A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


141 comments so far | leave your own

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1 | Shaded Spriter says:

I remember people like that on TFC...and counter strike...and UT...and just about every other FPS ever.

2 | Smuqe says:

Yeah, me too... Pretty annoying :/

3 | Insane Master Chief says:

Great strip, funny and true as always. Oh, and "bloody wankers"? I'm presuming you're British? Like moi( Scottish)?

4 | Insane Master Chief says:

Oh, and I forgot: woot, third post (and woot, fourth post).

5 | KayJay says:

Wankers is Also used in Australia...So is bloody.. .

6 | Runtylime says:

Honestly this happens to me all the time, It is so stupid. They get of to a bad start they quit! they don't like the map the quit! they team starts to lose some annnnnnnd they QUIT! One of the reason my level is only an 18 in team slayer is people ,QUIT!QUIT!QUIT! IT NEEDS TO STOP! MMMMMMMM......Tang really sooths a ravage anger!

7 | D-man says:

LoL nice strip bloody wanka's with thier n00bish ways like quitting... And saying w00t first, second, third POSTS! >.<
good comic though

8 | Nightwing says:

That was funny! I also hate quiters!

9 | Flaydramon says:

Yes.. Quitter = Ashlochs

ANother Aussie here? o.O Yay :D

And as a side note I'm not german so dun blame me if that's spelt funny xD

10 | Falcon says:

W00t! 10th post!!

Awesome comic, Gruntsbane! I love six-panel comics! Keep it up!

Yeah, don't you just hate it when people quit your server? I feel like...

11 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

I hate quitters, it's as awful as cheating; Just becuase we were off at a bad start doesn't mean were going to lose for good.

BOLL has quitted
Stuntmutt has quitted
Louis Wu has quitted
New001 has quitted
a vehicle has quitted
n00b)-(sa1b0t has quitted
HAlo bOI has quitted
FaceSucker has quitted
Rocket Luancher has quitted

There goes the neighborhood; I'm going to play Yoshi's Island today... YOSHI!

12 | Cdarx says:

ture... happens every time you get pepole you dont know...

13 | Spartan-287 says:

crazykilla? i know that guy, used to play mechassault with him

14 | SpiderFreak says:

Yeah, I hate it when everybody but you (or one other person) quits, especially on CTF. Good job, GB.

15 | Spartan - 010011101001 says:

SuperDragonYoshi has poor grammer. "Has Quitted"? It just says:
" blah blah quit"

16 | gruntsbane says:

I'm not a brit or an aussie but apparently that guy is. That's who I end up playing at 4 in th morning ;)

17 | HaloNemesis says:

Oh, so true. My brother can not stand it when people quit. This is so good.

And one day I will get a XBox live account. I will be what, the first girl to have one? All right!

18 | Hellfirefanatic says:

...Oh so true... the horror... Hahaha, great comic!

19 | Stuntmutt says:

Super Dragon Yoshi -

I NEVAR quit.


20 | Blue_Corpral says:

lol so funny....but so true. i hate ppl who join a game and just quit b/c they might lose grrr... i never quit

21 | Grunty giant says:

Good one Gruntsbane!
That happens to me a lot.
But these days it usually happens to the other team???

Any ways I like to know what the background in the comic is?
It kinda looks like a background from Terminal.

22 | dogbert14 says:

so sad, yet so true...

23 | Gruntsbane says:

The background was supposed to be the zanzibar flag room but the colors are probably misleading.

24 | xenomorph64 says:

GOD i hate when that happens. but i have done that man times me self ironically.......

25 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

never quit before...but i know some peeps who do!

26 | Zquad says:

Quit on me once shame on you, quit on me twice shame on me.

27 | xxctlxx says:

...... shame shame shame.... lucky i wont quit... i have atleast honor :).
P.S.: and i die going to battle

28 | dark hunter 91 says:

*lol*about Zquad's comment.^-^ good comic,I hate when that happen but I've never quit... unless every one leave and i'm the only there.

29 | beebegun91 says:

LMAO!! I know Crazykilla, I seriously do!

Lol I hate quitters though damn them.

30 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

those are EXACTLY the people i cant stand......just cuz they lose one round they cry like little babies and run off....

31 | LegendaryThunder says:

I always hate when people leave my team, it causes me lag and not to mention a harder time to win in order to lvl up.

You guys truly feel my pain.

