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Merry Christmas from the Babies! | mrsmiley { December 25, 2005 }
The lovely Etoli has created a magnificant Halo Babies Christmas scene for us all to enjoy. Check it out by clicking the banner at the top of the main page. On behalf of the whole team here at HBN, I hope all your holidays are splendid! =)
4 New Chapter Themes at! | mrsmiley { January 12, 2005 }
And 2 of them were made right here at HBN! Gruntsbane finally busted out his Halo Babies theme, and it looks awesome! I also got my Xbox theme posted!
If you aren't familiar with the 7th Column, it is a division of that allows you to make a "group" or "chapter." In this, you have your own forum, news page, databases, and other cool things. Check it out!
Gruntsbane And mrsmiley Get "Chibified!" | mrsmiley { December 06, 2004 }
That is just a couple of the great fan art submissions that are inside this update! Read on for more!
I apologize that this update is later than usual. When I got home yesterday (late) night, I found that for some reason I had no electricity in my room! It was too late to fix the problem then, but now it is. So... um... on with the update!
Gallery Art
Banshee 105
MSP Master Chief { comment } A well done MSP version of the classic MC pose. -
Elite with Nade { comment } A cool MSP picture with a fun style of artwork. -
Red Cell-Shaded Elite { comment } Wouldn't expect anything less from zero! -
Chibi Elite with Plasma Pistol { comment } I almost missed this! Grunt_monkey has some really cute art!Sketchbook Art
We have some really cool WIP pieces this week - I can't wait till these are all finished! -
MC and The Arbiter in The Last Stand { comment } Absolutely gorgeous start from a promising new artist! -
Master Chief Standing Flag { comment } nrek dazzles with some art outside of a 3-D program! Check out akba's sneak peak of his current vectoring project based off nrek's submission! -
Work in Progress { comment } Jaxx is back! Need I say more? -
2phast's MSP Graphic Novel!
You have to check out this guy's new graphic Halo Novel! It's called Covenant Child and there are currently 6 episodes up! 2 phast writes:"It follows the story of a lone Covenant Elite who dreams of becoming a great warrior. He is also the son of a familiar character from the Halo novel, The Flood. This is going to be a real deep and cinematic experience and I hope you guys like it!"
If you don't think anything cool can be done with MSP, click here to view the title episode and be proven wrong!
Gruntbane and mrsmiley Aren't Babies...
But Sparkie did a great job with our Halo Babies caricatures! You can view these, as well as more stuff from Sparkie, in our Fan Gallery
Art that Sparks! | mrsmiley { November 22, 2004 }
In the last week or so I have received some excellent Halo Babies fan art via e-mail, and now is the time to share with the other 17 people who visit this site! A new strip, a new desktop, and maybe a surprise...
Sparkie Plug
In a gaming world that is dominated by men, it is refreshing to see a girl getting all the attention. Such is the case with long-time forum goer, Sparkie! She has been dazzling us with sporatic Halo Babies art submissions for the last year or so, but she pulled out all the stops for today's update! Aside from an awesome new fan strip, Sparkie has 4 new pieces of fan art that you have gotta check out! On pic contains the coolest representation of a female elite I have seen! (No, she's not naked. Eeewww...) Expect more from Sparkie in the near future!
Adding Depth to your Desktop
What is that? Another new 3-D Halo Babies desktop by nrek? But of course!
Thanks for reading!
If you are one of those "fans" that isn't at all interested in the cool stuff going on with our local artists, and who only swings by on Fridays for the strip update, then you probably aren't reading this. However, if you are reading this, you get the joy of accessing a brand new official avatar featuring the Halo 2 baby chief! Only available from this news post!
