A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Xerro says:

lol too true, still happens at least once a level too me, never see them sneaking up behind me.

2 | krooked says:

i think the first time i met one of those was alot messier

3 | cheddarbob117 says:

Great cartoon! But usually there's a lot more than one around.

4 | zachary schwartz says:

l.o.l. that was funny can u do 1 with chief fightting onthe beach in the level silent cartogropher
plus i dont think they r that friendly but that cartoon was swesome

5 | Pink Floyd says:

well its better than a sharp stick in the eye

6 | Cullen says:

To Xerro:
That's because they spawned behind you. I've had way too many encounters where I get trapped between two carrier forms that popped up in a hallway.

Nice comic, btw.

7 | BloodBlade says:

ROFLMAO Excellent, one of the best yet! Never happened to me, I always JUMP and SIDESTEPPED. That's a bit of advice for those of you getting trapped and such. Run past the first one, and don't stop. OR, turn around and jump and run past the one behind you. Anyway, good comic, keep it up. I got in trouble cause I laughed out loud in class.

8 | bloodsoldier3 says:

Nice, reminds me of a grenade in a port o potty at the fair.

9 | Maraxus6 says:

Very nice. For being fat, those things are too damn sneaky. And in Legendary, it's a one hit KIA for you if they're too close!

10 | cheddarbob117 says:

The worst level those "buddies" could possibly be on is Lvl.9

11 | michael says:

funny comic! keep up the good work but there is something missing when the carrier explodes all the infections should jump on to chief and he should run like crazy now that would be halarius just like in halo the game i let the infection forms eat the marines in level 6 343guilty spark

12 | Xerro says:

Spawned behind me? those sneaky... ok from now on i drop grenades on the floor every five seconds. Also is it just me or does Masterchief seem to be acting a bit like Steve Irwin in this comic.

13 | stosh says:


14 | Halo53 says:

Wait a second...

Oh, I get it HAHA...

15 | Zk315 says:

Aww...the flood carrier babies are so cute.

16 | Gruntish Elite says:

LOL! Right before I read this comic i was playing The Library. God 3.4.3. Guilty Spark pisses me off....he's too happy! But that was great. I find the best tactic with the flood is to run into an area and RIGHT when you see red blips, run back the way you came. Do that whenever Colin (343) says to wait in one spot.



17 | Comic Guy says:

Nice Cartoon!

18 | parker says:

are u serious

19 | gruntythirst says:

yeah 15 are u serious

20 | jackelmonk says:

ZK315 I agree with parker and gruntythirst

21 | Darkest-007 says:

lmao. good one. me and my friend call 'em "puffy's". really funny

22 | D!pSh!t says:

lol, Funny comic.

The best tactic i found against these buggers was to stick a plasma nade to them and run like hell...makes their explosion double, blowing up loads o their buddies with them =P

23 | RyanHRocket says:

Lol that kinda looks nasty

24 | HaloChicka says:

LMAO. The worste place those turds show up is in the truth and reconciliation in that one hall way on legendary. Damn they're like cockroaches. HAHA stupid grunt, u darn covies are so stupid

25 | RedFox says:

hahaha, I think that I said that when I first got blown up by one of those fat guys. Well done

26 | chips dubbo baby says:

very funny.I'm always found "mocking" an elite dood

27 | Nat says:

Word, I always blow them away with shotguns....

28 | who?? says:

since when was the MC so.....(looks around)...inviting???

29 | Josiah says:

It's a "BOOM HERE COMES THE BOOM"-taculur comic strip.

30 | Zorkan says:

Oh God that happened to me. I didn't know what it would do and it downed my shield when I first played The Library. Couldn't even tell they used to be grunts until I read something though...

31 | HaloChicka says:

yea really, suprisingly they're even uglier than grunts

32 | clumsy mc says:

Gushy. *tastes goo* But not too bad!

33 | shorty says:

my first meeting went kinda like that except i was playing co-op with my friend, he did not look to dangerous and we focused on the uglier ones, 2 seconds later it blows up between us and downs our shields, i think i said stay away from the fat ones, oh we survived by the way

34 | Your mother, seriously... says:

Whats really fatal is when those things blow up next to you, then you get hit by a bunch of little ones, its the RAPE-O-MATIC combo dude! Those little popcorn guyz (cool i just made that up :) dont do much until your shields are down, then you gotta actually shoot them or your screwd!

35 | Blake says:

Dude, this rules, you need to teach me to make halo this damn funny. like i said u rule.

36 | ryan young says:

dude that is so true!! i hate when that happens and thats one of the funniest comics!

37 | Madee says:

One time when i was fighting of the flood one of thoose things snuck up behind me. I turned around just in time to see it lying on the floor before he sent me chrashing into a wall. Not very nice.

38 | abbacab says:

if the pregnant flood were that close, MC wouldn't be in that last frame. He'd be stuck in a wall from a blast that close...

39 | HaloChicka says:

mayB hes on the easy setting...

40 | {GT}LIZARD says:

That looks like poo.All over his face. Hey, where are the little infection forms?

41 | Kyler achi bottoms says:

In the game they didn't get me like that but you would think a thing like that would come with a warning sign!

42 | Kameron says:

Funny yet gross

43 | Dave says:


44 | Jason P says:


45 | The Tyrant says:

Clean yourself up Master Chief!