32 | Cipher Spark 777 says:

Yeah, that is always annoying. especially when you're the last guy out. This is only enhanced when the other team sticks with it.
It's also really bad if you're in a match with somebody else on the same account. Cause when they quit you all quit. grr...

33 | KloHunt3r says:

Too freakin' true. Nice comic, once again.

34 | yo momma says:

Once, evryone on my team quit on Halo PC. I had to defend the base until 4 people joined my team to help out. It really sucked. I had one block of health left and no ammo. Nice comic. The next one should continue this one to show what happens to the only one that's left.

35 | John says:

Funny and True, probably 95 percent of the games I played in matchmaking someone would quit in the first five minutes. That's why I always go in with friends now.

36 | Grizzled-Ancient says:

I wonder how many guys here are quitters and won't admit it...I quit once cause supper was ready...yummy. Grrrrr makes me mad. babies...noobs!

37 | Tryan Shootamee says:

Hahhaha don't you just hate that...pain lots of pain...Team memebers rock...but i'm used to lonewolf.

Hey Spartano58-halogeeky...you we're right. the halo movie's comin out. microsolft hired that "28 days later" guy to do it. there's a rumer where they're gunna pick up halo 3 where the movie left off...

38 | Dark Klick says:

People don't understand that even if they quit, the game they were in still counts for them. People should just deal with the issue. Alright, we didn't score, they did. Let's just play for fun. Even after saying something like that, people give up.

Best situation was at Coag, Neutral Bomb, 4 on 4. Me and a friend started, and both our team mates quit. 2 on 4. They got a Bomb in, 1 - 0 for Red. Then about 3 minutes left in the game, after he and I decided "let's just drive the warthog and gun them down" 3 of their team members quit, leaving us with a one person up. We snatched the bomb and in the 2:30 minutes left, scored 3 Bomb wins and laughed.

The Moral? Stick with the game, cause you never know when the other team is gonna drop out with players. Cheers, have fun!

39 | sparkie says:

heh...*shakes fist at smiley bor beinf atwit* I almost saw this in LA...but smiley didn't have it. Nice job. Quitters suck.

40 | Spartan-107 says:

Quitters bite and thats good proof keep em coming :)

41 | .:CaBoOsE:. says:

nice one very funny....my cousins wanna do that too when me or my bro are killeng them...but my brother stops them...^.^ nice one

42 | Demon 112 says:

my friends do that to me when they come to my house to play halo 2(on multi player)

43 | The fang says:

This always happens to me!

44 | Rotring says:

:) one of the best ever!!

Not WOOT!!! :D

45 | The Arbitress says:

The quitters who leave the game just because their team is losing are the real losers.

46 | Fergler says:

hmmph...why does that look soooo familiar! X.x

47 | Java says:

SO TRUE! We were playing single CTF, against four blues when three quit! We hear "FUCK!" from somewhere on the map. We all look at eachother and go, "Was that one of us?" Everyone screams "NO!" and we go find this guy. The blue was squatting there, we beat him down easily and you can hear him grumbling "Losers! They all quit and we aren't even losing! Now it's just me against four FUCKING LEVEL TENS!!!" It was hilarious! He joined our group after that, we felt bad and he turned out to become one of my best friends on Live. WHOO HOO for quitters! They bring me friends! HEE!!

48 | sQuEaK says:

i find it funny when all other team quit except one because it feels great to congratulate them for staying in the game.

49 | ilovegrunts says:

Aye, nice comic. Hate 'dem quitters.

50 | Spec Ops Elite says:

I hate quiters, there so... quity. but the Halo babies, they are not quity, and that is why I love them!I only quit when my mum makes me. I ahte it when the whole team quits then the other team beat you, then say,"Oh yeah u stupid n00b, suck it all the way down" "Man, u suck, we owned you!" " Ha Ha!" (Little kid voice) "Go cut off your willie!"

51 | Blaz says:

once you have half your team gone, you only have 10% chance of winning. *sigh* most of the time the rest of the team will quit to.

good one gruntsbane.

52 | Grunt_Master says:

Yea... that tends to happen. Damn Newbs.

53 | Master dude says:

Happens to me all the time...

54 | PEACEMAKER says:

Stupid mother @#$%ing quiters!! Nice strip.Like Grunt_Master said, that DOES tend to happen

55 | andrew says:

lol. thats hilarious. best strip so far!!! lmao

56 | Joe says:

No offense, but it wasn't that funny.

