A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


112 comments so far | leave your own

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1 | Fox says:

Great comic LOL >.<

Yay, first post *^____^*

2 | arbiters mallice says:

yeah, first comment.
it sucks that they weakened the pistol in halo 2, but its still good if u hav 2, kinda....

3 | D3ViL says:

5th comment... uhm. :P
Good one. :)

4 | Runtylime says:

Free puppies?
Ya the new magnum stinks, it used to be an awesome duel with an SMG. I like that the chief has to have a will! Good one GB keep'm

5 | Blaz says:

This has gotta be bungie's wierdest decision. i could understand they slide down the Magnum's power from halo 1 to 2 (after all,the way it was used in mp was ridiculous.),but now after the update they nerfed it further. BOO!

6 | Joe Barnes says:

Yeah, it was all about when he said "sounds zen" that cracked me up.

7 | Snarf Da Baddass Grunt says:

Yay for puppies! why not kittens, though? At least they aren't free babies...
"sorry, sarge, these babies ain't selling well. We'll stick em in the rifle range and see what happens!"

8 | unelite elite says:

Wort! with the Demons pistols downgraded I might have a chance!

9 | master mac 07 says:

this comic is great

8th comment, cool

10 | nighthawk says:

hmmm... i think we should all label our comments in the order they were posted, in case someone can't read the number on the left... for example, "w00t! 12th post!"

11 | hunter of the year says:

i agree with blaz
uuh...11th comment?WooT?!

12 | phatgranny says:

Love the Zen

13 | pistol master says:

funny comic but i miss the old pistol 3 shots and your dead this new pistol you can do double and use all 24 and they still have sheilds so that comic is right on target

14 | Beoren says:

The carbine is dead accurate, includes a scope, and has a larger clip.

15 | Blaster stu says:

whats up with the pupies

16 | Battusai says:

they had to tone down the magnum via the update because it was too good and no one would use any other combo, which basically made the other guns on the map futile.

17 | That Guy says:

Dual magnums could take down a banshee in seconds.

Thing is, I'm still pissed about the new, inproved magnum. Sure, let it pack less punch to the body, but why less accuracy? Hmm...

18 | Leetin 'Banshee says:

So The Weapon Comparisons.
New vs. Old
1xSMG = 1x Assault Rifle
8xMagnum+scope = 1x Pistol
1xCarbine = 1x Pistol
2xPlasma pistol= 1x Plasma Pistol
1xRocket Lancher=1x RocketLauncher
1xEnergy sword =Teh_R0Xx0rZ

and that's just some. help anyone?

19 | Dirge says:

this comic is so true on many levels

20 | mooching sack of death says:

yeah, why did they have to change the pistol i mean it went from cool to not so cool to lame and now we know what to expect next time

21 | Crash says:

In my opinion, you can do some real damage with the new pistol. Not as much as in the old game, but you can still take out someone with full shields with about six bullets, and combined with the plasma pistol and relatively accurate shooting, it's unstoppable (at least in close combat)

22 | DeathXP32 says:

I guess they wanted to make the pistol more like a pistol should act in the year 2552. Weak.

23 | Hellfirefanatic says:

LMAO! Who's Will then... Lol...

24 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Good work guys, it's kinda odd that a pistol 500+ years from now can't even kill an Elite without using an entire magazine of 12 shots (I would recommend the plasma pistol for once) Well, as soon as downloadable content comes (In June) I'll play Yoshi's Touch & Go tonight... YOSHI!

25 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

thats exactly why I rarely use the Halo 2 MAGNUM. Though still accurate, it does lack punch, and the scope is of course gone. Still, dual wielding 'em IS pretty awsome.

26 | Lian 'Ilsusee says:

LOL!!! very funny!!!!!!
free puppies...lol
Who's will?

27 | Ruiner87 says:

Hey that's pretty damn funny!Keep up the good work.

28 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

Yet another great comic! SNAP!!! I laughed harder this time! great one!

