A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Mista_B says:

Oh, harsh. Heheh.

Whether that's a burn against the Marines or ai in general, it's a damn fine burn. :-)

2 | Xerro says:

Heh, i do hate how the marines you get through a level can't follow you, they would be very useful at the start of the control room, as ever a good strip

3 | PlasmaDavid says:

well lets pray they have fixed the AI by the time Halo 2 gets here....and that there are beaches!:D

4 | TimmE says:

it was ok not the best but good work

5 | Kanman-075 says:

Yeah, it would be nice for the marines to follow, but i never thought of the ai script holding them back, i always thought they were chicken.

6 | Hunter_Killer says:

Ahahah! I've had that problem many times; god knows. Damn buggers won't even fight an enemy on the other side of a door! "Sorry, sir. We'll 'secure this airlock' instead"!

This one is, as usual, hillarious! =) Keep it goin, Joel!

7 | jimmy says:

if he was able to follow you'd wonder where he dissapeared to at the start of the assault on the control room... either that or bungie would have allowed marines at the start of the level succeeding the silent cartographer, you know, where the marines are with you at the start because it's necessary... ;)

(obviously my point is that it is not a scripting bug, just an unexplained occurance)

8 | allota 'pastromii says:

ha ha, it stinks when i work so hard to get those guys into the building and bring them out in the end, but they jsut kinda sit there, i always just thought they were retarded

good strip!

9 | MasterNeoChief says:

You know, this is the first time that I see a Pelican on HBN.
Good job on this one!

10 | [RI]DrDeath says:

lol this is funny and a true statement i hate it when this happens lol when marines make me mad people DIE! lol just joking nice job the man who makes these comics!

11 | Necromasterx says:

If onl this siddnt hapen in real life.

12 | DoctorEvol says:

Hey Mr.Smiley, finally looked in your profile on bungie and found this site in there, why did it take me this long to find it?

13 | Spartan088 says:

LMFAOROTFL!!! That is the funniest one yet! I get so frustrated at that i kill them all with a plasma grenade or run them over! keep them coming!

14 | spartan-117 says:

so thats how we can hear the covenent speak our language,because of the language transfer

15 | Major Payne says:


16 | Admiral Athan says:

Yeah, I wish the Pelican could take the Warthog back to it...

17 | Mr. Elite says:

i.............dont get it

18 | Shade says:

Not the best, but a nice job. Worth a chuckle or two.

19 | David says:

I'm glad we've finally gotten MC off the island, but I hope we don't have to wait two weeks for his ride on the Pelican to end.
Also I hate to say this, but the art work is getting more and more ugly, I miss the cute, and always well designed marines, and MC (not to mention this misshapen pelican) of old.
Please try drawing the marines as they were shown in the original sketches.

20 | Gruntsbane says:

Now thats a useful comment. You probably wont see marines for a while, and I think the chief has remained pretty much the same, but I'll take you comments into consideration. In my defense though, I drew that pelican from a screenshot so if its misshapen blame Bungie ;)

21 | Rawnblade says:

Good one. Marines are hard to work with, but I have my ways of transporting them to the places I need them to be.

Get them in the hog, drop them off in the middle of a covenant horde, and drive away to pick up the next 2 and send them to their doo- ...mission. Send them to their mission.

Who needs will power? We have forceful methods!

22 | Gruntish Elite says:

HAAAHAHAHA! Wow that was great! I'm still twisting Jerod's arm to get me the Red Vs. Blue DVD so that I can genuinely laugh at the previous comic though. Kudos to Gruntsbane!

23 | Armyofone says:

hi i'm back, geez it took me a while but i finally did it. but rawnblade is right, like on assult on the control room that part where you get a whole bunch of marines then you kick the covents @$$ then cortana tells them to wait for a pick up you kill all of your marines except one,then shoot him until he puts up his arms and chases you then have him follow you, shooting you,and waking the enemies up to where you are going.Yes i know this is a pian staking process then keep him alive(he'll be very hurt and so will you pendin' on what difficulty then he might forgive you by saying i'll be watchin' you or somethin' like that then he's your ally agian then maybe just maybe he'll follow you and i say this because it's ONLY WORKED TWICE! with me. Any way but the second time i f@#^%& up the game it went all different colors and crap this process is very,VERY fustrating and i think it a glich they happen all the time.Holy crap that was a lot to write oh and sorry...

24 | mekey says:

lmfao i hate that y won't they come with u all there gona end up doen is getten killed by some covonent when they come back

25 | MC0096 says:

I hate marines... When they won't follow I just kill 'em off... I love hearing thier screams of anguish! "He's crazy!" "AAAAAHHHH"
"What the Hell?" "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" "Dude you killed him!" "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!". I love hearing that... Great comic!!!

