A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | Gruntsbane says:

Haha, great job. Thats a creative use of the background in the third panel ;)

2 | Grunty giant says:

I like it alot.
Although I don't know why.

3 | DeathsPaleHorse says:

AGHH!! Gaint grunts are coming to kill ME!!
someone been smokin' somethin' strange, and I wanna know where i get some!;)

4 | Jude says:

I find this hilarious!!!

5 | Halo Fan...natic says:

That's great! Seriously! Hahaha! But it's suposed to be "you're" not "your". Otherwise, it's perfect.

6 | halo freak says:

this is really funny!!! nice idea with the grunt and the chief and cortana in the grunt's ear

7 | Taylor says:

The giant grunt looks cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 | Morpheus says:

If I had ta face a Grunt like that, I'd use a Needler. That'd tickle.

9 | SilentKnight says:

Darn right, grunts will rule! They're kinda cute for midgets. lol

10 | Me & My Shotgun Bob says:

This is great! Grunts will finally get the respect they deserve!

11 | tim says:

that grunt is cute

12 | beef jerky master says:

was that all pasted on there? any way its an ok comic but i dont really get it its sort of random but random is good so thats ok anyways my gamertag is BeefJerkyMaster

13 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Grunts aint ruling not over my Jackals Brutes Elites Hunters Drones and my fellow prophets.

14 | gruntisniper says:

ohhhhhhhhh im gonna need 24.5 cal for that grunt

15 | so not good says:

well i would think of the grunt as a challenge not a monster i could take THAT out........with a friggin nuke maybe!!!!

16 | Slade8 says:

Ehh... arm the SHIVA warheads and set fuse! Prepare to fire on coordinates watever tha tgrunts standin! BTw good strip i like it for some reason

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