A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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I think that not very many people got this one but I did. You would under stand it if you read the books. It was very funny.

2 | Seiran Thunder says:

Very true. The books made this one funny.

3 | JJiggssaw says:

oh that is SO funny!

4 | azn(asian) resistance leigon air! says:

whooooooooooooooo hahahahahah ehehehehhehehehehe haaaaaaaaa yeah.............good times good times!

5 | shorty says:

for those who did not read the books, the keyes loop was a maneuver that captain keyes made that flanked 4 covenant ships with a single destroyer

6 | someone you shouldnt talk to says:

woohoohoohoooooo! man i love this one!

7 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Zuka: are you sure hes just not trying to help the covenant catch humans easier??

8 | Masta TJ says:

I went nuts from reading this comic once.

9 | Suka 'Ramamee says:

What? I thought the Keezz loop, or whatever it is called, was some clever naval maneuver. If this is the real menaing, then I have been having a lot of nightmares for a lot of bad reasons.

10 | Zorkan says:

What the...? I don't get this one...

11 | Xerro says:

Read the book. Halo: the fall of reach, while your at it read the book Halo: The flood and then when your done with that read Halo: First strike, be wary of the last one there are a couple of spoilers in it for halo 2. Such as...

12 | David says:

I love the reference to the books and things outside of the actual game. these comics are awesome! great artwork, funny, and based on the best story ever.

13 | Keyes and the other guy says:

Keyes:And that is how to tie a Keyes loop.Guy:what is the bastrd talking about he doesn't know how to floss his own teeth.*hahaha*

14 | Riley217 says:

keyes loop very interesting yes :)
funny stuff

15 | FUELRODGUN says:


16 | Halo fan...natic says:

i don't get it.

17 | Halo fan...natic says:

*five minutes later*
i still don't get it.

18 | Needler says:

Books? Halo: the fall of reach, Halo: The flood, Halo: First strike? Huh? I live in Australia, dammit! I need those books!

19 | Isna Noselee says:

The Keyes' Loop is pretty cool, so is this comic.

20 | halo boi says:

"Yes tech-boy you're supposed to lose the feeling in your toes"
BANG!"And now you've lost the feeling in your head"

21 | Grunty says:

Hehe dumb moronic marines!*Turns head to see the door has been busted open and his comrades are gone*gulp.*marines jump down from ceiling**eyes bulge*"me..me your freind?...heh..

22 | Riddick says:

Classic; Makes me wonder about a new method for tying shoes.

23 | some guy says:

I swear I saw a marine doing the keys loop in the game in the first vidio when you first see sarge lol.

24 | Me&My Shotgun Bob says:

I thought from this comic the Keyes' Loop was a way to tie your shoes.

25 | lisa says:

i dunno why but they look sooo cute tieing their shoes!

26 | L33tNinj4Squirr3l says:

W000000000HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (insane, maniacal laughter)Me like c0m1x!
Me like K1ll! Nyaahahahaha!
More Lurving the c0m1x!

27 | Admiral Stanforth says:

Ah i read this again recently, very good referencing. Helped show what a superiour taction keyes was, all those who only played the game would think he's a fool who got killed on the 5th level...

28 | Energy Sword Samurai says:

Ya, you guys. just read the books that have made me the ultimate nerd at my school. *goes into corner and draws scetches of birds*

29 | Dj lethel says:

dey sooo cute

30 | captian locks says:

VERY FUNNY, but not very well concidering you had to read the books to understand, i read them but many people havent

31 | Roadkill says:

I just stumbled across this, and jeese these comics are hilarious, about damned time too, needs an elite or hunter though.

32 | A keys loop is... says:

For all you idoits, Keys loop is a manuver Keyes used when in space battling on Reach. It works, and it is kool too.

My butt hurts.

my head hurts.

someone else will be hurting me.

I like pickles

33 | tron2005 says:

very uninspiring comic. does not make sense on many levels.

34 | Minigun Wormer says:

BOO! 34th post. A keys loop is... is right. Marines, I don't think tying shoe laces is going to help the war. And the "keys loop" is spelled like the Captain's name, A keys loop is...

35 | willshire says:

cute..but sucks

36 | Halo fan(orignial, I know) says:

The Keys loop was a battle tactic used by Captin Keys in the first Halo book, over the Plant Sigma OCatanus III. He was leading a Human destroyer against two Covanet Frigates, a Destoryer, and a Carrier. He destroyed the Destroyer, and both firgates, but the Carrier escaped and landed troops on Sigma Octanus III.

37 | mc's real name is john says:

sorry to say but this one really sucks :(

38 | Masterchief evil says:

obviously the keyes loop is too tight

39 | HaloHopper=) says:

Yay! Keyes Loop! Isn't that the one were he flies Iroqouis all cool and crap?

40 | GrUnT Ub3r says:

yes he was flying the Iroqouis but after that little skirmish, an admiral came and used this repair station for a shield against covy ships...

41 | Numa 'Zalmanee says:

Bah! You humans have such crude methods of prevention from harm. But- I feel an irresistable urge to laugh...

42 | bungie says:

HMMMMMM??????????? looks so fumiler.

43 | N/A says:

Finnally, a young Captain Keys! yay!


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