A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Digikid says:

Very funny....he forgot to bring a gun...he sure could use one right now!

2 | CaptainKeyes says:

Very funny! I think that MC really would'vd liked to take that Tae Kwon Do elective class back on Reach! :)

3 | Sterfrye36 says:

Where's the invisible ink when you need it?

4 | CYBRFRK says:

Outstanding -- what can one say, been there done that.

5 | the Noodle Incident says:

Don't you just hate when you're caught mocking an elite? So embarrsing =)

6 | Flawless says:

FUNNY! Did that on multiplayer once went to hit him but tooo late! Very Nice!

7 | Bob says:

I hate wen that happens

8 | Xerro says:

I tried doing that in front of an invisible sword elite, sadly my invisbility wore off and... well MC wasn't left in one piece afterwards.

9 | Mhaddy says:


10 | new1nab113 says:

thats cool, hats off to vmanjr for the writing, and not forgeting gruntsbanes amazing art....

11 | rapture (Halo Babies sponsor) says:

my fav!

12 | ChAoS77 says:

Great work on capturing the moment.

13 | Bluestone says:

Kewl... Looks great, very funny

14 | Jairo says:

sucks for the MC........no one deserves to get caught like that

15 | Touma says:

Thats great. I think the lesson learned here was never mock an Elite while using Covenant Camo, it will always screw you over.

16 | spacecow says:

This always happens. A TRULY FUNNY JOKE.

17 | MastaReefer says:


18 | Realslimstevie says:

Good comic, makes you laugh, and great art of course.

19 | TheCheif says:

Well, thats something that happens too often to all of us. Glad somebody finally wrote a comic about it.

20 | thehobbit164 says:

wicked funny...I've always hated when the cammo ran out....

21 | kilr0y says:

Darn Elite, no sense of humor

22 | Darkest-007 says:

aw man does it ever suck running outta camo. good comic though. made me laugh

23 | YO MAMA says:

this is one tight spot

24 | Wolfy says:

Hahaha, classical. Very nicely done. (Cool commenting too.)

25 | HaloGuy says:

I'm used to that happening to me.

26 | Stalker1 says:

So many times that has happened to me

27 | Rinon says:

That's gunna sting.

28 | God says:

Hope MC is better then elite at Hand to Hand combat!

29 | Zorkan says:

That IS funny, but that's never happened to me before. They usually sneak up on ME and I catch 'em.

30 | Matt says:

ha ha this is so funy. WHEN DOES HALO 2 COME OUT BIOTCHES?

31 | {SS}Zag1 says:


32 | The_Master_Chef says:

THis is too Funny! also to the guy who said before that these comics suck? you have no sense of humor, this is all clean fun and if you get your kicks off of other things like old people falling down...or people getting hurt then...well thats good too, but dont bash on someone who does this kind of stuff for free, i personally show every one of my friends these comics!, they hate halo, but love these. joel, i bow to you!

33 | hunterkilla says:

I agree with touma

34 | BloodBlade says:

meh, I give it an 8. That happened to me once. In the T & R, In keye's room, with the golden sword elite. There's an camo triangle, in the other room, in the back, I got that, and It turned off, right as the gol elite turned around. Man, I should have made a movie of that...

35 | HaloChicka says:

Poor chief, dont ya just hate it when that happens?!?

36 | John says:

How anyone could not like these comics is beyond me. Almost all of them have made me laugh out loud. Including this all too annoying scenario. Damn Elites just let you THINK they don't know you're there, then...BAM!

37 | steven says:


38 | ThumbMaster says:

I love Halo Babies. It is very funny. What does gyrostabilizer mean? If Arkille doesn't like Halo Babies then why is he on the web site? Anyone who does not like Halo Babies is GAY.

39 | King Bubbles says:

Love it...

40 | KobiBlight says:

One of the best comics yet, Halo 2 Comes out sometime in September(at least thats what they say at EB) there IS a flood comic called 23. Harmless when Armless

41 | thewizard says:

hehe i did that with infinite camo glitch but he ran into me and shot my foot since i was on a rock above him

42 | xeno says:


43 | Confused says:

I don't get it what is MC doing holding his dick, and wheres his gun?

44 | Dude says:


45 | KRACKA says:

Happens all too often...I love it!

46 | Chris says:

lol this happened to me once every day

47 | Grunt repelent says:

Kewl But Why Wouldn't the elite be armed with a plasma pistol or sumtin. It needs guns but good work anyways. Way to embaris the MC

48 | A dude that plays halo..... says:

I always notice that this happens it truns out they can see you, But the point is still funny happens all the time ot me TICKS ME OFF!

