A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | DeathsPaleHorse says:

ewwwwww! tmd! i didn't need to know about grunt earwax problems! hmmm, grunt brains taste like ... butter?

2 | Sh4dowSn1p3r says:

HA HA HA **falls out of chair laughing then begins to suffacate** "Ow..."

3 | Elite3000 says:

Nice comic.Hardy har har har:)

4 | Death of Kenny says:


5 | Spartan Chick says:

....that's gross... and I don't get it.

6 | Friecco says:

ROTFFFLMAO.... ow, my stomach. Poor grunt :)

7 | arbiter says:

that grunt is biiigggg.....

8 | Jay says:

*Thows up* that was funny and nasty..............................................................

9 | bunga says:

He He I give that a 100,100,100,etc... out of .00000000000000001

10 | Omar (grunt) end a cute one says:

grunty dear grunty heer end im ine two grunts are so cute

11 | sausages says:

earwax is tasty........

12 | Me & My Shotgun Bob says:

Ewwwww...... that's gross but funny "Grunty Giant hear voices in head!" Thats happens to me all the time. GET THEM OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!

13 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Grunt wont rule and i got better armoured army to tell that.

Alright 8/10

14 | THE CHARLES 2 says:


15 | Slade8 says:

"THE CHARLES 2" quit spamming, you idiot. BTW Hilarious! Although it makes me want to-- *barfs!*

16 | .......o_O'....... says:

wowo..........in the head....wonder how they got there....though me and my cous' fell on the floor when we got it.....*shutters and laughs*

17 | the voice in your head says:

funny lol

18 | Unoraptormon says:

That was gross, but funny.

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