A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Vlad says:

Nice, Mister Chief certainly doesn't want to lose his armor.

2 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

wow... looks so cool... cool pose... killer shading man... wow...

3 | Spec Ops Elite says:

That was a awsome comic. Why does every one want first post, they just wast it.

4 | ansomble28 says:

I understand the premise for this one but somehow it makes no sense whatsoever. Where's the punchline? I'm sorry this one just borders on dumb.

5 | Necromas says:

I like the badass look mister chief has in the last frame. Nice shading ;)

6 | BOLL says:

It had a different title before I got voted down by akba and mrsmiley... the old one was apparently a little too hard to understand... as it was deep... :P The background idea was just that Halo Babies MC sucked at co-op, and that the respawning Mister Chief punished him for that. Makes no sense to me now either. Ha.. hahaha.

7 | Jillybean says:

I liked it.

What was the original title? Not that I'll understand it, but I like to know things.

8 | Zero says:

Haha, very nice.

9 | Deadly Warrior says:

Nice drawing, very good shading and textures, good job man!

10 | Howard says:

Definitely got his payback. Real nice, BOLL.

11 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

Nice...Who would want to kill MC?
Men and their armor...Tisk tisk...

12 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

Mister Chief was makin the Mark 6 armor look bad anyway...that's not fair. it looks FAR better on mAster Chief...

13 | haloman says:

Yah I mean it looks stupid on him. Its not the same so master chief will kill him this time not a grunt.

14 | Sim1 says:

haha it happens to me when i play with my friend... he never cover me... (ha ha post from italy...)

15 | squattingb says:

I think it's because on the strip Mister Chief got killed, apparently it was a newb grunt who killed him, but we don't like that Mister Chief can be killed so easily, so it'd make soooooooo much more sense if Master Chief killed him and just took his armour and blamed it on a n00bed grunt :P
Makes sense?

16 | Ryley217 says:

LMFAO that was gooood!

17 | The Emperor Master says:


back AWAYYY from the Mister Chief...REPEAT, Back AWAYYY from the Mister Chief.

this was good! i liked it!

18 | bob says:

Thats what i would do 2 the masterchief if he tryed 2 kill me!

19 | MarineSniper says:

Well the blurry scenes on the right were from older comics...but they fit well with this comic.
Love it BOLL!!

20 | PINK elite with an ENERGY SWORD says:

wow he must be really mad for what mc did to him!!! he sure looks mad!!!!! *_*'

21 | arbiter says:

now thats funny demon vr. demon. id like to see that one!

22 | Gavman says:

i have no godly idea what that was about

23 | VampyrTurialim says:

I just read every comic, and instead of posting the same thing on every one, ill put it on this one...

This kicks absolute ass. Superbly done. I was even thinking of doing a Halo rip off comic for my clan, but seeing these would make it look rubbish... Keep up the good work!

24 | arbiter says:

ugh... i had to actully work with the demon... don't think i don't wan't him beat up after that thing with gravemind.

25 | Brutesaver says:

Wow that is a good one...

26 | Ghost says:

hmmm...is he like, a zombie or something? didnt he died with a big blue boom?...

27 | ecka says:

you big meanies

28 | Easy? says:

How'd mister chief survive? Well, maybe it's on easy or somthing...

29 | Bobgoescrizazy says:

Mister chief survived bcuz his vortex constructive deplasmo beam was miscalibrated. Thereby equipping him with the equivalent of 14 nano-decalibers

30 | Hmmm.. says:

bob you are crazy yah, its probably on easy or something :P

31 | Church says:

Listen, it's been three years since the poor guy could actually go on stabbing rampages. Back in Mark V, all he could do is get stabbed.

I'd stab the nearest thing if I could wield Covenant swords...

32 | sQuEaK says:

maybe he just respawned. did anyone think of that?

33 | porblmo says:

yeh. he definatly respawned. plus i am an elite and that is not relevent to this at all.

34 | Black Guard says:

i think i get it... misterchief remembers back to when the grunt killed him and that masterchief did a lame job of covering his ass so now hes gettin his revenge.

35 | eliteghost01 says:

so that's who stabbed me when I was going to the kitchen to get cheetos and tang.


36 | carrot of the west says:

Ummmm.... I have no clue who that weird guy in the gay suit wuz. Also.... TANG IZ GUD! yay ppl like eliteghost01 who like tang, lmao :P

37 | blaz says:

D: oh no someone who doesnt know who mister chief is... *whips out cardboard sword and stabs carrot*

38 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

this one needed someone 2 explain it. someone explaine it 2 me please!!!

39 | commander elite says:

why mister chief why!

40 | master chef says:

cortana was right

41 | Masterchief evil says:

he got him back for stealing the armor!

42 | grunts kik ass says:

how weird i thot he died and revenge with the sword(lame)

43 | Zeka the Gold Elite says:

Humans fighting Humans, makes my life easier...

44 | Yay says:

Mister Chief sucks, the guy who made him is soo overreacting about his character dieing

45 | arbyter says:

excellent shading but i have to agree with ansomble28 here, you could have put a joke in. thats not funny its just something we understand whats going on in cos we saw the other strips but its not a joke.

46 | kraid17 says:

look out zombie mister chief!lol.though he looks more ...er...they both look grown-up bitches

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