A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | some guy says:

A much deserved rest

2 | carlo says:

ha eat that cortana

3 | Mister_chef says:

oooh thats good! i tell you what! lol so good ol' cortana ISNT that supreme after all...hmmmmmm HAHA its great, keep up the good work Joel!

4 | Insane says:

Good April Fools joke! You got me! Well to bad Cortana. I don't see a plot in this.

5 | Master Chief 0096 says:

OMG!!! I'm new to Halo Babies but not HBO so I've heard about this... and didn't beleive it until now

6 | haloelite says:

I think they should of went to the Control room. Good joke smiley :).

7 | Bestmasterchief says:

Where is the plot. And that "incident" thing is not funny. I had to call off a memorial service. Let's see... Cancel the comedian, send home the llama... Cancel the bronze statue... All good.

8 | (Censored) says:

"Good April Fools joke! You got me!"

Bad April Fools joke! I even sent an EMAIL to GruntsBane, you guys are sick (No offense, I will always like HB).

P.S. The comic is funny.

9 | mrsmiley says:

Don't worry guys, the series starts off kinda slow. ;)

10 | [GC]Anubis says:

Ha Ha Ha you got me. Assholes...

11 | I like to touch....things says:

I THINK it really happened, but that gruntsbane told smiley he decided its best the fans dont hear it, so he passed it off as an april fools joke

12 | Mista_B says:

Hey cool, you can see through her leg.

Hope Cortana doesn't get sunburned. Those full body burns hurt.

Though later she could go "Look! No tanlines!"

13 | the dude says:


14 | MC0096 says:

I know the comic I'm about mention is old but... what is a mod chip and where can I get one? *whimper* be nice...*whimper* but the comic waz good!!!! *whimper*

15 | InSaNe1024 says:

Haha nice one! But i hear that all the tourists are clogging up the roads over there (the CR).
also, neato...the MC wears gold boxers!

a mod chip is a microchip that you can sauder onto your Xbox's circuit board to play imported, copied, or modded games.

16 | Tina Leyk says:

Cute stuff as always.

But uh...if you see my lazy Elite running around down there, tell him he's just earned himself a week of Pots n' Pans Duty...

17 | Nathan says:

the joke is NOT FUNNY i've already told everybody I Know all my friends an everything I Shall Return!!!!

Nice comic

were all Suckers, I was almost Sucker free

18 | Demosthenes says:

howabout on the POA i heard there r sleeping quarers on board

19 | [GC]Anubis says:

You guys do know that now you are going to get that mob out front

20 | realslimstevie says:

MC looks kinda scrawny. I guess maybe that's why he needs the big armor suit :). Then again, i guess its "Halo Babies" so its like a mini version of the 6-foot tough guy

21 | The Knight in Green Cybernetic Armor says:

Thought Bubble from MC: If only she was wearing a bikini...

22 | Xerro says:

You still don't see Masterchiefs face, GOD DAMN IT!

BTW: I was annoyed with the April Fools it's not the kind of thing you joke about, but regardless you make the best comics on the web, so i'll forgive ya.

23 | MC0096 says:

... *MC0096 is lost in thought of Adult Cortana in a bikini*

24 | Armyofone says:

You sick perverted bastards what's wrong with you, she's a hologram for crying out loud but then agian I kinda agree with MC0096.......
*Armyofone lost in thought...*
Okay I've changed my mind I take back what I've said.

25 | Howard says:

Call me sick, but I think Cortana's kinda getting a bit...romantic on our beloved MC.

26 | Corporal Rogue Elite says:

Mwuahahahaha!!! Cortana is a very smart person; she'll think of somethin to get Cheeky Chief back!

27 | Lance says:

Whaddya mean, Cortana in a bikini?

She's nekkid, fer chrissakes, don't give the creater's ideas!


28 | Mr. Elite says:

lol...............but i realy think you have at least givin Cortana a little bit of clothing!!!!

29 | HaloChicka116 says:

ha, great comic, but some of you people are pathetic. cortana in a bikini? You people really should start thinking with your brain rather than your balls.

30 | Slimby says:

Funny. Good to see no more one comicers. Is that even a word?

31 | Jon says:

heh, (chuckles) good one,chief.