57 | sketch says:

I hate quitters! if you wanna be my friend friend me at Guardian Chibi. I won't ever quit!

58 | Keyes says:

I'll add you man, Anyone looking for a Good Close Range/Long Range fighter, add Dark Klick. Chibi, I'll add you.

Fantastic Comic, Top notch and could barely handle the truth, It happens, and damn it blows, Keep them coming man, Awesome job.

59 | Jaxx says:

So true... so, so true.

60 | the ex-arbiter(deceased) says:

my friends always do that except that they switch teams

61 | TheGuardianOfNight says:

funny as hell, could've been funnier if the blue dude swore when the last guy ditched him

62 | Roadkill says:

Jeese I fraggin know that, bloody bastards always quiting

63 | Sabedge Wolf says:

Yay im da 65 post woo hoo anyways i have experiencesed this many times before

64 | Commo Chief says:

66th post and my first!
I am a NOOB however I have been playing teams with guys that are leveled at 10 or higher and we start to loose and they all quit left me all alone with four players hunting me!!!! I was shaking in my boots but I got a few kills before they killed me off!!!!
So it aint just the NOOBS

65 | ansomble28 says:

LOL, Nice friggin comic. Poking fun at good ole' Halo idiots. Life couldn't get any better. Hey GB, I'm trying to lay some time aside to get a friggin' Socom comic up soon. Will try to be more dedicated this time around! Wish me Luck!

66 | Armyofone says:

I hate that with a deep passion god *fricken the duszc*. God I remember one time i was playing it was a 4v4 match then all of a sudden "Gulge QUIT" "neednstuff QUIT" "JZR QUIT" so it was me vs. the other four ya that was fair
*cough*dush bags*cough*. If I could meet them whether they're a girl or not they get a swift kick to the nuts but anywho great comic!!!!!!!!!!!------ZEN

67 | mooching sack of death says:

gah! i feel their pain or is that just something in my pocket....

68 | Java says:

I never quit on my team, I hate not finishing! But dude, if you ever came at me trying to kick me, be warned. Us girls kick right back, and harder. Be warned of the females, it doens't hurt us as it does you! Muwah ahah!

69 | red snow says:

lol, to true

70 | Scottish Dragon says:

Yes how true nice comic, I hate quitters It's so lame. I am quite surprised that none of you brilliant artists hasn't done a comic about the instant kill jackal snipers on Outskirts.
Apologies if I am off topic...

71 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Spartan-010011101001, 'has quitted' is as said in the Halo Babies comic here, okay? Apologies to Stuntmutt, that was a joke I added in my previous comment. Everyone happy now? Good, now I can continue playing Zero Mission... YOSHI!

72 | Poli says:

hah, keep it up guys.


73 | whiteman says:

yeah, thts y i get a team together first

74 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

I'm with you all the way! also, on some games like counter strike, people join the team which is completely kicking the other team's ass. like 78 - 0. i mean, wtf is up with those kinds of wimps?!

75 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

I know what he is going through, I've been there.

76 | Triggir Hap E says:

I would like to point out, that no only does quiting hurt your level, it hurts it WORSE than losing. If any1 wants some1 thatll stick through ANY game, add Triggir Hap E

77 | dude says:

that was gay

78 | Balefire says:

What was gay?...

And Triggir speaks true, if you quit, you gain no experience when you quit, you only lose the experience that they already took from you. That's why it is especially dumb to quit right before it says "game over."

Nice comic.

BTW, I've played with 20+'s who quit, so it's not only n00bs. (they would probably be 30's if they didn't lose so much exp from quitting.

Keep those babies comin!

*80 post w00t??

79 | Morpheus says:

THAT IS SO TROO!! I still don't have Halo 2, but I have a lot of multi's and that pisses me off so much...

80 | Morpheus says:

btw 81st post biatch

81 | f says:


82 | death to manny f cuz hes a fat lump of dog turd says:

yea i hate ppl that quit. my whole team quit on me one time and i took 3 lvl 12's on i masacered em 37 to 19 i never died.lol they were my team
ass soon as they quit i started to wip em so bad lol they were like where3 r u well anyways i hate quiters its the reason y im only a lvl 17. i wus 18. till 2 ppl quit on assenctions.