*For those that are wondering, our forum art features have been moved to tomorrow! Thanks for waiting! :)
Dropship Down | mrsmiley { October 29, 2004 }
It has been a while since we have posted a new desktop from Gruntsbane on this site, and I am glad the wait is over! Originally drawn a few months backed, and reviewed in our sketch book forum, this piece is a completely hand-drawn piece of art. It is not in color, although I think the black and white roughness of it adds to the beauty! Go see for yourself, and be amazed. :)
Taking Halo Babies to the Next Dimension | mrsmiley { October 08, 2004 }
nrek is pure 3-demensional genious; I think anyone who has seen his Halo Babies work will agree! He kicks off his upcoming content flood with an awesome new fan desktop for us. (There is currently a second desktop in the makings, so check that out as well!) :)
Jaxx Up Your Desktop! | mrsmiley { October 05, 2004 }
Jaxx (Tina Leyk) sent me the original file, and I sized it up and posted it as a brand new fan desktop! This one's gonna be on my desktop for a long time. =)
6 New H2 Baby Chief Concepts! | mrsmiley { October 01, 2004 }
As I promised last week, we have bunch of new Halo 2 Baby MC sketches for you to check out. 6 in all! (Contained in 2 files.)
Original Baby Chief Concept #1 | mrsmiley { September 24, 2004 }
Just posted a new pic of Gruntsbane's first Baby Chief Halo 2 concept. It is pretty damn cool, and is practically gift wrapped for our members who enjoy coloring Gruntsbane's B&W work! Plenty more coming next week! =D
Spreadin' the Love | mrsmiley { September 19, 2004 }
Louis Wu of Halo.Bungie.Org has just informed me that Tina Leyk (an awesome artists specializing in Halo furry art) has posted a piece of Halo Babies fan art on the site! There is also a cool sketch to go along with it. They are really well done; I would love to see a fan strip or two from her!
Incredible Art! (New Info Enclosed) | mrsmiley { September 06, 2004 }
We have a bunch of new artwork and updates for you guys today! So much, I had to use the "extended entry" feature. Wow...
New Art
To start it off, Gruntsbane and akba have collaborated on an increidble new official desktop. It is quite amazing, and is my current choice! Akba also gives a classy new fan desktop to gaze at using the same MC pose he vectored for the official wallpaper.
Bigcortana returns with another... well, "big Cortana" themed fan strip! Check it out!
Forum artist, Kira submitted an absolutely phenomenal "baby elite" picture to our forum Gallery. As a natural progression, I posted it in our official fan art section. Speaking of our forum Gallery, there are TONS of cool new art posts there to check out. A couple that stick out in my mind is a cool Halo/Fight Club crossover by Gruntsbane, and a frighting helmet-less chief pic by Vendau! (It looks like Shishka!) ;P
Art Submission Info
We finally have an official page describing the artwork submission process of this site! The link can be found at the top of all the official art-related pages of this site. Please note that all fan art submissions will now be channeled through our forum's Gallery before being chosen to be released on the official site! Please do not e-mail us your submissions anymore! For more specific info on our Gallery, click here.
New Strip Backgrounds! | mrsmiley { September 03, 2004 }
WOOT! Gruntbane just made 5 new strip backgrounds for all you future fan artists out there! They are really awesome; some even look like screenshots! (Although they aren't, of course!)
Speaking of art, the new Gallery and Sketchbook forums are already a success with over 25 combined entries! Be sure to check them out!
Report Card | mrsmiley { August 30, 2004 }
We've got a great new fan strip by Polarbear today. It's great! I always wondered how we would do rocket launchers...
(Microsoft) Paint Yourself a Picture | mrsmiley { August 16, 2004 }
I am amazed at how man artists send in decent, if not superb, artwork using the lowely reaches of Microsoft Paint! However, this week, there are 4 new submissions to check out! This includes a neat 3-step progression of wantajeesit. For those of you who thought you couldn't do anything with MS Paint... think again!
Hang This! | mrsmiley { August 04, 2004 }
A fan art newcomer by the name of Niall Macintyre has provided us with an awesome new desktop, featuring... that's right, a Jackal! You don't see these around much - especially in fan art! However, Niall did an awesome job on this, and it is worth the look! (Check out the full color version of the desktop as well!)
Also, I just wanted to give a quick apology for the lack of new fanart on Monday (the normal update day). We have some new stuff to release, but I was unable to find time to sit down and post it! Don't worry, we will have it for you next Monday as usual!
