A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Darkcloclo says:

It have always intrigue me, to see cortanna going in the covenant battlenet without being connected directly , like when MC has his first warthog ! It's definitly the best wifi system I've never seen ;) !!

2 | Mista_B says:

Heh, showoff. Great showoffy poses. :-)

3 | jiimay says:

wow, it never ceases to amaze me how funny these comics are.

4 | Gangster No.1 says:

The two previous strips ("Sheep in Wolf's Clothing" and "Hello, My Name Is Elly...") were utterly awesome. But this one is somehow ... well, disappointing. After those previous strips I was looking forwards for something like a big glimax, but considering their brilliance, I guess it's hard to top that. Keep it up! :-)

5 | Isna Noselee says:

Cortana rocks & this comic proves it!

6 | Torque says:

I agree, A.I.s are AWSOME! Deja, fix my car, please.

7 | Riddick says:

If only I knew it was that easy before...

8 | Kanman-075 says:

Good comic, and a very good title for it too. The comics keep getting better and better, keep up the good work Gruntsbane!

9 | Mr. Elite says:

Showoff >_>...

10 | says:

Theese past strips have been great, and this one is no exception... i can imagine MCs face in the second one... keep up the good work!

11 | Claw says:

Ah, wireless internet (battlenet). Nice comic.

12 | Rawnblade says:

lol, nice one.

Cortana's face in the second panel is gonna give me nightmares though.. Did you have to make it so scary looking? meh... She almost looks like taht posessed doll thing.. Chucky? ionno.

Anyway, great comic, keep up the good work

13 | Cynap says:

Hehe, the profits started putting AI in our grunt repairators...Unfortunately, they take the form of elites...

14 | Xerro says:

Is it me or does Cortana look really scaryin the third panel. This was a good laugh although not as good as the last one.

15 | Gruntish elite says:

I love the look on Cortana's face in the second panel! Thought it is indeed a bit scary, it's the total "HAHA YOU SUCK" look if I've ever seen one. LOL Go Gruntsbane! Oh...heh...and I have to give the guy kudos...his Elite drawings were more accurate than mine...he just uses the less common of the 2 Elite armor types. Heh....


16 | Spartan088 says:

roflmao thats funny...i miss read the convienent for covenant at first xD...but i got it now

17 | Mintz08 says:

I don't get it. Does she use our computers or something?

18 | djstan says:

im with mintz... i dont get it either. i thought the same thing about computers too!

19 | MC0096 says:


20 | Guest #9999999... says:

Hey! Since when can Cortan do that?! Why was I not informed?!

Well, at least it's a way out. But... what will MC do without a weapon? Pose as a Grunt?

21 | Polarbear says:

Gotta love the subtle involvement of the reader..
Glad to be of service, Chief! :)

22 | Hunter Killer says:


I loved this one, as always!

And some familiar Forum names are starting to pop up.... wow...... IM A HALO BABY! OOOOPPPS.... I made a poopie....

23 | rabid says:

Wha wha wha? Cortana's head seems to have shrunk in this comic.

24 | Armyofone says:

see now if only jacob keyes had a AI in the first Halo game and second Halo book he'd be good to go.

25 | squattingb says:

ALL THE COMICS ARE AMAZING!! But it's come to my attention that Cortana is BUTT-UGLY in these comics, no offense of course to your drawings; but Cortana was so much better looking in the game, i dunno if the tranformation is a "baby" thing but w/e, just to let you guys know

26 | SILVER_ELITE says:

i think cortana looks kinda cute in the comics......for a human that is...........

27 | Biohazard Audio says:

cortana's face in the second frame is priceless... simply... priceless

28 | Scott-087 says:

MC is all....Your not even connec-....-blink,blink- ting....-sweat drop-

29 | Vasheeth says:

In the second frame, cortana looks scary. I'm gonna go hide in a corner to get away from her....... STOP FOLLOWING ME!!! *SNIFFS*WHAAAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAA IT'S SO SCARY!!! I'M GONNA HAVE NIGHTMARES TOO!!

30 | some guy says:

i have wireless internet, but not a wireless lockpick! Im soooo jealous *growl*

31 | The Emperor Master says:

Cortana's face in the 2nd frame sends chills down my spine. great comic, but, ugh, CREEPY....too creepy...*shivers* that face is going to send more than nightmares for me. it's going to haunt me for the rest of my life....

32 | mekey says:

ya no kidden it's really creapy. but i didn't really think the comic was that funny.

33 | "jermaine rowlands" who the h*ll is this guy says:

and yet the ongoing saga of mc and cortana continues. and yet another upsetting comic to tell their story... two words, it's just aweful. cortana looks like a seven year old with a wig..... and the comic just doesnt make sense....

34 | Gruntsbane says:

jermaine rowlands says:
"two words, it's just awe full"


35 | David says:

Well now let's see if MC can start fighting.

36 | Peter Sperduto says:

Now, I know I'm a tard, so don't flame me for this...
...but I don't get it...

37 | Havoc737903 says:

...I don't get it...

38 | halokid says:

yah i dont get it either,so when people make fun of it and say stuff about ,and even have conversations about it..... i still dont get it even if they do!

39 | L05T_D3M0N says:

first of all, Corttana's a loser. She's sitting in the biggest ffrickin computer in the known galexy laughin at you when you're gettin wasted by the flood. Then, and I quote "This cave is not a natural formatioon"- well no SHI* stupid. But all in all wireless internet is 21st century tech

40 | Ben "Greasnin" Platt says:

I have a suggestion, Gruntsbane. Why not put a "Blam" system on these comment thingies? For example: "OH WHAT THE -blam!- THAT -blam!- COMIC SUCKED -blam!-!!!!!!" It would be more kid-freindly that way (Even though kids don't visit this site)

41 | TheSumner says:

how can u people not get it >_< let me explain master cheifs kinda havin a double take cause he didnt know that corana could do that.

42 | cpl. Harland says:

I thought it weird because the Cheif has seen Cortona access Covanant stuff digitly.

43 | no_117 says:

Ben "Greasnin" Platt from comment number 40. I have something to tell you. WATCH YOUR MOUTH!

44 | deathgame! says:

hah, just like b.net

45 | SITH LORD says:

lol MC may be in a helmet but the look he gives in the last strip is like a low "Sweet!"

46 | Morpheus says:

Analyzing...Scanning...Talking...Too Much!

47 | Suka 'Ramamee says:

Attention Security teams Bravo, Delta, Charlie, and Epsilon. Security breach in Detention block F-21a. Contain all prisoners and kill any that resist. Repeat, attention Security teams Bravo, Delta, Charlie, and Epsilon. Security breach in Detention block F-21a. Contain all prisoners and kill any that resist.

48 | Insane Master Chief says:

Ben "Greasin" Platt- Newsflash- We do. Though only the smarter ones among us get it i.e. me.

49 | Skalamunga says:

Where'd her boobs go?

50 | Poor lil huh huh gonna be famous says:

Grunts rule

51 | I_LUV_MESELF says:


52 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

So the covenant have purple smoke as doors these days...?
SUPERIOR? I think not... unless its poison smoke than it would be O-K.

53 | Thraxon says:

what the hell i doint get it

54 | Masterchief evil says:


55 | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa says:


56 | Slade8 says:

I don't get it. Is it supposed to do with the similarities between the words "covenant" and "convenient"?

57 | gagaw says:

yeah the point is that thieves these days have been useing their laptops to steel stuff like say a gas key thing that uses a magnet to pay for ur gas instead of a credit card and it is called a wireless lock pic when u steel a thing like that

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