A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


150 comments so far | leave your own

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1 | that one guy says:

LMAO. this is so hilarious. "SHOW US YOUR CODE"

2 | Ganner says:

2nd!!! very nice

3 | hoponpop says:

i think gruntsbane lost his touch... disappoint me is written across my face. you are breaking my heart...

4 | Necromas says:

How DARE you say that wasn't funny! It was great!

5 | red snow says:

rofle, that was great!

6 | Rymir says:

lol very funny, keep it up!

7 | MC7777777 says:

In Cosplay, All the guys look like geeks (sad, but true) and all the girls are incredibly hot.

8 | unelite elite says:

Cortana looks like shes about to kill MC in the third panel. great comic. 8th post!!

9 | Dude says:

Awsome drawings of stressed cortana!

10 | Nightwing says:

Yeah! Show us your code Cortana! That's funny but sadly true!

11 | Devil D says:

Pimp lol wtf!!??O_oZork
Funny en great....
Booth babe =D!!!:)P

12 | SinisterMonkey says:

That was soooooo funny!!!

13 | ZR CRACKER says:

That was hilarious! Also, in Halo1, doesn't Cortana say something like what MC said in the third panel if you kill Keyes?

14 | Lovable Werewolf says:

bwahahaha! that's hilarious!

15 | Cdarx says:

It will take me three or four more views to get it... 15th post w00t

16 | Rossy says:

Doesn't cortana say me inside your head now somewhere in halo 2? Or halo 1 but still great comic :P

17 | Agamemnon says:

HAHA great

18 | DeathXP32 says:

That was freakin hilarious.

Well. I think we all know what not to say to Cortana now.

19 | Ghost3021 says:

OMG HAHAAAHAA keep it up! ;D

20 | downboii says:

CRAP! can't see the comic because this crap computer is from stone age... can anyone plaese tell me what u can see??

21 | Kaizer Bun says:

Definately my favorite HB comic

22 | Zareus says:

Lmao nice comic

23 | 343winks says:

That's hilarious. "They think I am some kind of booth babe." The expressions on the faces are priceless too.


24 | J-dawg says:

ZR CRACKER nah its in halo 2 remember? first level?

25 | evilguineapig says:

lol very nice

26 | Falcon says:


Best one so far! I'll give that one four-out-of-five-stars.

Keep it Gruntsbane!!

27 | Jaxx says:

lol, awesome. Nice job Gruntsbane.

28 | shadowmotion says:

LMAO dude this is awesome i can't wait for the next one!

29 | Dojorkan says:

In reply to MC777777777 (Might have missed a few 7's)

Are you a stright(SP?) guy? If so then of course they look ugly because you are inrested in girls. If thats not the case... then do you find regular everyday guys to be hot?

30 | Dojorkan says:

Sorry, it was off topic. I did find the comic to be pretty funny.

I dislike when my brothers and sisters are put down.

31 | bLiTz says:

Poor MC. I wonder if he has to put up with that on a day to day basis.....

32 | RuntyLime says:

Awlsome!....Booth Babe! I like the look on cortana's face in almost all the strips. This is easyily one of your better comics GB!

33 | Broken Silence says:

Show us your code! lol! That was greeat! I wanna see Cortana as a booth babe. That'd be great.

34 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Awsome comic, E3 is no place for Cortana, especially with all those nerds breathing down your neck. I sure hope to visit E3 one day, but I live in Florida & I'm pretty much broke meaning I won't be going there anytime soon.

E3 2020 Official Luanch Titles:
Splinter Cell7- Sam Fisher's Getting Older
Doom6- Special Wet-Your-Pants Edition
Super Mario Counter-Terrorist Shooter
Final Fantasy CXXVII
Halo5- Jub-Jub Strikes Back

Expect these games to come out anytime soon... YOSHI!

35 | HaloHunter says:

LOL THAT IS SOOO FUNNY ive seen every E3 '05 Live on G4 so far :)
34 POST lol booth babe lol

36 | Ryley217 says:

ROTFLMFAO OMFG that is an awe-some comic I laughed hard when I read it nice job no wait amazing comic and work!!

