A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Seiran Thunder says:

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this one!

2 | Daniel says:

I would've added a tounge, and made one eye rediculouly large... but that's just me.

3 | Danielle says:

I think its great! ^.^ the masterchief rocks! hehe

4 | HaloJumper says:

can sum1 pleez xplane.

5 | SPARTAN-117 says:

you know when your friends sleep over or you sleep over at your friends they draw w/ sharpie all over your face and you dont know till u go to the bathroom.

6 | someone you sholdnt talk to says:

Howd they get in there without waking him up?.....ahk, who cares.

7 | n0l1fe says:

Like one time I took a sharpie and drew a cat nose and whiskers on my friends. Also a penis and red eyeliner. Needless to say he was pretty pissed.

8 | Major Payne says:

Oh great, jenkins found the markers, better write out that death certificate. And make sure to dispose of the mush after i'm done with him.

9 | Xerro says:

They should have put something like that in the game.

10 | Jon Foster says:

I just noticed something. What if chief has an itch, especially while in cryo?

11 | Xerro says:

What if he pukes while in the suit is another question you should ask

12 | kyler achi bottoms says:

Well hey give the man a hand*clap*.Think of it this way he'll always have a happy face even when hes getting his butt kicked.

13 | BlueCheif says:

What if he has to pee really really bad, does he take off all his armor (armour?) or just the pants section Iam very confused?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!

14 | Xerro says:

Maybe they put in some extra absorbant material into his suit, or maybe he just wears diapers.

15 | FUELRODGUN says:


16 | the Dahkness says:

Astronauts wear special diapers so you can go whenever you like/need. Waste prob goes to a small tank. As for shitting...I don't know...

17 | Isna Noselee says:

When I have a sleepover with a couple of grunts they draw stuff with sharpie all over me to make me look funny instead of scary. I felt pretty pissed, but I enjoyed it at the end.

18 | halo boi says:

funny real funny

19 | viperesk says:

but they would have to open the case before they can do that

20 | Seamus says:

Or at the very least unseal the hushed casket.

21 | Riddick says:

Thats odd, the background looks just like the game; Did Lorriane McLees helped out?

22 | Gruntsbane says:

Heheh no, Riddick. This one I tried taking a screenshot from the game but Smiley and I agreed that it lacked something so I went back to making them myself. A Mehve gueststrip would be cool though!

23 | koreanboy86 says:

bwa hahahahahhahaha!um... hold up........ wait not yet.... erghhh...gadang it i cant get my diaper! woops... gatta run

24 | red elite says:

stuped master cheif!!!!!!im the one who did that! (holds up marker)

25 | Halo fan...attic says:

This comic is hilarious!

as for all of you talking about the MC in diapers: that's stupid! I mean come on!

Mr. No one: I bet you wear diapers!

What!?! No! No! No! I mean, No! Never! No!

Mr. Anyone: Then what's that?

Uh. I dunno. Nothing. uh...I gotta food... in the oven... I gotta go! Bye!

26 | yayap and insa nosolee says:

YAYAP: funny enough red elites funny nice red elite!

insa: like you would even notice!
insa wispers) i drew on you !

27 | The Random Guy says:

Is it me, or does MC look like a girl the way his legs are kinda crossed? Also ,for those of you who didnt read the book, when you go into cryo u swallow some kinda thing that tastes like lime puke when u well...puke it out anyway u eat it before u go into cryo and it does something altho i forgot what and when u get out u inhale and cough untill barf it out. boy i bet that sucks.

28 | Koggra 'Nogasakee says:

The Random Guy says :Is it me, or does MC look like a girl the way his legs are kinda crossed?

I kinda agree. I thought it actually was supposed to be a girl spartan or something

29 | Aya Mikage says:

He does look like a girl!?! I never thought of that at first.

Aya in and out

30 | red elite says:

iagree he looks like a girl as usal :)

31 | Engineers says:

... totaly agree with the leg thing MC is a p*ssy he hid behinde me when the elites came and threw a plasma on my back when i finally killed them ...

like i said... bastard ...

32 | snake_goth says:

lolololol, reminds me of when me and a friend of mine died anouther friends hair blue and coverd him with shaving cream while he was asleep, it WAS fucking funny, we used that spray on hair dye, its beter than drawing on there face becouse they have to wash it out :P

33 | Teh_|20><><0|2z says:

1. MC looks like a woman, maybe it's linda
2. Guys, he's a cyborg, he doesnt need to poop or whatever

34 | kyle says:

this comic is stupid and chief LOOKS LIKE A GIRL!!!

35 | Cristy says:

well... funny!! and... dude... MC definitely looks like a girl... :S

36 | chicken wigger says:

MC is the new wal-mart logo

37 | kennywoo says:

NO guys its so he looks like he's awake.

38 | Soldier Girl says:

Haha, funny. This is one of my greatest fears. That Master Cheif would look like a complete moron behind the visir (like Jango Fett.
that was such a let down).

39 | Tinga says:

Ha Ha! Thats one of the oldest tricks in the book. And for all of you saying that Chief looks like a girl because of the way he is standing, didn't you stop and think that he isn't standing but in mid stride?

40 | David says:

poor chief lol

41 | Masterchief says:


42 | Masterchief evil says:

ooops thats me ^ up there

43 | Slade8 says:

LOL! (They shoulda drawn a French Moustache on him)

44 | Half-Jaw and Zawaz says:

Half Jaw spots sharpie on ground. He then takes mirror and gasps.
Zawaz:Must write will at lightspeed! Um, anyone have pen and paper?

45 | THE SHORT ONE says:


46 | Your pet ghost says:

Heh heh, those traitors.

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48 | Rala Kavlaka says:

Wort,Wort. I have think i know the grunt who did that. i found him missing his breather and with marker all over his face.

49 | Rala Kavlaka says:

Wort,Wort. By the way, is there a way to get rid of the frikkin advertisements????? I want to use my plasma grenades but i ruined my last computer trying.

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