A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | mrsmiley, I mean, uh, gruntsbane says:

Best. Comic. Ever. WAY better than those crappy ones that I make!

2 | Major Payne says:

if i had to write a comic, i'd play halo all day too

3 | someone you shouldnt talk to says:

ya, I write comics too, well not professionaly, but a good halo round is good here or there.

4 | Xerro says:

Probably the best way to relieve stress of trying to think up Halo comics and getting new ideas for one.

5 | My anger says:

If I had to make a comic and people complain that it's not out yet I'd take take master cheifs pistol and shove it up that smiley faces @$$!!!

6 | BlueCheif says:

This comic wasnt really that funny and I wonder what the Halo Babies Team was doing when this wannabe stick THING messed up the COMIC!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

7 | Ace says:

I'd do the same

8 | SonictheHedgehog says:

Just when I started liking these comics, this wannabe stick thing
showed up & messed it all up.
P.S. Similiar comics can be viewed at the Mr. Smiley XBox Lounge.

9 | Isna Noselee says:

So the stick guy is Mr. Smiley, huh? Now it makes sense (He writes the Halo Babies comic,
not draw em).

10 | halo boi says:

whats this crap? at least you put an animated guy on the right

11 | Torque says:

Looks like someone crappily (Is that even a word?) used MSPaint to draw the stick guy & background.

12 | Nathan says:

well first off it beats mine i tend not to even draw a backround!

Har har smiley i see u!!!!! muhahaha
yeah whatever

13 | Riddick says:

Smiley's Awsome! He makes similiar comics like these in MSXL!

14 | Falcon says:

Playing Halo can be just as fun as writing comic strips!

15 | Vigoorian says:


16 | The GRUNT 1000 says:

I can paint better than that in paint program.....exept the animated man on the right.......anyway.....DONT LIE Mr.Smiley! Gruntsbane does make better comics than you probably......mmmmm......dr. pepper flavor...oh..uh...Jelly Bellies....IRRISITIBLE candy.....Right now i am so relieved that my dad is ok....he was fighiting the brushfires....he is going home day after tomorrow!
=*.*= "i am shocked....almost too shocked for words"

17 | red elite says:

grunts are cute littil guys while jakals are ugly!

18 | Halo Fan...natic says:

What the crap?
OK grunt 1000, you're scaring me...
Very good! I give it an A++. :)

19 | yayap and insa says:

yayap: im with red elite on this one.....

insa: thats becaus your already a grunt you dodo!

yayap: hey!

insa: don't blame me!

20 | Yayap says:

so mrsmiley is gruntsbane?


doesn't mrsmiley make this stuff?

oh well.

21 | kyle says:

what's the point in this comic. Call.ask.yell.play halo2.

22 | arbiter says:

wheres the comic??????????? well dont do this next time lol

23 | Masterchief evil says:


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