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71. Fear of Change { February 03, 2005 }
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1 | Predator says:
wOOt First comment AND first post EVER!
Nice piece of work, too true, too true
2 | mrsmiley says:
Holy crap. That was like 30 seconds after I posted it! ;P
3 | DarthYoshi says:
hah funny yet true.
4 | Snugenz says:
Very nice, and yeah so true, i want my hang em' high...waaaaaaaa
5 | Colonel Rock says:
How true... *sigh*
6 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:
sigh... where is that downloadable content?! too true!
7 | Dirge says:
8 | Tyrial says:
Give me back my boarding action too!!!!!!
9 | ansomble28 says:
Lol, that is pretty true and funny too. We are a pathetic race, we Halo fanboys. We get all new maps and graphics and we cry about not having the OLD maps. So easily entertained we are! LOL, GJ guys!
10 | Keyes says:
LOL, That is rich. And too true. *shakes head*
11 | bashar says:
sidewinder sux... But i want wizard, han 'em high, chill out!
12 | D says:
lol. So true it hurts!
13 | Elite Leader says:
Stupid humans need download content? Whaddya gonna download? a banana?
14 | Wannnabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:
ah....don't worry Chief, I miss those maps too.....I also miss Chiron TL34, I loved that map! Especialy how you could just sneak up on somebody and smack 'em!!
P.S:great strip
15 | rolly poly says:
i swear you guys need to pull out a thesaurus.
too accurate... ;)
16 | Falcon says:
I agree with the MC, Sidewinder and Hang 'em high should come back.
Hey, what if some of the Halo PC maps like Ice Fields and Death Island and Gephyrophobia were available for Download for Halo 2?
And what if the Fuel rod gun could be used for Halo 2 Multiplayer? It would also be cool if the fuel rod could be added to the Banshee in Halo 2 Multiplayer! :)
How about that guys?
Whoops! Carried off subject! Sorry
mrsmiley! ;)
A very realistically displayed comic, Gruntsbane! You rock! Keep them coming! ;)
17 | pink panth3r says:
I'm sure my fianc would appreciate more maps (lol). As if im not playing H2 enough! I may need to start sleeping on the couch. Perhaps bungie wants us to spend more time with our loved ones. right? True I am anticipating more maps and enhancements.
18 | ooby booby says:
they should bring back the old writer or get a new one. that comic was wack. do something about pauley shores.
19 | gruntsbane says:
Good idea ooby booby! I should use more 15-20 year old references like Pauly Shore!
20 | Necromas says:
You do not want the banshee to have a fuel rod in MP, in Halo PC it was considered rigged/newbish to use the banshee's fuel rod (nobody seemed to give a sh*t that it had other weapons), and in Halo 2 the fuel rods are about twice as strong.
21 | Ripper 714 says:
22 | serpx says:
Excellent point you proved there. I prefer newer maps myself, with different environments (how about a Flood-infested jungle) ?
Yet we're all too stuck in the past, it seems. :P I guess it'll be a long while till we see something really new and interesting.
23 | Master Greif says:
o god, i cant stand any more flood, especially after quarantine zone.
BTW, great comic, i feel the cheifs pain.
24 | BLiNX says:
I want them to add a map maker for PC, and what you do is pay Bungie like 50 bucks to get your map on Live, so others can DL it
25 | beebegun91 says:
aces to that, maybe chill out also, you know what, Hell Bungie should just bring them all back!
26 | SuperDragonYoshi says:
So True, even for many other videogames (Unreal Championship, Splinter Cell, etc). Either wait or play Super Mario games for an infinitely long time (worked for me:D). WHY HASNT THE ARBITER SHOWN UP YET???????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
27 | Sinister Minister says:
So true, my exact answer if asked that question lol
28 | Xerro says:
hehehe true enough, the only map i'm tired of seeing is coagulation and that's only because it's so hard to win on it far too easy too defend.
29 | Kanman-075 says:
Great comic Gruntsbane! That's true too, I want Sidewinder and Hang em' High back. I would love it if they bring back Death Island from PC Halo! :)
30 | Android 210 says:
They should put in the pc maps too
31 | runty lime on xbox live says:
So true,I loved hang 'em high but heck I can't complain with the new maps either,maybe they could have a version of the old maps in Downloadable content,i just hope its not chrion 3 or whatever that was. bunie has to be tree-o-phobic or somthing because they never have a lot they shoulg make a jungle like map where you can hide behind trees.Nice comic gruntsbane keep'm comin!
