A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | gruntsbane says:

lol, I don't know why I found that so funny. I guess Silent Cartographer is a good place for hide and seek.

2 | beebegun91 says:

gotta read the books

3 | Halo Fan...natic says:

heh heh. funny. yawn. (sorry... I'm bored to death.)

4 | I says:

oly oly oxen free?

5 | ferelar says:

oly-oly oxen free was the comment (in the Halo book series) "all clear" symbol

6 | red elite says:

hmmmmmm im not shure whats so funny.......

7 | beebegun91 says:

Ya have to read the books to know.

8 | Aubs-117 says:

I'll make it easy for those who haven't read the books... "Oly Oly Ozen Free" is the Spartan code for "All clear".
Pretty appropriate in a game of hide and seek... lmao

9 | Aubs-117 says:

egad, how'd that happen?

*Oxen not Ozen

10 | bobdude says:

dude in coments 4 and 5 oly oly oxen free, that just means the seeker gives up and wants every one to come out

11 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Yea shes gonna get through that and say 'rampart' then you are dead.

I play hide and seek a bit less violence.


lol 8/10 its good anyway i like fan strips keep it up i like all the drawing on fans strips so i wont be like those.

12 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Yea shes gonna get through that and say 'rampart' then you are dead.

I play hide and seek a bit less violence.


lol 8/10 its good anyway i like fan strips keep it up i like all the drawing on fans strips so i wont be like those.

13 | Longshotz5798 says:

This is funny i mean shes huge yet she cant find the chief its just wierd
P.S. Y so many silent cartographer strips??????????

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