32 | David says:

It's good that we're getting to see an official story now, but I hope that unlike Halo's actual adventure, this one will involve a little more connectivity with the other soldiers on Halo, and perhaps we'll eventually get to see Captain keyes.

In any case, the anticipation is wonderful.

33 | richard nogga says:


34 | Kanman-075 says:

That was the April Fools of April Fools! I told my halo friends at school about Gruntsbane's 'injury' and they were a little dissappointed that there would be no comic. I'll have to tell them. Great comic too. Just one little thing Joel could have added, grunts scubadiving and elites surfing, yeah that would make it cooler!

35 | Maverick says:

that april fool's joke was sick.

36 | mekey says:

i wonder if they can tan

37 | eliteghost01 says:

For all you people who are "fans" of Cortana, If you check under wallpapers, at halo.bungie.org, and check under pages 104-106, there is a picture of Cortana, Drawn in anime (kind of), With one of her..well you know whats..sticking out and she is holding the monitor near "it".

p.s. the monitor looks kind of embarassed in the picture.

38 | Necromasterx says:

MC's thought bubble, "If only she had as many pixels as that tomb raider chick."

39 | duffman says:

ah this is great
[sips from a can of duff]
and the comic is funny too

40 | the guy who likes halo says:

is it just me or does cortana always seem..... naked?

41 | Mister_Chef says:

Necro...you...are....A GOD!!! thank you! lol, anyways Chicka...cmon, learn to joke, and stop thinking with your overies! too much damn estrogen floating around here, remember guys will be guys

42 | duffman says:

Chef... you put my thoughts into words so well. it's like your in my head! scary. [sips duff]
keep up the good work boys!!!

43 | Mista_B says:

re: guy who thinks Cortana's always naked

Yes. It's just you. See those thin glowey lines?

Yep. Clothes.

44 | Armyofone says:

Mista_B I don't think those are clothes I think it's the design of the hologram.

45 | Mista_B says:

Y'know, if you *really* saw her naked, she'd be about 1 inch big, really thin, and square.

Naked Cortana:

| = ~ |
| \ +. |

46 | no one important says:

if u play the game, and you see behind her ha ha ha yeah

good comic!

47 | MJOLNIR117 says:

Yo Peoples, you have a sick mind! For chrissakes she's a hologram! The MC isn't desperate to start hitting on an AI! I play Halo for the shooting , not the naked AI, unlike some other people! Seriously, three words: GET A LIFE!

48 | Mista_B says:

Yeah, but she's, y'know, the only female... entity... around!

An she's hotter than Leela.


49 | InSaNe1024 says:

but she's a hologram....you'd pass right through her...I could think of a sick joke about mounting file systems here....but I won't...It's a Linux g33k joke.

50 | Sniper01 says:

hehehehehehahhahahaha that wuz cool

51 | Ace says:

CAN halograms get a tan? LOL

52 | Suka 'Ramamee says:

Though i don't have a joke to crack about these two resting, since me and my boys do it all the time, i do have a secret to resolve...hunters hate the beach. Why? their cybernetic armor is insulated, but, oddly enough, not air conditioned. You'd love to see what a hunter will do to stay cool... like, for example, jump into a pool of acidic, radioactive coolant. he made it out, but he looked more like a plum than a hunter.

53 | Sniper01 says:

how duz cortana get in and outa chiefs helmet? really?!?!? stil;l great comic i luve the site and the xbox game plus i'm inan online halo pc clan called ""

54 | MC0096 says:

*Lost in thought of both futurama and Halo at the same- huh? oh crap has my ** thing been on? @*%&! *MC0096 is lost in thought (please don't ask what he's lost in thought of!)*

55 | Devin says:

This comic is so damn funny.

56 | Zikor4 says:

I once overheard, that Masterchief was black?

57 | senor commento says:

very funny , the body proportions are hilarious with the helmet

58 | Fehic 'Retsamee says:

Uh oh, watch out Cortana, you might get phosphor burn-in!

Suka, exactly how do you know what a plum is? And besides, you know very well that hunters sunburn easily. I'd usually insult your intelligence right about here but...eheh...that plasma sword dosen't look very inviting...

59 | Brian says:

lol this is funny. cortana is kinda cool. VAMADOS

60 | MJOLNIR117 says:

I encourage you perverts to purge all thoughts of Cortana stripping, or naked, or whatever you perverts think about.

