A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | kanman says:

i think it may be just a noob. yeah, it has to be. See you all on the PC version!

2 | kirikin says:

noooooob(by the way i go the PC version but then it @^@$%^ broke...)

3 | Owen says:

wait..... what? I dun get it!!!!

4 | justin says:


5 | Rinon says:

Neither. Just a dumby.

6 | Zorkan says:

Noobs! My sister likes to shoot the walls with her pistol too... She ain't very good. *cough* I'm the best player in my house.

7 | HaloChicka says:

omg!LMAO! my sister does that too! that is definatly a sigh of noobage right therrr!!

8 | Nathan says:

that reminds me of this idiot i played against and he shot the capt.

9 | Nathan says:

and one more thing noobie(what a loser)

10 | ummmmmm...... says:

*sighs* boys think girls suck at halo. but they're wrong. i'm a girl! but, even though i'm used to legendary, my bro still beets the crap out of me. *grumbles*

11 | Suka 'Ramamee says:

I am so thankful that my men don't do things like that. On the other hand, they do have contests to see who can come up with the most effective jury-rigged weapon. One of our hunters tried welding two fuel rod guns together. It would have worked, except he couldn't control the overload release. he blew off his arm.

12 | Ryan says:

yea i would say newbie and uh what is lag? mail me thanxxx!!!

13 | WARTHOG FREAK says:


14 | neolink111 says:

hey, shooting the walls is fun. lol. maybe it is a girl thing. but we have fun making pictures. i made a heart for my bf and he found it, lol. btw, shooting the marines is also quite funny. *hides from grenades*

15 | HaloChicka116 says:

A girl thing? lol. Nah, i dont think so. Its definatly a noob thing. As for killing marines... thats just plain evil! poor little guys :( I hate it when the marines die. (although they are no where as kool as my fellow spartans :D)

16 | Xerro says:

I tried killing those marines, after killing captain Keyes, they just don't die, so i ended up hitting them all down a hole at the front of the ship. BTW Ryan Lag is when your computer is running slow i guess and so when you shoot at someone they're not actually there they've moved somewhere else... i'm no good at explaining lag.

17 | ICEFIRE says:

Ha ha funny.

I came from no where......

18 | Sil3nt Snip3r 207 says:

Stupid Noob... lag my ass!

19 | says:

Id say lag, that middle one happens quite often for me, looks like you got a clean awesome shot, you fire, then end up being moved back with the rocket going for the wall next to you. Bang.

20 | kyler achi bottoms says:

Well when you look at it one way maybe he didn't know what the pin was for on a grenade.

21 | eliteghost01 says:

The first picture is definitely a noob. The other two are lag, though...

22 | hunterkilla says:

Sorry if it is just me, but WTF is a lag or a noob? Please can sumone tell me

23 | DE Huntersitter says:


24 | mizis chief says:

hahaha must be a noob. my mom was like that when i forced her to play

25 | Mr Covie says:

hmm, hes gonna be easy to whup in Halo... nevermind, he'll kill himself tryin.

26 | Coreth says:


27 | Major Payne says:

maybe he is just suicidal

28 | Mr Elite\Mr Covie says:

Hes a noob for prophet sake(oops! bad word!), and Owen, UR A HUNTERS POO-POO!

29 | Halo fan...natic says:

NOOOOOOB! once i played my step dad and he thought i was an elite so he shot me but i got out of the way and he fired 2 clips of AR before he realized there was nothing there.

30 | SPARTAN-117 says:

rotfl thats 2 less n00bs to deal with

31 | John/Mastah Chief says:

PC version?! THAT RULES!! but...commiting suicide.......that's another story.....

32 | Sonic&Amy says:

Sonic: That shooting at thing definetly sounds like a girl thing.

Amy: That's true Sonic

Sonic: ?!?!?!?!

33 | Isna Noselee says:

I get lag all the time whenever I play Halo PC (Shoulda got that
super-computer when I had the chance).

34 | ODST without a parachute. says:

ummmmmm......, girls don't suck at Halo. I'm a guy and I know plenty of girls that can mop Blood Gulch with my sorry blue armored caboose.