32 | runty lime on xbox live says:
Sorry i spelt bunie instead of bungie!
33 | P1ro says:
ROFLAO That is funnnnnyyyyyy
I agree with MC they brought Blood Gulch/Coagulation we need a sidewinser and a Hang em High
34 | Rival says:
That was so right! I wish they kept hang em high............
35 | grunty says:
Right elite leader. we also have internet speed 1,000,000 times your "cable." Also we already downloaded those maps the second they are posted
and our computers are connected so we have up to 64 person "spartan" games!
Thats for 64x the fun!! I always beat my brother, yayap.
36 | mc7777777 says:
If u miss those levels so much, why don't u go play halo 1 with no dual wielding, plasma swords, banshees, and the ability to board vehicles
37 | ada 1199 says:
Dude these comics are awesome keep em coming
38 | Morpheus says:
That's so true and lol to everybody before post 17! I still don't have that darn game...OOH OOH OOOH! What if Bungie made a multiplayer map specifically designed for racing? Oh, and Boarding Action still kicks butt.
39 | Holy Takacrap says:
Me Like sidwinder
Don't go where the chiefy goes,
don't you eat that ol' red snow!
40 | your mom says:
Hey I've been really thinking about playing the original halo again. Maybe the graphics would suck, but i think it was more fun. I would own on people more. Matchmaking gets stressful.
41 | Twojaw says:
Not funny, but true..
42 | porblmo says:
duuude. that is so effin true. man u hit the nail on the head
43 | llama says:
new strip finaly
44 | Biff says:
What the hell is it with you people (grunty and elite) who seem to think that you really are the aliens? This is a spot for discussing the comic and game, not for RPing.
But I would have to agree with the comic. Hang 'em High needs a comeback.
45 | Zaburos says:
I agree with Master Chief that Hang'em High should come back...That is the level where I actually knew where everything was....I would actually win for once....strip's ok, i guess, but so true...
46 | Wolven says:
I miss boarding action so much :(
47 | The max says:
2 true!
48 | Locke says:
**Sniff** I miss the old days.
Bring back sidewinder and hang em' high. Keep the comics comin.
49 | bob says:
Hahahahahahahahaha funny
50 | uralldum says:
You guys that are like "so true, I want my hang em high don't get that the comic is making fun of YOU. This strip is so true, the grass is always greener.
51 | Gruntsbane says:
Nice observation, Uralldum ;)
52 | MCNano117 says:
ironic but those maps never got old
53 | isaac says:
lol yes sidewinder would be nice and hang em high sob* i need my hang em high waaaaaaaaa
54 | cloaked and loving it says:
is there gonna be anymore of this sweet comic
55 | Halokid23 says:
They should bring back more than sidewinder and hang 'em high. I want my Blood Gulch! They cshould also bring Death Island and Gephyrophobia from Halo PC.
56 | arbit0r says:
they have blood gulch but those 2 siund interesting
57 | jecho419 says:
so true man
so true
58 | Guy with a gun says:
i want blood gulch too! oh wait....
59 | E.S.C. Commander says:
I agree bring back Sidewinder fav snipe level 4 me *sob*
60 | Marine says:
oh god sidewinder... good times, good times
61 | Sgt. Johnson says:
i want the spartan training facility where i mocked my brother cuz he counldnt find me!!!!! i also want sidewinder back because i found best best sniping position the EVER was!!
62 | Megan says:
Haha, so true! I want Hang 'Em High!
63 | SNIPER01 says:
I Wish we could play the old halo gunz and maps 2!!!
64 | Tryan Shootamee says:
haha...very funny...isn't water works sorta like sidewinder though? kinda sorta?...It's snowy?
and isn't the one where you're in the sentinal facility kinda sorta like hang'em high?
I'm happy with halo's the best.
Comon Tryan Shootamee-Elites out
65 | MrGrunt says:
This is Just too True (But hey, that's why there are TWO games {...Or three, counting Halo PC/Mac})
66 | Bubonni says:
sidewinder would totally rock on halo 2
67 | hampster says:
Aww man... that would be kool. They should have an upgraded version of Hang em' High.
68 | Hellsing says:
Uralldum... Hang em' high was the best(next to sidewinder)that the original halo had to offer. Maybe somepeople kinda want that level back
69 | Hellsing says:
Your mom(#40)... i can understand that. I still cant believe they downgraded the shotgun... Only Im like, really good at H2 so... id rather play it instead. But still, I know your not the only one who misses it... The only reason i do is because of the level "Assualt on the control room". GOD that level was flippen awesome!
