A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Fox says:

I'm confused... Maybe it's just me, but I don't get it.

2 | mrsmiley says:

If you haven't heard of the skulls in Halo 2, you haven't been to ANY Halo 2 website in a while!

3 | Stuntmutt says:

1) Heh! Funny and beautifully realised as ever.

2) Gah! I'm halfway through a skull strip. That means it's been gazumped by at least a month before I've even put in the HBO queue.


4 | Halokid23 says:

I have gotten the blind skull and it is soo awesome. If you save and quit, then reset the game and resume campaign mode, you'll have the skull AND all of your HUD back.

5 | Keti 'Kotaree says:

Heh. Those skulls do some of the wierdest things. I like the way Chief looks in the last frame, I was doing something like that when I got the envy skull. Shadowing looks pretty good! Nice work Jaxx!

6 | BOLL says:

^.^ Most of the time I play with the Blind Skull, to get nice screens etc, and one of the bothersomeiestest thing in dark areas is that your flashlight is lost. Actually if you have it turned on while grabbing the skull it ends up stuck there. ;P Nice work on the art, also, almost forgot to menation that! XD

7 | Church @ school says:

Oh man, the first time I got the Blind skull, I was scared! I was firing randomly, hoping my gun and HUD would reappear, running scared from sniper fire, unable to do anything about it, hoping my marines would do something...

It was horribly awesome. Nice strip; I can totally relate.

8 | ICEFIRE says:


9 | Sparkie says:

LMFAO! Hehehehehe that was funny as all get out...just the picture of MC flapping his arms and panicking..hehe *wipes eye* Priceless...

10 | COOP3R says:

very nicley done.good art.and shadows

11 | Xeroh says:

Very good.

12 | pt_blank says:

nice style and it was funny!

13 | ansomble28 says:

That was sick Jaxx, good job! Hope to see more Halo 2 parody strips!

14 | Spartan58-HaloGeeky says:

ha ha very funny...those skulls are creepy in the game. aha very smart OORAH!

15 | Spartian235 says:

Jaxx, awesome...

16 | porblmo says:

i don't egt it either. what skulls in halo 2? fill me in please!!!!!! email me at with info on it i am fuckin interested

17 | Dirge says:

LMAO! The Blind Skull!

18 | Rafe says:

lol i didnt expect skulls to be included in ne thing done ^.^ . if nw thing u should put happy birthday grunt mode in!

19 | ZeoTheSpartan says:

i remember the skull from halo 2... when u get a hold of it the left top corner of the screen says blind... nice job! nice job...

20 | matthew says:

you are my everest

21 | m4s3rch13f says:

ive heard of the blind skull but where do you get it?