49 | Fernando Torres says:

Pretty cool, Not as good as some of the earlier ones though. But verry good none the less! -(N)-

50 | Obessed says:

Happens way to much to me on Assault On The Control Room. But very funny.

51 | clumsy mc says:

elite:are you mocking me?"mc:"Maybe. Ok yes." Elite bashes mc in the face.

52 | mike says:

i don t know about you guys but i don t mock elites when i have ac on i toss and plasma grenade on the elites face and watch it run around like crazy

53 | sniper01 my halo pc name says:

dude i did that before on halo pc. it was awefull i was left with 1 piece of health . i finaly killed it though ?

54 | Nanashi says:

You know where this usually happens to me. In the level Silent Cartographer right before activating the map room. Of course I know I can just jump down from the platform where the cutscene says shafted and skip them altogether. But it takes away all the fun.

55 | Madee says:

Don't you just hate when that happends?

56 | Armyofone says:

Just when MC thinks it's okay the camo has to run out on him poor MC tisk, tisk, tisk.Luckly he's the lucky one of the spartans(thanks to Halo Fall of Reach)

57 | Jon Foster says:

That happened to me so many times...

58 | BLack_sword says:

i laugh for no reason
i have to agree with Jon fosterm it has happened, i forget to punch the bastrd...

59 | a drunk grunt says:

Uh is this the time when master cheif says **peek a boo** or is this the time when the Elite takes cheif and shoves him down a hole?either way its funny!

60 | Mr Elite says:

WORT WORT WORT! Then the mc gets his ass kicked! bout damn time we won

61 | FUELRODGUN says:


62 | ???? says:

.............the funny thing is he's imitatating the elite XD

63 | senor commento says:

niiiice elite, but its supposed to have four lower jaws. very sleek, though.

64 | Isna Noselee says:

I noticed that none of them are armed, hope the Chief is good at his hand-to-hand combat.

65 | halo boi says:

if chief wasn't wearing his helmet i would wanna see the look on his face when the camo went out

66 | Spartan_117/John says:

i would too...hehehe...prolly this really frustrated look and then a look of sheer horror when he looks right into the Elite's face...XD

67 | Falcon says:

Oooh...the master chief got spotted!
That is just humiliating, but funny.

68 | Gold_Elite says:

Oh-so-funny yet oh-so-true

69 | Tyler K. says:

yah it is true, but mc always has a gun in the game, I mean he never leavs the house without his @$$ kicking assault rifle!

70 | Nathan (not to be confused with Nathan) says:

Wutchootawkinnabout? assult rifles are great on flood balloons but are pretty weak vs. everything else. Strap a fuel rod gun on my arm and call me a covie, but I prefer an @$$ kicking PLASMA rifle!

71 | Fred-104 says:

LMAO good 1 guys

72 | amanda the red elite says:

hey.....chris is your name right?

73 | the no one says:

good one, ohh and the chief got screwed at the used cammo dealers

74 | 'Suka Ramamee says:

And then the Human got a grenade to the face.

75 | p1R0 says:

I've done that before onlywhen he turned around i stuck him and ran away. very funny though. LOL

76 | Mister Grunt says:

I hate when that happens! But, you have to admit, it's so true.

77 | Mak_elite says:

HAhahah, HaloBabies are Best

78 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

Mabe they were playing hide n' seek?

79 | Dj lethal says:

what did he wait 4? melee the b****

80 | Ruhiel says:

It's funny when you humans try to cloak, we just go permanent and slice you up!

81 | ForcedDJ says:

Kinda like MGS, when someone see's you, a ! appears over the head,

82 | Spartan_112 says:

lol too bad u cant meele with ur fists

83 | haloguy says:

right there id say.........run......run very fast

84 | Cristy says:

soo funny...!! now.. run...

85 | spartan85 says:

lol! GREAT COMIC! its something i would do excatly! even getting caught (cuz i dont have the best of luck sometimes) keep it up!!

86 | Young says:


87 | Masterchief evil says:


88 | halogirl says:

this is a very funny comic.when is halo3 commin out can't wait.

masterchief rocks!!!!!

89 | arbiter says:

just another reason why grunts are so stupid

arbiter kicks MCS butt \m/^.^\m/

90 | scottheretic says:

that has happened to me before it`s not nice halo2 rocks!

91 | Zeka the Gold Elite says:

"I'll asume that was an accident!"

92 | arbyter says:

is that elite female? if so i think the chief was about to do something... rude while invisible.

93 | Undoer says:

Man, i just kill them with the butt of my MA5B when i'm cloaked.

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