P.S. Chief has a cat already, it got mailed to him in a U.P.S box...

29 | Tryan Shootamee says:

That's funny, never imaged Chief being a cat person...lol! this one is great!
I wonder why they changed the pistol...that was the weapon i fell back on alot...

Hey! tell a flashback of what happened to make the sarge get "expelled" from the shooting range...that would be funny and soooooo cool! Good job...as always! still waitin for a really bad one...ain't gunna happen is it? GREAT JOB!

30 | Grizzled Ancient says:

YEAH!!!! 36 post baby!!!!! i'm on a role! wEEEEEWEWEWEEEE0ot! lol j/k

great as always...

moral: if you don't want to die...don't pick up a pistol...

31 | bgy_xi says:


32 | blaster stu says:

What the why is there pupies in a firing range?

33 | gruntsbane says:

Why indeed...?

34 | Yayap and Zuka says:


35 | yo mama says:

finally someone who hates the new pistols as much as i do. i never get killed though cause i never use them. if i run out of ammo for both weapons and the only gun is the Magnum, i'll stick to melee.

36 | Poli says:

Yay, 45th post!

heh, great comic guys, keep it up.

37 | Death Vomit says:

why is his head so big whhhyyyy is his head so big

38 | (Na)Marl says:

--Magic, Death Vomit, it's big because of magic.

39 | Death Vomit says:

Ooohh Magic like the Kebler Elfs because that magic makes some good cookies

40 | Sheikurl says:

can sum1 tel me wot happens in de comic coz i cant view it?

41 | evilguineapig says:


42 | lololol says:

"Since when did they let you back in here?"... LOL. What did Sarge do? dual wield rocket launchers?

43 | Spartan-61 says:

Will...? It's a will for ze puppies!

44 | Grunt_Master says:

Nice. It sux they took out the super uber pistols. stupid MAGs
I want a lot of halo's original "bad physics" back. like: warthog ramping dozens of feet in the air.

45 | Some Stupid Random Person says:

Halo the movie! WOOOOOO!!!!! can't wait!

46 | Dev says:

HAHA, so true. xD I love the longer strips, btw.

Hm. I wonder if I can get on the Chief's will. I'll take his left boot when he dies. *__*;

47 | Isna Nosolee says:

i HATE the new improved sucky, less accurate, less punch packin pistol.

im so gonna watch the HALO movie!

48 | master-chife[mitchell puskas] says:

YA!, Since when did they let him
back there!

49 | Jaxx says:

That is SO true... and so, so, sad...

50 | beebegun91 says:

Bungie already said they were never making a Halo movie. Do not be stupid.

Unless they lyed there will never be a Halo movie.

51 | Trevor murphy says:

listen to master-chife
[mitchell puskas]

52 | i think says:

i dought the movie will come out
i want proof

53 | Elete Night says:

"Whos Will" LOLOLOLOLOLOL where do you guys come up with this stuff!!!:)

54 | Falcon says:

Great comic, Gruntsbane! Keep 'em coming!

Yes, pistols may be weaker in Halo 2, but it means that, in a manner of realism, you are kind of forced to rely on rifles more often, which I like!!! ;)

55 | xxctlxx says:

ha ha ha nice one :)

56 | red snow says:

good, it finally showed up for me, anyway. lolniss

57 | Niftyponer says:

Thats so fu@*^& true i hate the new pistol it takes like two rounds to kill them. why? bungie why?

58 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

That is ture at frist I hated the new pistols also, but when I learned that DWing them kicked butt I liked them better then the old ones...and still do.

59 | REASONZZ! says:

Battusai is right.

many fail to realize that bungie TESTED Halo 2 WITHOUT degrading the magnum or other weapons.

The reason weapons were weakened was because of the new dual wield system.

In halo 1, it took 3 direct shots to kill someone, if they were that powerful in halo 2 with the dual wield system, it would take two clicks of a button to kill your opponent and for your opponent to kill you. it would be, in theory, a "race" to the magnums, no skill and no fun.

