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Guest Strip: Stuntmutt { November 19, 2004 }
37 comments so far | leave your own
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1 | Rymir says:
muwahaha first comment!
I wanna see some halo 2 comics!
2 | MC_Elite says:
LMAO! Good old OneOneSeven!
3 | Ripper 714 says:
I've almost got it, but not quite. Lol, I want some Halo 2 OneOneSeven Comics!
4 | MinkOWar says:
Ripper.. you are very close.. think "Ape" - ri - "Cot"
5 | Gruntish Elite says:
OMG LMFAO! OneOnese7en kicks butt and a half isms...O_O
Apricot...heeehehehe...I used to think it was 'April-cot' cuz my name is april..Oh the delusions of childhood...
6 | Stuntmutt says:
Bloody rubbish.
7 | A British Person says:
And what's wrong with being British?
8 | mrsmiley says:
I dunno, who said there was something wrong? :)
9 | Falcon says:
Whoa! Lol! Cool comic, Stuntmutt!
Good to see One-One-Seven! That is just hilarious!
What is wrong with being British, anyway? I'm an American trying to see what's wrong so I can fix it! ;)
10 | Ryley217 says:
Poor Chief, but he looks funny! I can't wait for the next comic=^.^=
11 | squattingb says:
what does the last panel say? my window wont extend any farther and there's no scroll bar :p, what does cortana say?
12 | mrsmiley says:
*Scroll Bar Added*
13 | Jaxx says:
Nice job Stuntmutt! That was a good one. :D
14 | Some Weird Guy says:
Go One One Seven! You rock dude.
15 | PINK elite with an ENERGY SWORD (Aka the grunt 1000) says:
Joel!!!!!!! i beg of you!!!!!!!
16 | Huki 'Unamee says:
Ok, I get it. Why do you say "don't worry if you don't get it, the artist is british ;)"? Why do you need our E-mails? The strips ROCK! All of them ROCK, except the comic serise called 'The Marines'
17 | arbiter says:
this is red elite iv changed my name to atbiter:) that was a funny comic... ha haha! 117! he's very funny.
18 | moris says:
i dont get the joke
19 | bob says:
first rymir just wasted first post and second, I liked that comic and understood it from the start
20 | wort wort wort says:
21 | arbiter says:
great comic....
22 | Big Elly aka the grunt 1000 says:
whats the marines????
23 | adrian says:
there very short and they are boring
24 | sean says:
this site rocks
25 | mr chief says:
hey...who said my issue.............dumps!!!!
26 | shana says:
hey! you just got my comment! GAYA GAYA PUTO MAYA!!
27 | Lt. haverson says:
the master chief looks like he's from warthog launch.
28 | Evil grunt says:
****************** rubish! Oneonese7en is much better!
29 | Doubl3 H3lix says:
Best master chief drawing YET!!!
Please take note of the crosshatching! Just kiddin' thats not crosshartching. Its just fuzzy, like a kitty.
30 | hehehe says:
this is de worst 1 i ever saw!!!!!!!!
i barf
31 | Thraxon says:
lol funny stuff this is
32 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:
a waste of pencil...just kidding, best freaking strip I've seen. I think it's drawn better than Halo Babies (cough). Yes I am posting this kinda late but hey, this strip was awsome, couldn't resist posting a comment. Like trying to resist going to the bathroom.
33 | Creativename says:
I said it before and i'll say it again "Stuntmutt is a fricking genious"
34 | Masterchief evil says:
35 | grunts kik ass says:
dats sum terrible drawing
36 | RAWPOWER95 says:
37 | Matt says:
Stuntmutt just copied the images... None of this was hand drawn, just cutouts with premade speech bubbles...
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