TGI - Monday! | mrsmiley { July 26, 2004 }
'Cuz we got some good stuff for ya! First off, a new fan strip has been posted. Polarbear told that there are more to come. I sure hope so! Be sure to check it out, and tell him what you think! He also sent in some shocking Halo info that he found in a recent magazine he read!
To go along with that, akba has created yet another vectorized wallpaper! It is really cool, and is my current desktop choice! Finally, we have a couple new fanart images by some beginner artists. Hopefully all that gives a little something to do on your boring Monday... now get back to work!
Woah! The MC takes it off... | mrsmiley { July 12, 2004 }
No, not like that you sicko! One of HBN's best original fan artist, Sparkie, has graced us with two new pictures today. Both are great, but the first one absolutely blew me away. It is the first pic I have ever seen that attempts a depiction of the Master Chief out of his helmet. A very stunning piece of work in my opinion! Check that and Sparkie's other pic out in our fanart section! (High and low-res versions available!)
[UPDATE] There actually are two other pieces of fanart featuring a helmet-less MC that were drawn in 2002. Thanks, Wu! =)
Fans of the Artful Persuasion | mrsmiley { July 05, 2004 }
We seem to have quite a few! This week I have posted a bunch of great quality fan-creations for your viewing pleasure. Starting off, is the return of akba and his vectorizing campaign on our sketches section. There are six new pics featuring Halo Babies vehicles and an Elite thrown in, just for kicks! We also have two awesome submissions from Grunty Boy - this guy actually mailed these to me. They rock! I've never seen a Grunty Chief before! ;P Finally, in response to last week's comic, "Ripper" made a little something for us.
Check 'em all out in our fan art section!
Desktop Goodness | mrsmiley { July 02, 2004 }
Gruntsbane has finished another incredible desktop for us this week! It is moving piece of work, as it portrays one of the more solemn moments in Halo.
Vector Man | mrsmiley { June 25, 2004 }
Holy crap, does anyone else remember the best Sega Genisis game ever? *ahem* Anyways, Halo Babies fan art extraordinaire, akba, has returned this week with some more of his vectored drawings! I took the liberty of posting both his earlier pics from the forum and his newest stuff in our Halo Babies fanart section! Akba spends quite a bit of work on these, and it shows!
Vector Yourself | mrsmiley { June 18, 2004 }
One of our local Adobe artists,akba has done it again! I just added 2 new desktops of his for your enjoyment! Both are very cool, and always well done!
Oh yeah, and just recently in our forums, akba showed even more Photoshop skillz by redrawing and coloring some of Gruntsbane's old concept sketches. He calls it "vectorizing," I call it cool! =) (He has a few pictures in the thread, so be sure to check em out and leave your feedback!)
I see London, I see France... | mrsmiley { June 15, 2004 }
I see MC's underpants? Well apparently Nausey does with a great piece of new fanart! Along with that, forum sponsor (and team member at Murph MacManus shows us some photoshop skills, and a catchy phrase!
So Simple. So Cool. | mrsmiley { June 11, 2004 }
A few weeks ago, a member by the name of yayap sent me three roughly made desktops using the Bungie logo from the Halo intro and some of Gruntsbane's more recent Halo Babies art. After a bit of critical input from myself, and a bit of artistic talent from Gruntsbane, they have turned out alright! They are very simple, but still good - for those with a bit less of a "wild side." (Please note that the highest resolution sent to me was 1024x768. However, due to their simple design, they still look good stretched at higher resolutions. )
All the vehicules can be destroy! | mrsmiley { June 07, 2004 }
A bit of new fan art for you today. First off, we have a delightful new fan strip by new forum-goer, KhiZeR . Don't understand the strip? It took me a second... but I like it! The artist is Canadian, hence the interesting choice of words... *zing!* ;P Moving on, akba, one of our local Photoship masters, has made us 5 new avatars to enjoy. On a side note, I currently have 5 fan desktops waiting in queue to be released (wanted to wait until we released the official ones!). I'll release some of these next week!