83 | lazymonkey69 says:

thats how i feel some times what can u do well yall comics are funny

84 | Trento says:

That comic is so true.I hate those a.. hole quiters.It ruins the game for every one else.

85 | Trento says:

Oh ya and dude you are probly a quiter if ya didnt like that comic.

86 | Trento says:

one more thing lol. Woot #1-86

87 | Joey says:

That captures it perfectly i think they should make it so you cant quit

88 | Ant says:

This is a crack up

89 | Mid7night says:

This just happened to me in a FFA Slayer match; one person quit and it sparked person after person to just keep quitting. It seriously took 3 to 4 minutes for the game to reload. My friend and I were quite a ways behind in the game, but by the time it reloaded, we were the only ones left! So it ended up being a nice head-to-head match instead!

90 | MAVERICK NR 1 says:

Great Comic!! Specially cause the most of us know how it feels to have Quitters on our teams :(

Grts Mav

91 | Sergi says:

Its funny because its true.

92 | Cowtipper04 says:

Yo, i was playing a couple of days ago with a few new "friends". Yea, it was Team Slayer, i was a level 1 still in that, my friends were all 9's and 12's. They all left, and i was against a bunch of 11's. Score: 8 to 15 :D

93 | CapnGizmo says:

Liked it

94 | Chris.p says:

This C@rtoon was OK but not the gre@test Make em better!

95 | dan says:

that wase wasome

96 | cool dude says:

the comic wase pritty cool but can any1 help me level up on teem slayer my name on halo 2 is (RAZER001)

97 | HALO117 says:

the comic was cool, it was soo true. i h8 it when there's quiters

98 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

Yea quitters are bad especially if u r a 24 like me. I usually get forced to fight 26+s, which makes a HUGE difference in skill level. Hint hint...if Bungie is listening...no...awww.

99 | MARETON says:

Quitters quit because they can't face losing, or have a good reason for doing so, they don't care about your level just their own, don't complain, it happens, face it you can't make them play the game but there should be a punishment, like automatically dropping a level or two if they do quit.

Just last night someone played the whole game (CTF Classic on warlock) until the last round and quit, after the game I checked the stats and he didn't even fire his gun once, why??? He was in matchmaking not training.

100 | kinoda says:

good strip - most realistic. i ALSO hate quitters. more and more i find that it's me and maybe two other guys playing bomb against eight guys with lower ranks than me. sooo, i lose my level and they gain loads. BRILLIANT!!! thanks to everyone who quits. i'd prefer to bend over and take it than quit...

friend me - kinoda. i ain't great but i NEVER quit!

101 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

i can see if some people quit if they have 2 log off but most of the time they are afraid of losing.

IF anyone else thinks that Bungies leveling matchups don't work please respond. I have lost my faith in the system long ago. For example today I played against: 2 29's, a 28, and a 14 who obviously wasn't a 14. Our team consisted of: a brand new 25,2 soon to be 23 24's and a frustrated 22. I think that Bungie should take note of people with multiple accounts and not let them boost.

P.S.We got schooled and none of us quit. I'm currently looking 4 a clan that NEVER quits send me an invite 2 Doubl3 H3lix.

102 | Turok says:

I HATE QUITTERS! THEY SUCK! I also hate people who change teams! Y DO THEY DO THAT! IT MAKES EVRYONE ELSE SOO MAD!!! (Turok is my Halo2 character's name).

103 | gruntmaster says:

I loved it!!! it reminded me of red vs blue a lil' yea know!!! it was really cute!!! Keep up the good work and keep 'em comin'!!!

104 | Ace says:

I hate it when that happens to me when I play online... although I sometimes have pull out in the middle of the game, though I usaly {sorry I forgot how to spell} only do that when I'm laging badly...[BTW funny comic]

105 | mrpooter says:

Great comic, it seems to be happening more since the reset and new maps, it's bloody crazy! It's just a game so the idea of it is to have fun no matter whether your winning or losing so don't quit, alright, you now who you are, one day, somehow we'll find you, we'll find you, you can't quit forever, you can't hide.......(moihahahahahaha, moihahahahahahaha!!)

Damn Rabbit!!!!!!


106 | Evil Fruit says:

Damn, I hate it when people do that!

lol. nice comic.