37 | Mr. Elite says:

GREAT Comic :D

(Rolling On Floor Laughing So F**king Hard That I Just Wet Myself...^-^)

38 | Says says:

This Is Great!!
*woot* Woot *woot* 38th post!!!

39 | high off of halo says:

lol that was the best! i want to go to E3 sooo bad..but its a little far away

40 | The Arbitress says:

I can imagine the Master Chief snickering at Cortana behind the visor, wondering why she is getting most of the attention.

41 | Slimby says:

I found that rather amusing. I particularly like the "Me, inside your head, now" qoute. Very nicely done.


42 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Hehehehe... Show us your code... that kicks anal glands...

43 | Crimm says:

Heh. I liked this one. What can I say? I'm a Cortana fan...

44 | Isna Nosolee says:

lol cortana is scared of her adoring fans

45 | Sonic says:

But she IS a booth babe. She is a babe who happens to be in a booth at the time. :)

46 | <=() says:

so that what E3 is

47 | ansomble28 says:

I have to admit, that was pretty damn funny. ..."show us your code"...HA! GJ GB and smiley

48 | ansomble28 says:

Oh yeah and the big head on MC in the first panel is friggin awesome. It's so nostalgic like the baby MC of olden days. (Ye Olde Chief) Keep drawing chief like that it looks really good and he really looks babyfied or as they say, "Master Chief SD". Much love to you guys!

49 | Hellfirefanatic says:

Hysterical!!!! LMAO!!!

50 | puny grunt says:

omg!!!.....best one ive seen in a while...keep up the good work guys!!!

51 | Ruhiel says:

Awesome comic! The "Show us your code!" line was nicely done. Where'd you come up with that? :D

52 | xxctlxx says:

.... um lol, nice quote from the game ("me inside your head, now!"). come the comics coming :)

53 | op4latino says:

I'd love to see Cortana's Source Code since she doesn't have a GPL.

54 | A random mad halo fan says:

Cortana's pretty mad when saying Me,inside your head,NOW!

55 | HaloNemesis says:

I am a Cortana person, and I feel so sorry for her. All of the expressions are so good...I really like this one. Keep it up!


56 | TheDirsian says:

awesome comic, nice quotes from Halo and H2, and love the Beatles allusion
(im a Beatlemaniac, born 40 years too late)

57 | hbomb69 says:

thats to funny =)

58 | PEACEMAKER says:

AWSOME!! I think this is your funnyst yet!(My gamertag is SEPH1085, thats if you need another freind(and PEACEMAKER is my HALO1 gamertag)).

59 | PEACEMAKER says:

And just to tell you all, Cortana says "Me, inside your head, NOW!" in HALO 2 when the cut scene starts, on the crio station, RIGHT before the chief turns the bomb off, incase any of you guys were wondering.

60 | xenomorph64 says:

NO,Show us your programing!!!!

61 | PeterPiperArbiter says:

Poor Cortana.. I'd have her inside my head anytime she'd want it.

62 | Dork Force One says:

62nd post yay and friggin sweet and funny. "Me inside your head NOW"

63 | Andrew says:

lol, great! good title to (Parody of a Beatles song if you guys dont know).

64 | Don'tSeekMe says:

Poor cortana, but very funny! probably the best one yet! And for every one who says "Didn't she say that in halo 1 or 2?" it was halo 2, first real level, at the end.

65 | SilentKnight says:

great work GB. lol. funniest strip yet. I think E3 was the first place to find the gnerd (half geek half nerd).

66 | brendy says:

loving the beatles reference in the title. keep up the funny

67 | Sun Tzu says:

op4latino: naah, her source may be good but her GUI is better ;)

68 | Lord_Halo99 says:

That reminds me of Kung Pow, Where they tell him to OPEN YOUR MOUTH. haha good one GB

69 | Spartan-107 says:

Great work gruntsbane

70 | Some-Random-Yellow-Clothed-Weird-Hyper-Active-Slightly-Mature-That-Loves-she_ate_my_bus_accident ^^" says:

lol, funny one! Loved it :D

71 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

now THATS funny....not sayin that all the other HB comics weren't funny but it's just this one is just.....so true.......

