A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | VampyrTurialim says:

Funny as fudge...
I know the feeling, this happens to me every night online...

2 | The_Eliminator says:

The wepons need colour...

3 | Gavman says:

lol! that lil spartan is so well drawn :D bravo

4 | Robert Jason says:

This is one of the greats ones yet i think more like this would be great!

5 | Kanman-075 says:

Great comic! This is definetly THE best guest comic. Oh, that blue guy is me. I love da' swords!

6 | Slimby says:

Just like my sister and her "sniples", it seems only those who need to feel big chose half a thousand different weapons. And then get gunned down by someone who has been behind then the whole damn time. And hey, BOB.

7 | A Gnomey Mouse says:

What the heck is a rocket launcher doing on the Zanzibar beach?

8 | Sparkie says:

LMFAO! That's cool. I've been like that sometimes, and I love sneaking up behind snipers becasue they're usually in zoom-mode the entire time, so they don't see thier motion tracker. I do that to people with rocket launchers too.

9 | negro says:


10 | alec says:


11 | Digikid says:

very nicely done. 10/10

12 | Ryley217 says:

LMFAO that was good I can't wait to see more. He totally got paw'd =^.^=

13 | (Na)Marl says:

Nice. That happens to so many noobs I know. And how that launcher got on Zanzibar beach, I put it their.

14 | Morpheus says:

As I said in the comic "CTF Pro", That happens to me all the time. AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE THE GAME(still)!!!!!!

15 | Ghost says:

lol i am a victom of such behavior(which weapons to use..? )

16 | B|az says:

very cool comic =] how come i got a feeling those weapons are the "blueprints" from the manual

17 | ansomble28 says:

That was hilarious, this happens to me frequently online! PWNED!!

18 | Big Elly s