Same with plasma pistols, two charged shots could put you down if they were as powerful in halo 1 as in halo 2.

But bungie realized we would MISS the pistol (as we are) power. so we have the covenant carbine.

The covenant carbine is like the pistol except for the fact that its fire rate is slower.

also the covenant carbin cannot be dual wielded, so it really IS halo 2's "magnum".

The real point is, if bungie had NOT tweaked down the power, we would all be complaining about how powerful the pistol would be, instead of vice versa.

60 | Lord_Halo99 says:

Very true very true. You never stop amazing me GB

61 | bunga says:

ok ok to let u guys know the halo 2 mag is called the M6c,mmmk? the halo 1 mag is called the M6d,k? the m6c is the older verson and less expensive 1 than what the Autumn was equipped with.

62 | sarah says:

lol i like these comics

63 | kinggun says:

woot and who the hell is will?

64 | Master Chief Petty Officer says:

Yea, the new pistol really sucks, I wish they kept the old one.

65 | Nightmare001 says:

REASONZ and Bunga are both correct.

You see in the manual it specifically states that the magnum we use in halo 2 is a "Stripped" down version of the old magnum. But we can all agree if the gun was as powerful as it was in halo 1 it would suck real bad, because it would be like two shots and bam your dead.

66 | travis says:

you are a realy good drawer, I love the halo babies comics, you should make one of master chief fighting a bunch of elites and he beats all of them by himself!

67 | Bunga says:

yeah an the chief takes off his helmet and he's BALD!!!(dramatic horror music..) AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! an the elites die of shock and migranes

68 | Bunga says:

ya know the halo 2 mag aint' that bad really.. if u know how to use it right that is

69 | Falcon says:

So true.

70 | WcStiCk says:

LOL!! its master chief's will. LOL!!!

71 | $niper Freak says:

LOL!! I LOVE these comics

72 | drunkmendoza says:

sirously i'm only a kid and i kicked butt with the pistol side arm of halo and they took out the scope and they made it weaker.

73 | xenomorph64 says:

haha, thats great

74 | {WA}Stealth says:

dang funny and definaly true

good comic

...lol ;):)

75 | isna nosolee says:

i missed the old pistols so much
(even though i got shot with one)

76 | Jaja jaja(pronounced JA-JUH) says:

SO TRUE!I loved that one.good job!

77 | stupidone0 says:

they weakened most duel wielding combos and strengthened melees and nades so that someone carrying a single gun would have a chance against someone duel-wielding.

78 | stupidone0 says:


79 | halo_boi says:

old pistols with zoom we'll miss you. but WILL? Chief spent years at the academy learning all that the marines know but he doesnt know what a will is? oh man!

80 | The Huntress says:

the new pistols are actually one of the best weapons if you know how to use them right. if you have them w/ another fricken awesome weapon, then you'll do fine. i like using it w/ the smg the best. and if you get head shots in, you're pretty much set.

81 | the cow says:

the magnums are too rare in halo 2. not only not very powerful but you can never find them. I think I found like 4 while playing all the way through the game

82 | AlireZ says:

man this comic of ursmakes no sence there better be a second part to it or something
who is Will anyway?

83 | Annihilate-A-Grunt says:

"ok ok to let u guys know the halo 2 mag is called the M6c,mmmk? the halo 1 mag is called the M6d,k? the m6c is the older verson and less expensive 1 than what the Autumn was equipped with."

Not true. The Halo 2 handbook included with the game states that the M6c was invented after the production of the BR55 Battle rifle. The M6d's power was no longer needed as the BR55's power was about the same as the power of the M6d. So they downgraded it to a less useful sidearm, stripping it of its tactical scope and downgrading the caliber. Class Dismissed. Read the manual if you want the M6c history. It's not an older version, it's newer.