35 | halo boi says:

OH MY GOD! the n00b from halo revoloutions returns
and is WAY more stupider

36 | Spartan_117/John says:

girls do NOT suck at Halo...though i'm one and i get stuck on Two Betrayels after the "Final Run" cutscreen...but back to the original question....NOOBIE!!!

37 | mendoza says:

jhonnie ur a girl?!!
*laughs to death*
waitll i tell halo boi hes gonna flip!

38 | Death Vomit says:

Shame on you guys wat did that poor ghost do to anyone huh I love them lil ghost so much. . . .one had my kids

39 | bonfire says:

lag that happened to me in a lan game i stoped at an edge but pushed me off...

40 | Angus says:

Lag? must be gay pc version
pc is for fags, yo im one happen she monkey
i like cheese

41 | Mr fish says:

You are all noobs

42 | Riddick says:

The first panel can be lag y'know... or not.

43 | Wolfius says:

Eh, I've seen lag that bad befor.

44 | Falcon says:

Driving a ghost off of a cliff!? Awesome!!

45 | huh??? says:

wats n00b and whats lag????

46 | Nathan (not to be confused with Nathan) says:

huh??? and huntakilla ur both fagz. a noob (aka newbie) is someone who sucks at the game and lag is a *VERY* annoying internet multiplay condition where your commands freeze up and all are executed at the same time. (btw, halofan natic...I once had my dad play TRUTH AND RECONCILLIATION... he ran backwards and backed off the cliff. a prime noob specimen ;)

47 | Ю says:

these are all lag problems... man that 2nd one is funny as hell, these happen to me sometimes when noobs come on servers with 56k...

48 | ...... says:

I'll use noob and lag in two sentences:
"huh???" is a noob.
omg lag!


49 | food nipple says:

panal 1-noob

50 | NOOB with LAG says:

Ever think it was a newb with Lag ?

51 | Kevin says:

2-line of site accident
3-misjudged distance

52 | Mulletman262 says:

in 1st panel=shootin wall
in 2nd panel=hits near wall instead of enemy(n00b)
in 3rd panel=ghost flies off cliff

53 | Pyronaut007 says:

If you want to draw pictures on the wall then use crayons! Noobs!

54 | Super Grunt says:

Have you ever tried writing on the walls with bullets?
it actually works.u can rite "grunts rule" or "i luv you"

55 | halo2superstar says:

the first is definitely lag. i don't know how many times i had had a guy in my sights and i lag right in front of a wall. the other two; second one is debatable, third one is noob

56 | zero halo says:

noob noob noob they got to play halo in story

57 | meox says:

if you look at it in a halo 2 perspective, its standby standby dummy glitch

58 | Minor Chief says:


59 | Tithe says:

Writing stuff on the walls is the best, Oh Headlong I spend about a minute doing the place up!

60 | Bronxe says:

the first could be either noob or lag, the second could be one of three things: noob, lag, line of sight problem the third, well, if you drive off a cliff with ground under it, you can land safely if you spin the ghost while keeping it stable, but getting OFF in midair? thats definitely a noob

61 | carrot of the west says:

My brother is a noob, I'm a girl and I never got killed by him... why do you...boy things think we suck @ it? lol. either way, good strip :)

62 | Death by newb? says:

best strip of them all. Def a noob.

63 | Shorty says:

well carrot, we didnt say girls suck at halo. Just they are more proned to write on the walls with their guns. And given the current ratio of female to male gamers, its most likely a girl who got dragged into playing the game by a brother. No offence.

64 | Spartan 122 says:

hmmm that i VERY untrue! im a girl and ive NEVER shot at the wall, ok maybe wen i was incredibly bored....but that dosent count. most guys think girls suk at Halo, yea just wait till they play me! anyways great comic!

