in the world dont lead to total absolution in which we must sing for. kudos to this complilation of words and pictures. good day....... cubix all round

2 | someone says:

looks like he doesint want to admit that he looted it from mister cheifs corpse

3 | [TN]_GODPEED says:

Great strip. I don't really get how the Master Chief took Mr. Chief's armor and created the Mark VI armor... but let's see what happens in the next strips...

4 | Spartan Chick says:

Nice one!
This comic is great. He stole Mister Chief's armor. Ha ha. The armor looks way better on him though.
I think Cortana had a crush on him in the first panel...but only the first panel...

5 | =HB=Alex says:

Um.... did any1 notice.....? the chest on that armour looks like man titties

6 | Mista_B says:

Heh, tricky angle on Cortana's face in the second panel there, good job.

7 | Yayap and Zuka says:

did MC leave mister chief naked on the floor? (man i still wish i had NM armor... i mean it looks all coo and jive on MC! he should be on a fashion mag....)

8 | Church@School says:

Hey, nice one guys! The good old "let's hurry" bit. But what about Mister Chief? And, if the Mark VI can only take a few hits without shields... how did the armor become weaker in physical strength, but stronger in shielding?

And what if some jerkwad Jackal were to unload an overcharge shot on the Chief? Where's Mark V when you need it? (blam, blam, blam, blam... where's my healtth bar, blam, blam...)

9 | Xeroh says:

... Not that funny.

You need some puns.

10 | Xerro says:

=HB= Alex was right. It does look like man's titties lol. The joke wasn't all that funny but the art was good. I especially like MC in the third panel, the back of the armour and the way Gruntsbane drew the arm looks very cool.

11 | tonyski says:

Since when did MC need a bra?

12 | DanTheDark says:

once again, awesome job gruntsbane. MCs visor is sick. Keep the gold coming...

13 | Gruntsbane says:

I like the man boobs comments, I noticed it too but thats what the Halo 2 armor reminded me of so thats how they are. Plus they're easier to draw in 3-D ;)

14 | tagalong friend says:

OK, what's with MC's sick obsession with dead guys clothing? First the elite and now Mister Chief. Whats next skinning a Flood to get into the library?

15 | no_117 says:

if you remember a VERY VERY VERY early comic the mc gets a gift thats Mark VI armor. but he cant wear it till its done... thats why cortana asked that. I think.

16 | yensil314 says:

Maybe she is just suspicious...women can be like that (not saying that all are), of course, they're often right. And in typical male fashion (w00t) MC just dodges the question.

17 | That Random Guy says:

dosent he have those little lines on his visor that make the suit look even cooler

18 | Grunty says:

Hehe i have not posted fer a while cortana weird but awesome *grins*...if you know what i mean?

19 | Elite3000 says:

I thought he would show off his armor to cortana.:)

20 | gruntish elite says:

LOL! HB alex is right, they do look like man boobs! At least in that one shot. LOL great comic though, GB!

21 | rabid08 says:

MC looks like a teen now :)

Ehhh is it taking longer to finish the comics now because of the new MC look because this strip came out like a week aftrer the one before.

22 | Random Elite+Random Grunt says:

RandomElite:HA HA HA! No wonder we can out run MC!
RandomGrunt:Evry1 in Halo2 seems to get new armour, even me!
Hunters got left out methinks...

23 | Elite3000 says:

It's nice to see how fast MC grows up...

24 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

I HOPE he grows up....anyways, love that art!! KUTGW!(Keep Up The Good Work)....it'a 8 am here, im lazy, gimme a break....and i still need Halo 2.....WHY ISN'T IT NOVEMBER?!?!?!?!....9NTH?!?

25 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

now the BIG question is....is he that intruder who posses incredible power? or is it someone else? i still think it's the monitor and his class 12 armor...

26 | Wannabe Sgt' Johnson(one more time) says:

wait..just wondering Gbane..shouldn't it be "How DID you get that armor(armour?)?" instead of "How did you say got that armor?"?....only wondering, 'cuz he didn't say at all, although i think we all know...

27 | Corporal Archangel says:

I love the Mark VI Armor

28 | yayap says:

have you noticed that even though they never mention his name in the game, everyone knows who Sgt. Johnson is!? :> Oh, by the way, i was talking to my frient this one time, and he has the 8" sgt. johnson, but i collect minnifigs., so i naturaly asked if they have minni johnsons!! get it? minni-johnson!...? screw yall im goin home!

29 | Elite3000 says:

I'm weird because when I was 6 years old I played halo.I completly
froze up when I saw the flood.I mindlessly stared at the screen as I saw the flood repetedly kill MC.But now I'm nine so I got over it in about a year.PS:I had fun head shooting the grunts. :)

30 | =HB= Alex says:

wow u played halo when you were 6!!!! were your parents drunk when they bought it or are they just blind to the fact it is rated M

31 | rockman says:

i think mc looks good in boob armor... i heard a rumor from bungie that mc is really a girl...

32 | Sgt. Johnson says:

hey u guys realize that there is a reason y he is called John a.k.a. SPARTAN-117(big hint:JOHN)

33 | Spartan Chick says:

6? That's...well a little young to play halo! I started playing Halo when I was 11. Kinda young.
To the sarge/sick minded:
And the reason his name is John is because John is a biblical name and the Bungie people wanted to have some cool religious conections with Halo. Like the Prophets and Forerunners, stuff like that.

34 | David says:

Better than the last five comics or so, but I'm confused. Why do they have to leave in such a hurry?

35 | omg it me says:

whoa... hmmm. OMG IT ME!!~ XD

36 | Sgt. Johnson says:

wow. the lady got some real thinking going on... all marines join her in meditation at noon or they'll be shot!

37 | Elite3000 says:

You people digust me :( U guys think that MC is a girl!What about the voice!IT SOUNDS LIKE A MAN SO IT MUST BE ONE!!!!!

38 | ZackRaynor says:

Could be a vocal syntheciser - However it's spelt...Like RvB

39 | MC war hammer says:

Are you crazy! in the fall of reach the Dr. umm well her went up to 7 year old JOHN and it was a BOY with short hair and freckles and they used the word him & his in all three books

40 | Joe Mamma says:

What the **** is boob- armor? It's pectoral armor you non halo fan, telli-tubie watcher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

41 | Yayap says:

cortana's ugly.

who's MISTER chief?

42 | carrot critic says:

I don't understand this one @ all. oh well. Wort wort wort!!! :P

43 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

Return of the body-snatchers!
No... maybe just a necrofeeliack

44 | hehehe says:


45 | hjgkdjhik says:

he should have created mark 10 armor not mark six

46 | You're jealous of me because I have the longest name here says:

HEY! He stole Mr. Chief's clothes! I wonder if he can have his dry-cleaning with that shirt-- armor on.

47 | Masterchief evil says:

make more comics with masterchief like that plz!

48 | plasma_101 says:


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