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Guest Strip: Bluestone { December 03, 2004 }
63 comments so far | leave your own
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1 | VampyrTurialim says:
Funny as fudge...
I know the feeling, this happens to me every night online...
2 | The_Eliminator says:
The wepons need colour...
3 | Gavman says:
lol! that lil spartan is so well drawn :D bravo
4 | Robert Jason says:
This is one of the greats ones yet i think more like this would be great!
5 | Kanman-075 says:
Great comic! This is definetly THE best guest comic. Oh, that blue guy is me. I love da' swords!
6 | Slimby says:
Just like my sister and her "sniples", it seems only those who need to feel big chose half a thousand different weapons. And then get gunned down by someone who has been behind then the whole damn time. And hey, BOB.
7 | A Gnomey Mouse says:
What the heck is a rocket launcher doing on the Zanzibar beach?
8 | Sparkie says:
LMFAO! That's cool. I've been like that sometimes, and I love sneaking up behind snipers becasue they're usually in zoom-mode the entire time, so they don't see thier motion tracker. I do that to people with rocket launchers too.
9 | negro says:
10 | alec says:
11 | Digikid says:
very nicely done. 10/10
12 | Ryley217 says:
LMFAO that was good I can't wait to see more. He totally got paw'd =^.^=
13 | (Na)Marl says:
Nice. That happens to so many noobs I know. And how that launcher got on Zanzibar beach, I put it their.
14 | Morpheus says:
As I said in the comic "CTF Pro", That happens to me all the time. AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE THE GAME(still)!!!!!!
15 | Ghost says:
lol i am a victom of such behavior(which weapons to use..? )
16 | B|az says:
very cool comic =] how come i got a feeling those weapons are the "blueprints" from the manual
17 | ansomble28 says:
That was hilarious, this happens to me frequently online! PWNED!!
18 | Big Elly says:
hey gruntsbane! didi you get my fan strip by the grunt 1000? i emailed it to !
19 | blue_spartan says:
Hehehe, great! Happens to me the whole time, I am so bad. (Could be something to do with not having an Xbox and only going on my friend's when I have the chance) I'm always the one going 'wher are they?' and then SMACK and I'm down. Nice one!
20 | arbiter says:
very funny! hahaha! i love doing that to spartens! hahahaha!
21 | Prophet of Gansta says:
real funny.. I hate when it takes 5 minutes to decide what gun I want to get. But I love killing newbies who dont kno where the X button is to pick up the weapon and there just standing there trying to find it.. lol
22 | ilovegrunts says:
Always check, then if its clear pick up the gun. And then you get killed by a plamsmaaaaaaaaa......
23 | mr.colapowy says:
that was so funny you should color the needler a little better color
24 | Sgt. Johnson says:
u know its just too bad that johnson and the marines cant be played as... maybe something like james bond so marines hav a special ability like maybe more ammo, ability to climb rocks? i dunno y i thought of that...
but back to the comic... i hate it when my friend plays this dark map in halo 1 with 2 floors and 2 teleporters on each side so i run around and somhow he gets behind me and bashes me... funny how its just like me...
25 | Lord Wellsington says:
Fine Show, Gentleman. Lovely artwork. Excuse me, I must now go fight old Bony.
26 | Falcon says:
Oh man! All of the weapons in Halo 2 are so cool! It IS difficult to find one that you will actually be satisfied with. ;)
And, as the comic shows, don't waste too much time choosing weapons because there are gamers out there who may be one step a head of you...and I think that I know one... ;)
Great comic, Bluestone!
27 | ldsjf says:
28 | squattingb says:
anyway, great comic Bluestone in classic 343GS style! Lol you should've made it into a movie like your season 2! Would've taken like 10 times longer but excellent!
29 | problmo says:
yeh. he got pwnt. and i am an elite but thats not relevent to this subject
30 | porblmo says:
yeh. and make more like this. like make another demon like kenny from southpark just keep dying every once i nawhile. in funny ways.
