A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | masterchief says:

W00tness! pretty funny but the moniter deserves worse

2 | Falcon says:

Yay! 11/3/04! Birthday Comment! I'm now 17!

Great comic Ryley213! I love how you drew the grunt! That is just hilarious! I agree with masterchief; the Monitor deserves much worse! How about THROWING THE MONITOR (343 GUILTY SPARK)INTO A POOL OF MELTING IRON!?

3 | red elite says:

yeah like throw him in a lava pit.......

4 | odst says:

amazing make more comics!

5 | arbiter says:

ha very funny.

6 | sponebob says:

huar huaaaowwreey! spammers!!!! alert alert spammers!!!!!

7 | Spartan369 says:

I agree with master chief and red elite.That stupid monitor deserves much much worse. Hey! hows this? fire him into a volcano that is about to erupt with a sniper rifle.

8 | Spartan369 says:

I forgot to mention, all of the comics here are down right halarious p.s I hatex99 the freakin monitor

9 | Spartan369 says:

1 more thing. how'bout blowin the freakin monitor up with a rocket launcher. p.s monitor stinks

10 | Yobri says:

i still think using the moniter as a baseball is funnier

11 | mjolnirguy says:

you could put him in wet cement...or put hi on mt saint helens be4 it erupts!

12 | sausages says:

i hate that thing...

13 | Me & My Shotgun Bob says:

Other things to do with the monitor.

Make him work at the grunt's community center for "volunteer" (as in making him do the worst job or he gets shocked with an emp) work, use him as a tetheer ball, shove him inside a fuel rod gun, steal his cookies, and rapidly shock him with an emp thing.

I like the art work but He deserves worse.

14 | mr. Angry says:

Whoa.. that was horrible... the grunt saying mommy sucks...

15 | the unkown soilder says:

Monitor deserves far worse but nice

16 | elite major says:

you should have strapped a bomb to him,but cool none the less

17 | slade8 says:

Nice, though chief looks like he's missing the tops of his legs... ouch

18 | Rala Kavlaka says:

Wort,Wort. Grunty calm down! Why are you so...BAM!!!!!!!!!! O MY GAWD A FLYING BLUE ORB JUST SLAMMED INTO MY GRUNTY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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