A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | SPARTAN_117 says:

That's funny very funny. I like to see what's next.

2 | grunty says:

haha!Yayap crazy!No Yayap don't put it in your ear!It'll...(hears giant zapping noise and smells burning flesh)....nevermind.(raidios the medic)n e way grunty was cute make MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 | yayap says:

hmmm...... weres zuka! zuka zuka zuka!


zuka: what?!


4 | grunts are cute says:

yay more grunty goodness

5 | Do-er of... Stuff says:


6 | tn says:


7 | bunga says:


8 | Haloman says:

Funny But can't it be like a giant Jackel? Jackels are even more stupid

9 | ScionKevlar says:

awwww... I love grunts. They are sooooo cute

10 | bobdude says:

I wonder if there smart enough to get it goin and wat r they watchin anyway. must be important to be watchin it on halo.... wen their all babies. try to make another

11 | master chief man says:

Woohoo! I always knew grunts would rule one day.

12 | Ultra Spartan says:

boring i thouhgt it was stupid

13 | josh simpson says:

Funny stuff, really makes you laugh!

14 | The cool grunt says:

That would rule if grunts were real because they're soooo cute!!!

15 | SilentKnight says:

So that's who broke my DirecTV satelite. LOL

16 | The Freak (GRUNT LEADER says:

In a Universe where they are considered utterly insignifigant, a brave group of grunts stand up for what they believe in. They fight for marines helmets, oversized fuel rods, and a food nipple to call their own.

17 | bob says:

this is vey very sad! I want a jackal to take over

18 | booby tit says:

i say i would like to have sex with that grunt! oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yess!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19 | Omar (grunt) end a cute one says:

owh jou want that ha dont dear to lok at me im an hollander die if rule holland ha

20 | spsmith says:

big grunt lttle marine now i have seen it all

21 | ni says:

it sucks work harder

22 | DUMB ASS says:

THAT SUCKED SO MUCH I AM GOING TO BARF IT SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23 | MARINE#2 says:

"Buttered popcorn might help save the world sarge!"
"Hey jenkins i thought you died from the flood, so what are you doing here?"
"I dont know sarge i dont think the popcorn we had before the mission tasted so good to the flood so they didnt like my taste."
"Well go find master chief and cortana then haul your ass back to earth!"
"Sir, yes sir!!!"

24 | andrew says:

I think grunts are cool!

25 | Girl Spartan says:

Maybe its a nother jenkins because in halo 1 i saw another persom look like jenkins

26 | jesse says:

i like halo games

27 | spike says:

you coped that all from the artwork page the sarge jenkins and the grunt on the fan art page you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

28 | Me & My Shotgun Bob says:

LOL!!!! The Poor giant grunt probably thinks he's going insane. I NEED MORE GIANT GRUNTY GOODNESS!!!! I wish there were grunts on earth they're so funny as long as they keep the mask on.

29 | Me & My Shotgun Bob says:

LOL!!!! The Poor giant grunt probably thinks he's going insane. I NEED MORE GIANT GRUNTY GOODNESS!!!! I wish there were grunts on earth they're so funny as long as they keep the mask on.

30 | mc has sex with sexy women says:

ddddddddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuuddddde I kkkkkkkkknnnnnnooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

31 | mc has sex with sexy women says:

when I hear the word strip I think it means a strip club

32 | gruntlover says:

the grunt is huge!?is that possible.....all sighns sayyes.

33 | Prophet you should Regret says:

I thought phrophet regret rule lamo!

Good strip that is hilarious.

34 | All of u go to hell(and play more halo) says:

when do grunts get that big? cmon lets not play as the cheif lets play as grunts

35 | Shotgun Shine says:

No offense, but the only part of this fancomic series I found funny was the first panel of part three. I wonder where they got the popcorn from.

"Hey Sarge, are you sure that these yellow things are popcorn? I mean, these things have tentacles and can move."

"Williams, of course those things are popcorn! Why else did they pop when we shot them?!"

"But sir, popcorn can't move by itself."

"Earth popcorn can't move by itself. This is alien popcorn, son."

36 | 'Zazamee says:

i dont understand the comic strip 'bout the sarge trying to get tv reception. why did the grunt break the satellite?

37 | 'Zazamee says:

I don't get the joke 'bout the sarge trying to get reception 4 the tv. Why did the grunt beak the satellite?

38 | 'Zazamee says:

Anyway,kudos to the person who drew the comic strip 'bout the tv reception thing. the grunts were soooooo humourous.

39 | xHSHx Sniper says:

i love to see the grunty goodness.... they are my pals... i love the one when the red guy melee's the green one.. THX for some good comix guys

40 | fofodo91 says:


41 | bob says:

Xbox live rocks!!!!!!!!!!!! im lev 40 in team slayre!

42 | Plasma_101 says:

O_o er I mean GO GRUNTY GO! :p

43 | Firlink says:

Lolz "must get rid of voices!"

44 | Real haloman says:

lol make more

45 | slade8 says:

Uhh... no offense but the funniest part i thought was when sarge goes "I aint gettin anything but static... MENDOZA!!!" He always picks on mendoza, lol. obtw gruntesses are cute! (plural of gruntesses: gruntessesses

46 | k two things i got......... says:

k..............the 47th poster technicallly is telling a non-relater story...and is spam....second...... ^_^ HAHJAHA r.o.f.l choppper....lol it'd be funny with these turning of events after the last pannel:

1: mentally insane grunt
2:grunt eating beacon and-*zap!!!*
3:suicidal *a very bad mess*
4:destroying halo..but everyone dies because of fire&no air..
5:'tis my last:stealling the popcorn .but to the grunt it's only a crumb...and da grunt goes on a rampage untill he gets enough...

47 | k two things i got......... says:

k..............the 47th poster technicallly is telling a non-relater story...and is spam....second...... ^_^ HAHJAHA r.o.f.l choppper....lol it'd be funny with these turning of events after the last pannel:

1: mentally insane grunt
2:grunt eating beacon and-*zap!!!*
3:suicidal *a very bad mess*
4:destroying halo..but everyone dies because of fire&no air..
5:'tis my last:stealling the popcorn .but to the grunt it's only a crumb...and da grunt goes on a rampage untill he gets enough...

48 | ^ i wus da guy up there... says:

i'm sorry for dobble-posting...my comp lagged because of construction here

49 | I says:

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaaaaaaaahhhhhhhahaahahahaha*Giggle*hahahah! *Giggle**Giggle**Giggle**Giggle* (Spongebob Laugh) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I don't get it.

50 | spartan 281 says:

all you pepol that cant get the joke are so stupid and dont deserve to be enywher near the aspect of halo

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