84 | die grunty says:

the sad thing is tht this comic is sooo true, its not even funny, i can pwn with the old school pistol but now it takes like 17 shots to take down another spartan

85 | halo hell says:

nice i love it

86 | dogbert14 says:

the original h2 pistol was perfect, but until bungie screwed it up...

87 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

Hmmm.Free Puppies on a firing range. Wonder what their used for...OHHHH GOD!!!!!!!!!

88 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

Oh yea, new Pistol owns you just gotta know how 2 use it. I'm glad the scope is gone. It flows better with the fast pace game.

89 | Dan says:


90 | The Dean says:

less powerful pistols=less pistol sniping=less dying 5 seconds after you spawn=i cant beast people with it anymmore=goodbye favorite saying, "you just got pistol raped"=im sad because no more getting to say "bap! your dead" to everyone= i guess if we want to experience the greatness of the H1 pistol we'll just have to play H1

91 | The Dean says:

whats with the puppies anyway, did the chief find them lost on delta halo or something?

92 | Noob - killer says:

just use it on noobs n grunts with duel wield

93 | The Commander says:

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94 | The Commander says:

The Magnum is nweaker than it's counter part da M6D, but I like it!!!! I hope dat in Halo 3 there are both pistols. Da most effective duel wieldin' combo..... Plasma Pistol and Magnum.

95 | The Misterchief says:

lol yeah the magnums are weak by themselves but when u dual wield them with a plasma rifle or plasma pistool its one hell of a chief stopper

96 | Predator110 says:

yea i was dissapointed when i found out the magnum was weaker but still i have to agree with The Misterchief

97 | superduper diaper man says:

thats true...the pistol in the first game was the weapon of choice for all gamers...imagine dual weilding the original pistol....the new 'C' model sucks compared to it!

98 | ash says:


99 | crash dumbie #5 says:

Turning the pistol from a top prioritie weapon to a last resort really sucks. Its so funny when I play pistols only on live, because dual wields them, thinking its an advantage, but I let unload their clips and i just beat them down with two hits.

100 | Xerro says:

And i was so looking forward 2 killing everyone with duel pistols on halo 2

101 | bobo says:

the pistol in halo 2 sucks this comic hit it on the nose=D

102 | Wacky Camper says:

I question Bungies descision for changing the pistol. It was a powerful and reliable weapon in Halo. In Halo 2 however, it went from good to bad, then bad to worst. Suddenly, there is no trason to pick up a pistol unless you want to kill yourself.

Thank you Bungie, thank you for turning one our most beloved weapons into a pea shooter!!!

103 | Wacky Camper says:

The pistol used to be a very useful weapon was the weapon of choice with all gamers. But then Bungie descided to downgrade the pistol from good to bad, then bad to worst. Now it is as popular as the assault rifle from Halo. Thank you Bungie, thank you for turning our most beloved weapon into a pea shooter!!!!!!

104 | ZS says:

Dear God does this comic tell the truth.

105 | Pumas Neon says:

so true...

106 | Masterchief evil says:

it's true about the new one

107 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

Um... What's up with the weird background in the second panel?

108 | L.t Starkiller says:

Why the pistol, is it me or have all the human wepons got weaker, is it becase the were so powerfull in halo that people were geting confused by the fact that a marine whith a assault rifle will cane a elete with a plasma rifle when the human wepons are sposed no match for the covanent wepons oh i get it the wepons had to be made weaker to fit the story line becase the human wepons from halo easily out class the wepons the covanent have so it had to be slightly realistic to show how superior the covanent are.

109 | mistress chief says:

i hate the new magnum it packs a lesser punch than the d version

110 | Bazket Case says:

Yeah, it's good that they made the pistol more like a... pistol. But it wouldn't really make sense story-wise to turn the M6D into that... Best. Comic. Ever.

111 | Arc9 says:

I know! The halo 2 magnum just SUCKS

112 | Prophet Mercy says:

I'm glad they got rid of the old pistol. It could take out a freaking rocket launcher. I loved that they had the "Free puppies! Take one!" sign under the "Firing Range" sign.

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