72 | Sparkie says:

w00t! Funnay! ^_^ *remembers seeing this strip at 3 in the morning when Smiley was going through the replies* GB is a genius...

73 | Shizuku says:

Man id love to see that hussy's code lol.Great comic as usual gruntsbane.im no noob btw for those who wanna call me that.i use different names!lol(thinks of cortana lol)

74 | Shizuku Spartan 138 says:

No seriously.great comic keep it up.and for the record my spartan number is 138 so no one can take it now!haha mother fuckin number stealing cock bites!(sry gb ill try not to fu*king curse!doh!)

75 | Mak_Attack says:

Ahahah LoL

76 | Grunt_Master says:


77 | johnnyrico says:

me inside your head now:halo 2,level cairo.
have you gone rampant, what are you doing?: halo 1 if you kill keyes with the pistol in the first level

78 | Yuzzi says:

Impressive, Gruntsbane! *CLAP CLAP*

79 | Lalalalala....what... says:

In the third panel, something doesn't look right...urk...bad mental picture coming into mind...

80 | Morpheus says:

DUDE I so agree(79) that was so funni. W00T 80TH POST!! BEYATCH!!

81 | Armyofone says:

hahaha cortana was so scared she was hugging MC for life. I wonder what MC's response is; I feel sorry for any nerd's name mentioned.If I was MC I'd be like oh no, another touchy feely moment. RRRRRR!!!!Touchy feely moments....they plague my life._:(

82 | Zyrra da Phira says:

Heh heh, Gruntsbane where do you get this stuff? If I were Chief, I'd make her panick more... >:P
Savour the moment and keep ya woman close! BTW what does Woot mean? HEH WOOO Go for gold Chief!!!

83 | blizzinam says:

kickass comic bwahahahaha "show us your code" just hilarius

84 | Smuqe says:

Hehe, "Show us your code"
And the Psycho-Cortana - look was just hilarious :D
For Zyrra de Phira: W00t normally means "Yay" or something similar. Some people still say it means "what" but they are just stupid, dont listen to em :P

85 | MCkicksazz says:


I really like how cortana was drawn, she looks like shes about to go on a nervous breakdown, LOL!!!!

Keep up the good work gruntsbane!

86 | LegendaryThunder says:


Oh god your killing me! Cant..ha ha ha, stop, ha ha ha...laughing!

I wouldn't be surprised if I was the one trying to feel up on Cortana! J/K!

87 | Dave says:

lol! dats a good'n lol!

88 | 88th poster says:


89 | WcStiCk says:

=P i heard there were plenty of those ppl at e3. i wanna go just to check out the games. one thing.
cortana is UGLY. sry halobabies.

90 | Arbitress says:

lol...wow Im late i know...-.-....i forgot the computer.....anyway nice comic very funny

91 | snarf da baddass grunt says:

cortana is way hott in the last frame...sizzlin'. oh yeah.

92 | dark hunter 91 says:

*lol* funny good comic.

93 | |)eath \/omit says:

yes what snarf said before he started macking on cortana

94 | Plague says:

actually, Smuqe, to correct you, woot means (literally) We Own the Other Team. many people dont know that, but thats what woot actually stands for, We Own the Other Team.

anyway GB, awesome comic! the expressions are marvellous, and its also HILARIOUS!


95 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

It seems that even the MC can't save her... an elite could, there 8' 6'' they could help her.

96 | Fusion1 says:

Awesome work!
Hey, did you guys know HaloBabies is mentioned in the Halo 2 instruction manual? Read the last couple of pages!

97 | Fusion1 says:

Rawr! Curse you, uneditable posts!

So, apparently I was wrong...Its Halo Planet, HBO, Rampancy, RvB, and Subnova that are in there. Oh well.

98 | Cortana4ever says:

Lmao, poor Cortana

99 | Askaris says:

Vey funny, Very well drawn. If E3 really is full of gangly nerds, I'll fit right in.

100 | DaHaK says:


on an unrelated note, 100th post! w00t!