31 | Mulletman262 says:
"B|az says:
very cool comic =] how come i got a feeling those weapons are the "blueprints" from the manual"
can't be, the pr has a needler behind it.
32 | Bluestone says:
Thanks for the comments everyone! I would have replied earlier but I've been having a nightmare with my ISP over the last week. Thanks Everyone!
33 | Anarchy says:
Good job, bluey keep up the good work :D.
34 | nottanoob says:
stupid noobs
35 | elitesniper says:
lol, good stuff, nice turning of the pics, but i made a tribute to HBN, i would post it on the forum but i can't
36 | Michael Archer says:
What I don't understand is, he's wearing Mark V armour.
37 | justin says:
this would suck so badly i hope it never happens to me i mean it sucs so fu**ing bad
38 | nicholas choi says:
these halo babies comics are awsome and would really like it if there were alittle funny stuff in the comic strips.
39 | nicholas choi says:
there has to be a cartoon backround.
40 | Edward Choi says:
suppose there must be some characters from halo2 like Miranda Keyes.
41 | Master Chief says:
i look very small.
42 | bunga says:
He he that's pretty funny and very strangely i've acually seen people do stuff like that on xbox live! (>^.^<)
43 | unknown says:
So you're telling me there is 1 Magnum, 1 Needler, and a Rocket Launcher on the beach of Zanzibar 'eh? Well let's make this clear, there ain't any of those. So you're gonna tell me there was recently people fighting there. Since Head-to-Head isn't played on Zanzibar, I could agree. But still, be more realistic. And the blue gues head looks kinda big don't ya think? Altogether, I give this a score of 5/10. B for effort, D for realistic, and C for thinking. Well I might give A for backround. :)
44 | Black Guard says:
yeh, well 'unknown' suxs!!! :P
45 | Shadownerd says:
^-^ ligthsaber defineetly needs balancing. so does sniperand particlerifle...but teh needle IS good...greatwork! *its now my desktop background ;)
46 | AnotherHaloFan says:
that one was funny, but i think that u shudve made the red spartan more excited and at that last scene, i think that it sudve been drawn better. anyway, good job guys! :)
47 | eliteghost01 says:
(posting from the high intensity care unit in the New Mombasa hospital)
Damn you bluestone!!! I just wanted my tang.....(sob)
48 | eliteghost01 says:
watch out for sharks! (loud munch sound heard) OW!
49 | Minor Chief says:
Great job Bluestone it's brilliant!
50 | high says:
just kill me
51 | jac says:
dude that kinda sucked, hey any1 know the site for that halo series that was created cause of a glitch in halo 1- it was on the colecters edition disk for halo 2, if you know what im talking about email me at
52 | Butch dude says:
not funny but still a good comic
53 | Doubl3 H3lix says:
Ya gotta keep movin', just keep movin', ya won't get cut, ya wont get cut. i wish i could use the sword as good as Donk.
54 | muffinMonSteR says:
great, nice drawings and stuf
55 | shut up u noob says:
i knew that was going 2 happen anyway...JUST LIKE ME
56 | bubbleboy says:
yep it sucks when you are about to take out a noob with a rocket and some loser who never talks has been stalking you with the dumb sword.
57 | h@LOMANI@C says:
lol that almost alwas happens 2 me
58 | nicholas says:
red masterchief looks kind of fat to me
59 | Masterchief evil says:
60 | grunts kik ass says:
-_-weird lol
61 | HunterMan says:
soooooo many times tht happens to me, im playing screen in screen right now and... oh crap not again :(
62 | Spartan-B292 "Tom" says:
Yeah... I get that feeling that I need to change guns also. However... I don't get killed when I find a rocket launcher. The red guy in the comic was a plain loser-- Literally. He lost the round.
63 | kraid17 says:
this takes it off the other subject.oh hell i died right when i got the $%#%@ misle laucher!!!
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