65 | a noob shoting wall says:

great comic! I have been laging like that before, but this look like noobs

66 | pigs will fly says:

lol, my frend got high by shooting a wall for hours
verry nice and true thou

67 | ur a fruit says:

fuk u

68 | GM neil Dog says:

i have a 10gb transfer rate, i use sonet, there is no such thing as lag on my end, every game i'v ever played or hosted has never lages, but when i play halo it lags ass, its cause mictosoft dosnt no how to make a good pc game, halo pc is the exact same code as halo for the xbox only that added mouse suport and a map or 2, the game dosnt saport the hardware or internet right on pc's so theres a lag effect. this is y microsoft souldnt even try to make games!

69 | Spartan_112 says:

XDDD OMG thats soo true NOOBZ alwayz does that XDD

70 | SARGE541 says:

That ones the funniest comic so far (ive read like 50 of them) props that was so funny i was laughing for like 30 min

71 | mastrecheif says:

noob ohh yea noob has to be

72 | Poop says:

THat was your best comic kinda sad considering you have like 90 comics.

73 | halo ninja says:

lag becuse the box live i lag and you do get messed up (example: i was going 2 shout some shmo w/ a rocet but i shot me self cuz the live jumped me) i say lag

74 | Soldier Girl says:

I would say he just suck... like me. I have commited suicide by misstake like, fourtyseven times.
Heh... Im an idiot.

75 | dont no says:

Lag but i really dont care about him im try to find out how to get halo 1 to stop mlaging so see ya....................now how do i click of the page.

76 | Guys and Girls says:

hey how do u stop LAG!!!! !@#$ i hate that !@#$%^* lag!!!!! Please Som1 HELP!~~~~~ me

77 | Tbone says:

I say he/she is noob

78 | Graylan says:

"Oh how we love the easy targets. . ." said the easy target.

79 | anonymous says:

first one=noob
2nd one=noob
3rd one= i guess lag

oh, and 1st post...

80 | Masterchief evil says:

dum noob!

81 | {SS}Ogie says:

ok 1st one is a noob when i start the stunts on halo noobs join and shoot walls with there handgun..... 2nd is lag if i go to the laggest server ill take 2 steps and not move see a enemy duck behind a wall and throw a grnade and kill myself{suisidle accident}... 3ed one is a stuntish laging noob that cant play halo for 5 min without losing health...... but at least he/she tryed to make it........

82 | HaloUnleashed says:

What a noooooooob!!!! it is like a guy in the PC version when you could see on the screen about fifteen times "Super clone commited suicide" killing himself with a rocket launcher when trying to kill my teammates!!!!

83 | halofreak205 says:

Lag,if its computer version, than lag, in Computer version, he had probally been blinded, happens all the time, like when someone keeps talking so that the screen is blinded, thats what I meant, other than that, n0000000bbb

84 | (UBC)shadow says:

Man i hate noobs like when they want to join my klan i wind up owning the hell out of them.

85 | jaky long says:

dam noobs

86 | Spartan 234 says:

the 2nd panel reminds me of one time on legendary when i was facing the flood i took out my rocket launcher and fired at a huge group of flood and one of the tiny flood jumps in front of me just as i fired and kills me.anyway 1st panel noob 2nd panel lag 3rd panel noob

87 | ~A7X kick@$$~ says:

lol i luv dis one. i av red all of them and dis 1 is by far the best..........
A7X kick@$$

88 | john hala says:

its lag

89 | ber Grunt says:

The elites have a conspiarthingy tat makes lag in halo. Oh no they're coming to get me!

90 | expertpianist says:


91 | blastedt says:

this reminds me of my sis on H2.

Give her the rocket, she shoots a wall while trying to hit a grunt.

92 | david says:

it was too funny for me

93 | Spartan 152 says:

Lag. I have a perfect internet connection and when a person who has big lag, it stinks! You think you just captured the flag but then you are outside the base and dead. And have you ever tried to jump out of a ghost when far from the ledge when you are in a lag server? The third is an example.

94 | Zonic says:

what a noob...

95 | Skeiver says:

The 2nd and 3rd look like lag.

96 | blackjack says:

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97 | Reaver9908 says:

Thats what happens when you spend your bullet near a wall!

98 | half-Jaw and Zawaz says:

Half-Jaw: By the Prophets! Where did the ground go!
*falls into endless pit*
Zawaz: LAG!

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