26 | HUNter hunter says:

in the slint cartafer i hate it when i havf some marines in the hog and i get out beause of a nade
they stay in and die. im mean whos that stupid?

and to me the best way to tortuer marines is with a needler

any way great comic keep it up smiley...... and gruntsbane

27 | mekey says:

i didn't know it was phicialy possible to hate the silent cartagrapher. thats like the best leven in the whole game

28 | SonictheHedgehog says:

The marines act the same way when I play Halo. No wonder you can't
take them to the next level.

29 | HUNter hunter says:

mekey says:
i didn't know it was phicialy possible to hate the silent cartagrapher. thats like the best leven in the whole game

i dont hate the level i just hate the marines

30 | Mr Elite says:

Oh, so that why that bastard always goes alone. 6 billion covies against one idiot with a gun got me wondering about my code... (and dont listen to the other Mr. Elite, HES A NAME STEALER!!!)

31 | ansomble28 says:

LOL, i liked this one! I usually tuck these marines away in the base where the "map" is, bring them out in the end, kill all the cloaked elites, park the warthog over top of the millions of plasmas they drop, then proceed to fire the one rocket i saved at the poor marines in the warthog, watching them flail and fly up to the ceiling. Thank you Bungie, *tear*.

32 | darklordsmiley (gamertag on xbox live ;) says:

I loved that comic but I think that I started reading this strip because it was funny and random. I don't really think their as funny anymore and the whole story thing is great but i kind of like the old random scetches because it kept me guessing " what will Mr. Smiley and Gruntsbane think of next? (or Gruntsbane and Mr. Smiley;))

33 | David says:

in response to Gruntsbane, thanks for taking my response into consideration, I really appreciate it.

34 | girZ7 says:

fuck the AI code! just get in the damn pelican!

35 | lethal weapon says:

not very original is it

36 | da elite says:

pull out a rocket launcher or bust a cap in his a**

37 | Desolator12 says:

Heh... I know it's harder than it sounds, but create a script that counts the number of alive military AI (those worker guys on the ship with a pistol don't count) and save that somewhere... then on the next mission, have another script upload the previous AI count and use that to determine the ammount of AIs you start off with at the beginning... simple as Pi-r-squared with a light flaky crust...mmm....pi...*drool*
good comic, keep it up!

38 | Somebody says:

HA HA! Those AI always severely p***** me off. About time they admitted WHY they couldn't come! This one is good, although this "Plot" bit isn't really good so far. I liked the old ones better.

39 | Jacob's mom says:

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! i lover this comic. by the way Jacob, you're mom is hot!!! so is Bob Dole on Bacon!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooo!

40 | techogecko says:

You Know it would be funny if the next comic was featuring master c lookin in a cage with (my idea because i made the comic)a halo hamster a little hamster all armored up like in my comics of THE ADVENTURES OF THE HALO HAMSTERS.

41 | ?rocketlord91 says:

girZ7 u damned midget the ai codes should make the marines follow chief so they could lay flush fire and cover fire and flank large enemy groups

42 | senor commento says:

It'd be cool to be able to give marines basic commands. all the time on Truth and Rec I try to get a good sniping angle and one of them barges in and gets us both shot.

43 | The Knight In Green Cybernetic Armor says:

Don't you just HATE it when you run out of disk space , even for something that simple?!

44 | Isna Noselee says:

Maybe squad commands can be helpful for Halo2 (The pelican looks awesome).

45 | me says:

i like curry

46 | Halofanman says:

I really like the Pelican. Good job on that one very funny too lol

47 | halo boi says:

you guys just HAVE to follow everyhing by the book do you eh?
nice pelican

48 | static-halo says:

Its funny cuz its true...

49 | koreanboy86 says:

get in the pelican! marine:but chief I-- chief:whos got the rocket launcher and sniper rifle?!!you or me pal??huh!??

50 | no_117 says:

OH SHIT! this is the gam?!!! YEA RIGHT!
AI script my grunt-like balls

51 | Bayless says:

LMFAO!!! NOICE dude... that so irks me when they do that... like when ur fighting the flood... and theres a row of like... 8 marines... and they stand RIGHT THERE!!! DONT MOVE!!! JUST STAND!!! lmao

52 | 'Suka Ramamee says:

Once again I'd like to point out how stupid some A.I.s can be. For example, when I acessed the High Charity repair logs, their communications AI had labeled my ship 'MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayMondayZero'. Now, I've seen a 'super-intelligent' AI say some pretty dumb things, but renaming the Calm And Cooperative after the human days of the week... that takes the cake.

53 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

yup the AI in Halo CE was pretty bad. Not like the AI has gotten any better in Halo 2!

54 | Masterchief evil says:

ya it doesn't say he can follow

55 | Lone Spartan says:

Alas, the problem of many videogames.

I actually like the marines in the Silent Cartographer. If you hang back on the normal setting, Stacker and his men can clear out the entire first beach by themselves.

56 | Zeka the Gold Elite says:

Ah, yes the time we slaughtered them after the Cheif left....

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