46 | Fredd says:

Note: Allways degree with Master chief

47 | Masked Maruader says:

LOL!HAHAHAHAHAHA he gots covered in flood blood! hey it rymes!

48 | The Knight In Green Cybernetic Armor says:

Oh. My. God. It just popped like a BIGGIE SIZE jumbo zit in my face. SICK AND WRONG! CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT!

49 | Rinon says:


50 | Rinon...oops says:

speakin of oops i spelled balloon wrong. DAM i CAN"T TPE

51 | Devon says:

The flood sure are dumb, aint they

52 | Adreniline says:

Those scare the crap out of me, in the game, they sneak up, and BOOM

53 | SonictheHedgehog says:

I like the comic, but seriously, WHAT THE HECK IS THAT BROWN STUFF?!?
*Carrier form comes by* *BOOM*

54 | SonictheHedgehog says:

Speaking of poop, Halo would look good with some potty humor (Homour?).

55 | Halo fan...natic says:

when i first saw those things, i didn't know whether to waste my ammo on them or not so i just ran away from them. finally i had about ten of them following me around and i got caught in a corner... it was on co-op so my dad found my shotgun on the other side of the room afterwards.

56 | Isna Noselee says:

In my first encounter of the carrier form I miss took it as a walking super-size-jumbo zit. Thought it won't hurt me but then BOOM! in my face.

57 | halo boi says:

wow messy when i first saw 1 of those i thought he'd fall like the rest then BOOM! great comic

58 | Spartan_117/John says:

Tip 1 - watch the motion tracker
Tip 2 - i hate Carrier Flood Forms...

59 | Death Vomit says:

That brings back memories and how 343 locks you out and you have about 8frickinmillion little ones and big ones *note* a frickinmillion is =to 2million+1

60 | Elite Fusionist says:

man i get dat alot!!! EPECIALLY in da level (2 Betrayals)u c 1 den doge it and u dink dats da last 1 and suddenly when ya look back u c 1 about to go boom and ders no time left, by da way cool comic like it,keep it up.

61 | Dirge says:

"I shall name him squishy and he shall be mine, he shall be my squishy"

I hate those kinda flood....they go booooooom

62 | Falcon says:

I'll take your advice, Master Chief! Just be sure to clean yourself up!

63 | koreanboy86 says:

when i first played the library my friend stuck a plasma grenade on the fattys and then it came after me... it was messy.

64 | Nathan (not to be confused with Nathan) says:

Hey, the MC never takes off his helmet...for all you know he might have been planning that!

65 | Noga Osma Nagoso says:

humans stupid. i use shield to whack and blow them apart... funny when they blow... like big water balloon...

66 | Maniac says:

Those things drive me insane, when me and my friend are playing co-op We call them explodies...

67 | halomasta says:

masked marauder,me and my friend made up 'flood blood' first...YOU STOLE IT!!!!! (mental note:must kill masked marauder) anyways,great comic.

68 | 'Suka Ramamee says:

You ever try tranquilizing one of those things for analysis? They make like a balloon and go POP if you so much as poke then with a TEN FOOT POLE!!! Hardest. Assignment. Ever.

69 | SilentKnight says:

My buddy, Tyler calls the carrier breed 'Popcorn People'. Funny comic. keep it up.

70 | L33tNinj4Squirr3l says:

Actually, I try to get next to them when they explode.
It makes a good lotion.
Yay! I have soft, silky skin!

71 | Mister Grunt says:

... XD

72 | the covenator says:

that is starting to bulge and your arms are turning into tenatcles

73 | dj lethal says:

WARNING dont melee Carier Flood

74 | master chief says:

i agree when your sheilds are down your litterly screwd

75 | Spartan_112 says:

LOL messey alright XD

76 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

the legs of the flood look like a grunts!

77 | Cristy says:

yuck... i hate that form of flood... and specially when they do that...

78 | Espilon says:

That kind of Flood needs to lay off the Brutes XD.

79 | Thraxon says:

lol i usualy shot these guyes with the pistol at a range so they cant do any damge

80 | jcjcc says:

lol that is so true he should of brough a towel

81 | David says:

the reason his legs are like grunt legs is becasue when grunts are infected, there too small for combat forms, so they carry infection forms, there also known as carreir forms. and when combat forms are alive too long (2-5 years) they turn into carrier forms to keep the flood going

82 | Inda 'Nolamee (Arbi Gal) says:

hmm...never thought nyone else besides my cuz and I called them "Fatheads"....lol

83 | thresher says:

its funny whatthe flood do to grunts.

84 | Masterchief evil says:


85 | halochick says:

you should make a cartoon on G4
i love mc!

86 | bungie says:

you got that right cheif and i thought they were harmless the first time.

87 | Griff says:

That rocks. I like it when they go boom!

88 | QueenGhid says:

Eh-yeesh, thank goodness for his armor! Heh, I really enjoyed the dialogue in this one. ^_^

89 | mystery yapyap says:

fire in the hole?

90 | scottheretic says:

it looked like he had pooed rather than exploded. (if only that was the way in the game sigh...)

91 | turok says:

i hate when that happens.

92 | turok says:

Ps. Bungie, why do the flood have to be so... creepy?

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