101 | squattingb says:

awesome comic! :D loved the cortana expressions...
haha MC's got boobs in the last panel...
anyway, awesome! love the poses in this strip lol, priceless.

102 | Crimm says:

Hehe, still laughing...

Er, just what is Cortana grabbing in that last frame? His chestplate?

And nice Cortana dialogue, too!

103 | dulap da grunty says:

is cortana drunk?
it looks like it.....
weeeee 103rd post!

104 | Navaha-the-Royal-Guard says:

Uhhhhhhhhhhh, I was the guy who yelled, "Show us your code..."

Sorry, Cortana!
*Cough* Not! *Cough*

105 | wartwartwart says:

i know who ask for an autograph

106 | dogbert14 says:

lol, i love cortanas expression when she says "me, inside your head, now!"

107 | 888 says:

no that was not funny that was incredibly stupid, i laugh about the same when i watch a new born baby wail its head off

108 | A Halo Fan...natic says:

Damnit! I new I shouldn't have said that to her! Gah!

Anyways, very good. All the Cortana poses were great, expecially the one in the third panel. One of your best.

109 | the ex-arbiter(deceased) says:

i think cortana said "me,inside your head,now!" on two betrayals in halo 1..... hmmmm yup i am positive she did

110 | JaconWes says:

heh im not surprised that they thought she was a booth babe i mean she is kinda hot but i dnt think the halo freaks who stay on halo online and check the bungie message boards every 5 seconds didnt even know that she was the real thin =)

111 | Valjir says:


112 | Switch 9 says:

the last panel just with MC and cortana looks a bit ... um ... weird

113 | pokeplaya says:

dude!i do not understand any of this junk

114 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

I wouldnt mind seeing her code. That must have sounded bad...hahaha(nervous laugh)WOOT 114!!!!!!!!

115 | gruntmaster says:

I loved it!!! It was just to funny to bare!!! That was good, keep 'em coming!!!

116 | cortana is a booth baber!!! says:

hey!nice one with MC and cortana... keep it up! wait,did'nt i hear "me, inside your head, now!"in halo 1? i loved it any way!

117 | madmax says:

its well good im at school but im going to carry on reading them at school good job
halo is the best

118 | Ganonslayer says:

Ha Ha Dude this is funny.

119 | VideoGamer0331 says:

Yeah, there are two references to the games that I saw. One is "Have you gone rampant?" Cuz if you are trying to do the Megg room egg or just trying to be evil and you shoot that guy who gives you your first unloaded pistol (Can't think of his frikin name), Cortana says: "Cortana to backup, Master Chief has gone rampant! Take him down, men!" Also, the "Me, inside your head, NOW!" was (I think) in Halo 2, when you reach the bomb that the Covenent dropped on your ship, and you need to get Cortana to the bomb, so she says that and you connect her to the bomb and she deactivates it.

On a different, more lighthearted note, I really liked this strip. It shows how well these artists can draw Cortana's emotions. That "Obey me or DIE!" look in the third panel was priceless!

120 | ice WaGoN117 says:

Yea 120TH Comment This Rocks Like Cortana's thighs. she'll probably show me her code.

121 | gold spartan says:

it was relly funy

122 | teh arbiter says:

cortana is hot=)

123 | Predator110 says:

haha i love that strip!!! that was great lest hope theres more that are as funny as that!

124 | Halo15 says:

I Wander if MC got any comments from the girls.....

125 | spider monkey on rampage says:

i would be saying that too. cortana was hot in halo 2. too bad she had to stay behind and get interrogated by gravemind (after credits)

126 | calvy poo says:

hahahaha, that was funny, hehe, and here i thought that i only thought of the idea, hehe

127 | Redack says:

That was hilarious!

128 | ibookworm says:

"Rampant" is another Marathon reference. An AI in marathon can go rampant, i.e. insane. They are VERY dangerous when they do, because of how smart they are, even when insane.

129 | july says:

make 1 thats shows cortana as a hot striper striping.like showing her code

130 | Lord_Halo99 says:

yeah when hell freezes over man

This comic is G-rated last time i checked.