70 | A random mad halo fan says:
Nice strip.
Sheesh,where are those new covenants and not so covenants(you know whadda i mean,da old enemies of HALO)?
71 | jiggy fly says:
Cortana has bigger breasts than that.
72 | Normal Phobic says:
If only Bungie (God bless them!) should make more player skins like Flood (humans or covenant), grunts, jackles,brutes,Marines, Jackels and(throwing this in cause I don't want these taken out) Spartans and Elites.
73 | SpiderFreal says:
Yeah, I agree it's been a while. The one problem I have with Halo 2 maps is that I think they were just a little boring compared to the Halo maps. If you ask me, I like the original Blood Gulch better. And I loved Sidewinder, Hang 'Em High (though I always lose on that map), and Boarding Action. Though I can't really say that I love any of the Halo 2 maps as much as I do the Halo 1 maps. Oh well. If and when the Halo 1 maps get here, I'll be very happy.
74 | Fungus says:
SpiderFreal im afraid that i must disagree with you saying that halo 2's maps are a little boring compared to halo 1's maps they are just something different because if they had released halo 2 with the same maps there would have been a global out cry for new maps. what you have to do is look past what you dislike and look at what you do like such as dual welding and kicking people out of moving vicheles basically KICKING ASS IN NEW WAYS!!!
75 | xenomorph64 says:
truth in the form of a comic. thats pretty funny
76 | The Gruntanator says:
This probly has nothing to do with the subject but...In halo2 there shuold be like survial multiyplayer mode were Waves of flood keep on comeing and coming and comeing.....and it rains shoot gun ammo ^_^
77 | hmjvnhn says:
78 | bigpimp says:
do you think there will be a halo movie
79 | Ricky says:
That was funny. I like the way Master Cheif looks when he is thinking
80 | eliteghost01 says:
this reminds me of a glitch i just discovered. when i was playing the level after gravemind i jumped up onto a rock wall and when i looked down to shoot at the bbrutes on patrol i saw the arbiters legs floating in front of me1 better yet when i shot them i lost health!
(this is serious, and when i say "i looked down, i don't mean at my feet)
81 | eliteghost01 says:
oh...i miss sidewinder so much!
82 | The ELITE dude says:
I love and dearly miss sidewinder... But not so much hang em' high. Anyways, we all gotta mooove on sometimes, but I want my sidewinder!
83 | QSilverboy0 says:
this is mean
84 | Bob says:
I'm so sexy
85 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:
You can't improve much on a game that already kicks ass!
86 | Zio matrix says:
I would really like sidewinder back too!
87 | Sheikurl says:
ye, bring dose 2 bac and blood gulch!
88 | WcStiCk says:
I agree. Halo 2 is not complete without the old maps. ;(
Maybe they'll bring them back, new and improved, in Halo 3! =)
89 | Doubl3 H3lix says:
I don't want the old ones. Gimme some fresh MEAT to frag on!
90 | blondie 23 says:
91 | PFC Bungie says:
Just making random postings everywhere...something for you guys to think about:
I don't work for Bungie, I don't work for anyone involved, but lets just say "I know someone" Halo 3 will be better than ever. Imagine The graphics & story-line from Half-Life, imagine The Mulit-Player gameplay from Unreal Tournament 2004, imagine THX Surround Sound Dolby Digital 7.1 --- Yes, 7.1 (not a typo). Now imagine the graphics engine and a certain specific employee from Pixar doing some training. Ever been shot in an FPS but didn't know instantly where it came from? What if you actually heard the shots from a specific direction? The only way all of this works is with a new XBOX...which will be released before Halo 3. I hope you guys are ready...have fun!
92 | joseph says:
you are all gay and suck other peoples halos
93 | maffegerrit says:
is this about my jungle em high mod? if so, should i make a version 2?
94 | Inda 'Nolamee (Arbi Gal) says:
*Sigh* Stupid flawed and your archaic technology *shakes her head*
95 | Masterchief evil says:
they wre good levels but sidewinder you needed system link to play cause it was so big and hang em high is very cool
96 | tuco 23 says:
imagine a world in perfect harmony. where people can shoot weapons at eachother online on a map called hang em higher. This is my dream my geek friends. Is it really too much to ask of bungie? Please make us happy good lord of halo and remake this holy map of maps.
97 | grunts kik ass says:
lol the last few comics haf bin pretty funny thier oder comics suc
98 | Gruntacular says:
why would you want to rbing back side winder and hang em' high those maps give me bad memoreis in the boys locker room Lol just kidding. Woot 100th post
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