107 | Insanity says:

Yer, that is funny coz you're playing and you say "im going in back me up" and turn around to find 4 corpses where guys just qu(stattic)........
Insanity has quit

Insanity has rejoined the game

Sorry, lagged out.
Aussies Rule!!!! W00t

108 | Crosso says:

damn those every game and every day qquiters. i heard one quits for fun! (Jerk he is) i rarly quit. only if im extremly outnumberd cuase of others quiters and if the teammates take the p!$$ out of me becuase i live in UK. what have i done? what harm did i pull to them?
the comic makes a fact. true fact 100% true.
i'll regret the times i quit which is rarly like i said again!!
which my brother thinks quitting on online racing is the same kind as quiting on halo 2? I THINK NOT!!

109 | bullet sponge says:

i know some quitters. i despise people who quit it takes the challenge out of the game. changing teams is just as bad. the comic was nice. i enjoyed it

110 | Pac Man says:

dude im the 110 post yeepee but anyway i think that this strip is frickn hiliours but at the same time it reminds me of how much i despise quitters i also thoguht that was some great art work

111 | Kyle says:

These are all good but this is absolutly quality the more the better, and it really is true people do do this, damn quitters!

112 | Spartan511 says:

It was very true. Ive got a question how do u guys make your coics like what program and stuff

113 | Killa of the Worlds says:

That comic was so funny. It just really speaks to us. I hate quitters and once some people betrayed me just to make me kick 'em off the server. I HATE QUITTERS!

114 | livinduckman says:

yeh at level 20 there is alot of quiters

115 | the master of the master cheifs:::::::::::..::..:: says:

everytime i'm online and my team is behind, they all quit, even though we still win at the end when they're all gone. this is a comic that i would have drawn!!! aawww bloody wankers.

116 | mike says:


117 | mi says:

that wus a little like today

118 | rog says:

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

119 | Sweet-tartarus says:

everybody knows thats wat happens. you should make a sequal about being the only one playing on your team, its so hard and annoying being alone, you learn to appreciate ur teammates

120 | hahaha says:

this was so funny I peed my pants

121 | Graximus says:


122 | Bloodymarine7 says:

This was a veary good comic cause its true

123 | ice WaGoN117 says:

I usally play capture the flag bye my self and win. if they were playing assult it would have been a tragedy of epic proportion. i mean C'mon we need to have automatic hanicap for these situations. BLOODY QUITTERS!

124 | jon says:

wow... reminds me of those little 10 year olds that play...
if ya can't win, just quit!

125 | a blue and red grunt says:

i hate quitters! if they too scared to fight on foot, then poof! 2 teammates gone. and i really hate when the flag carrier quits. i have to go all along the map just to find a damn flag! grr

126 | teh arbiter says:

yeah i hate doin that too!!!

127 | teh arbiter says:

my friend quits when i call him a noob cause he was obsessivly using the scorpion....n00b...

128 | Predator110 says:

haha yea almost evry time i get into a game like the lowest lvl person quits cuz there afraid they will get owned! great strip tho!

129 | bubbleboy says:

hahahaha dude noobs like that suck, the game should consider that a forfiet, then they wnat quit so damn much

130 | spartan 130 says:

i hate newbies...they ruin the game if there on your team and dont know where all the power ups and guns are, they run around trying to be heroes and not teamates, and dont ever finish a game but quit

131 | deathprone says:

and then theres players who are really good and all they want to do is kill there own players giving no point to the game and leaves you with no choice but to leave or join the other team.(why is it so special to whoot what post # u get!?!)

132 | grunt lover nick watts says:

i love it becuase it happend to me
if u like grunts please email me a picture of a grunt

133 | nick watts says:

please email me a grunt picture

134 | nick watts says:

deathprone and spartan 130 are right

135 | Masterchief evil says:


136 | X cal1ber says:

I hate quitters.
I love this strip.
CRAP! ONLY POST #135?!?!?!

X cal1ber has quit.

137 | Askhalo says:

hahahaha that happend to me once...4 to 1 even my friend quit on me...i got my a** kicked
come to my site!
you can ask halo characters

138 | zorbak says:


139 | Gruntacular says:

Lol that really does state a point I quit xbox live cause my friends would always do that lol.

140 | mega man zero says:

Well i'm glad bungie got rid of that in halo three

141 | kraid17 says:

you no the word with many'.'s except for the f?that word is.....

MOM:honey time for dinner!

ME(thoughts):aww crap

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