(note: what you're about to hear might cause an online riot)

I encourage the developers at bungie to cut down on cortana's cleavage and give her clothes or make the MC have a different improved AI in Halo 2. All this pervertedness is spreading throughout all the guys that come here.

thank you

(I sould deserve a search party for my statement)

61 | MJOLNIR117 says:

Thanks a lot mc0096!!! you were the one who was the origin of this pervertedness!

62 | Isna Noselee says:

I hope the plot in this series will kickass like KOTOR's or Breakdown's plot. I'll have to hope for the best.

63 | Spartan_117/John says:

*doesn't even comment on the Cortana strippin' part...laughing too hard*

64 | halo boi says:

waitasec jhonnie isnt cortana ALWAYSE like that? because when i saw the other comics she was

65 | Falcon says:

Why can't the Master Chief take off his helmet?

66 | matt says:

master chief is muscular show it!! he can flip a 176 ton vehicle and it aint just the armor

67 | the best says:

Wait...MC is white?

68 | koreanboy86 says:

you guys, i think its the other way around... CORTANA WANTS a bikini and wants a tan... idk..

69 | Spartan Chick says:

I expected the Master Chief to have, like, HUGE arms-or at least
big legs. I guess it's the suit that make him look like an overly muscled cyborg-thing.

70 | Spartan Chick says:

This is for all the perverts out there:
Cortana is a freakin hologram! And who the heck would play the game just to see her @ss! I mean coooome oooonnnn!

71 | josh gilmore says:


72 | billy bob says:

i'm a perve and i think cortana is cute

73 | josh gaymore says:

why can't masterchief take off his helmet

74 | black sword elite says:

aha.WE went snowboarding.fun as hell.

75 | alec says:

YOU MORONS!!!!!!!!!!mc can take his helmit off in a fan art thing!!!!!!!!!!

76 | alec says:

oh yheah and one more thing,id rather be a hologram and be cortonas boyfriend so GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

77 | cortana says:

hey hey hey.......

78 | alec says:


79 | Cortana's ex says:

hey dudes. I used to date a grl who played halo a while bak. Her code was cortana. We broke up though. lol

80 | cortana's bf says:

of coarse her name would be cortana. every girl that plays the game admires her the most. and thx for breaking up.

81 | Reaper117 says:

What is it with guys and cortana? seriously, i mean, it's just a hologram. here's a definition for you dumb guys. hologram: a fix set of pixelated points of light set in a 3d pattern that represents a 3d image. Now for you guys who think cortana is cute, you now know sh is just LIGHT. nothing more, nothing less. Still, she's got good looks.

82 | carrot critic says:

wait--- how do u know the chiefs white? O.o lol

83 | :) says:

even if cortana IS a hologram she's in other words MMMM

84 | Someone says:

lol at #80

85 | flood says:

honestly i love it. she isnt wearing anything.i like that

86 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

if u guys had noticed,cortana isn't wearing anything in all of the stips. this argument was inevitable.

87 | FluBB says:

dude.... isnt there enough porn on the net for you cortana lovers to look at? or atleast anime.. lol halo is for the guns not for the buns.


88 | Cristy says:

funny!! vacations finally... hmmm... why didn't MC took his helmet off ..?

89 | Predator110 says:

because personally i think MC is a covie...who was shamed like the arbiter...but instead he wanted to take his revenge on the covies so he went to work for the USMC (United States Marine Core) i kno its not anywhere close to correct but i like to have a free mind :)

90 | kildya says:

i think ocrtana can tan(look at the right foot)

91 | MC's codpeice says:

umm no, thats where the artist ceased to draw her foot, he wasnt implying that she was tanning, he just got lazy, you fool

92 | MC's codpeice says:

umm no, thats where the artist ceased to draw her foot, he wasnt implying that she was tanning, he just got lazy

93 | Masterchief evil says:


94 | Thismakesabsolutesenseanditsfunny says:

hey yeah!

95 | QueenGhid says:

The Master Chief is described as being really pale, so the beach will do him good!
I notice he kept his boots on, too! *chuckles*

96 | Elite Killer! says:

well she did cannda deserved it. It`s sad she will never feel human

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