131 | David says:

poor cortana lol

132 | Alhadis says:

I'd really rather not see Cortana as a stripper. That's an easy way of spreading Sexually Transmitted Spyware. xP (Seriously though, this strip sent me into a giggling fit; especially Cortana's expression in the third panel. Gruntsbane really does have that talent for capturing emotions in his characters, and damn... the look in Cortana's face alone is comedy gold. XD "GET ME INTO YOUR HEAD, NOW!")

133 | Alhadis says:

BTW, I forgot to include Cortana's code. Here's what most of you horny geeks can be looking forward to. ;-)

object oCortana = OBJECT_SELF;
if(GetIsHorny(oCortana) == FALSE)
{object oNearestGeek = GetNearestNerdToObject(oCortana);
ResolveReaction("Get lost, freak! And take your hands off my gigabytes!");
location lKickPoint = GetBodyPart(ANATOMY_MANBERRIES);
KickObject(oNearestGeek, lKickPoint);}
else if(GetIsHorny(oCortana) == TRUE)
DelayReaction(3.0, "Okay, piss off now.");

Yes, quite the steamy, erotic turn-on, isn't it? xP (Note: this is the kind of joke only us geeks with some measure of programming knowledge would get.)

134 | carrot of the west says:

sure you have lol

135 | ha! ha! you're jealous of me because I have the longest name here says:

Terrific. Very terrific. I think that-- well, never mind. It's too great to have bad comments. That's a very good comic. Good get them, Gruntsbane!

136 | Alhadis says:

I'd really rather not see Cortana as a stripper. That's an easy way of spreading Sexually Transmitted Spyware. xP (Seriously though, this strip sent me into a giggling fit; especially Cortana's expression in the third panel. Gruntsbane really does have that talent for capturing emotions in his characters, and damn... the look in Cortana's face alone is comedy gold. XD "GET ME INTO YOUR HEAD, NOW!")

BTW, I forgot to include Cortana's code. Here's what most of you horny geeks can be looking forward to. ;-)

object oCortana = OBJECT_SELF;
if(GetIsHorny(oCortana) == FALSE)
{object oNearestGeek = GetNearestNerdToObject(oCortana);
ResolveReaction("Get lost, freak! And take your hands off my gigabytes!");
location lKickPoint = GetBodyPart(ANATOMY_MANBERRIES);
KickObject(oNearestGeek, lKickPoint);}
else if(GetIsHorny(oCortana) == TRUE)
DelayReaction(3.0, "Okay, piss off now.");

137 | ha! ha! you're jealous of me because I have the longest name here says:

You know, Gruntsbane, the newly drawn Cortana has never looked better. Keep up the good work, Gruntsbane! :D It's the best!

138 | Twix_Master says:

starts singing: somebody calls you. You answer quite slowly the girl with kolidoscope thighs!

139 | DELTASQUAD says:

Hi Gruntsbane u may not know me but i was wondering if (since i like this comic so much) u could do what post 129 from july says was wondering if u could do that u know make a comic of cortana as a striper and showing her code and all that i hope u know what i mean if so please make a comic like that thank u so much

140 | Masterchief evil says:

hahahaha!!! pervs!!!!

141 | bungie says:

HAHAHAHA i am the princees of bungie get it becuse i dont?

142 | no I'm not jealus beacause you will face a beautiful bloody end! idiot says:

Blue skin does it

143 | murcielago says:


144 | THE CHARLES 2 says:

They sound like maried couples lol i think they should be together make a good couple

145 | gold elite says:

It was sooooooooo funny! SHOW US YOUR CODE.Thats halarious

146 | zorbak says:

well duh! but how can they get married? oh and by the way im gold elite.

147 | .........>_<........ says:

ummmm......no offense..i thought cortana looked like she wus gonna mug /*ahem* melest *sick* or lethaly kill mc.....i wouldn't get on her bad side..... woot!!!147 thththth....th....

148 | .....................>_<..................... says:

wow.........zorbak bat me..oh well......148 "yea-yea" from blinx tm@

149 | ........>_<'.................... says:


150 | the MeepZ0r says:

funny comic..........151st post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so ha.

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