Splinter Sarge | mrsmiley { June 04, 2004 }
As I promised last week, we have 2 new desktops for you! One is a very cool drawing of an Elite, and the other features a very Sam Fisher-like Sarge! ;) Also, as with last week, we have released 2 new corresponding avatars. Check 'em out! =D
It's All Official | mrsmiley { May 28, 2004 }
I am sure some of you have noticed the lack of "non-comic" content as of late. Obviously Gruntsbane and I were busy with E3 and other things, so we have an excuse... but who cares? We have decided to make it up to you anyways! Gruntsbane has whipped out 2 new desktops, along with 2 corresponding avatars! And oh... what the hell, why not throw in a cute grunty avatar while we're at it?
P.S. If you thought those were cool, prepare to be blown away next week! ;P
The Originator | mrsmiley { May 21, 2004 }
Most of you know what a great job Gruntsbane does on the Halo Babies comics every week. It takes a lot of time and skill to draw them. But where did his inspiration come from? Why the originator of Halo Babies, of course! *Gasp!* Gruntbane didn't originate Halo Babies?!?!
A lovely Bungie employee by the name of Lorraine McLees did us the honor of creating those cute and cudly war machines! Even at this year's Bungie Fanfest, Lorraine could not keep her pen down. She proceeded to draw several pictures as prizes for a raffle. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see the master at work, so I video taped her first drawing! The 18 MB video, titled Chief Inked can be found here in our 'misc' section! Check it out!
For more info on Lorraine McLees and her involvement with Halo Babies, check out the heritage part of the artwork section!
Fan Desktops! | mrsmiley { May 12, 2004 }
I am about 2 hours from ambarking on my cross-state journey to LA for E3. But before I do, why not slap up some more content? New forum member, akba, has put together 2 beautiful desktops for us! Check 'em out!
Call 911! | mrsmiley { May 10, 2004 }
We're having an art attack! ... Ok, that was definitly a groaner, but this new art isn't! First off, we have 4 new full-color character drawings from Gruntsbane! We have something cool in store for these, so stay tuned... ;) Also, some guy named Barry sent me an awesome "Babyfied" picture of the Master Chief. I think this is one of the best pieces of Halo Babies fanart we've received! Check it out!
An Artistic Grab-Bag | mrsmiley { April 26, 2004 }
That's what today's art update is; a bunch of random stuff! First off, we have 2 new fanart pictures, including an official buttsock box by Murph MacManus, and a strip-edit by Menace!
In continuance with our support of any aspiring fan artists out there, we have released two more strip backgrounds.
Finally, due to much criticism, (ok, mainly due to stosh, but I didn't want to mention him on the main pa- CRAP!) Gruntsbane has removed the line border surrounding his latest desktop, titled, "Blam!" Now you don't have to painfully move all your icons over a half inch to keep from going crazy! =D
New Desktop! | mrsmiley { April 23, 2004 }
Just when you think we have given up on anything new in this area, Blam! Gruntsbane slams you with an incredible Halo 2 wallpaper! Check it out, and leave your feedback!
AIs DO get a tan! | mrsmiley { April 19, 2004 }
Today we have a couple cool new things. First off, forum member, whencowzattack, has submitted an alternate ending to our own comic 33! Me and Joel got a kick outta this one! He also submitted a cool Halo pencil sketch. These can be found in our fanart section.
On a different note, we have released 2 new strip backgrounds. This time featuring the Library! Check 'em out, and be sure to stay tuned this Friday for an awesome new site addition! =D (If you are a sponsor, check it out at the sponsor forum!)
Do-It-Yourself-HaloBabies! | mrsmiley { April 16, 2004 }
Gruntsbane has decided to release some of the background images he uses in his strips. This a good opportunity for those of you who want to make a Halo Babies guest strip, but just don't have the whole "skilled artist" thing down yet. Ok, this may not be the automagic 117 strip maker but think of the possibilities! You can find the 4 newest beach themed backgrounds here, with more coming soon!
New Fan Art | mrsmiley { April 12, 2004 }
People actually responed to my lack of fan art whining! We have a couple new pics for ya today: MC meets South Park, and a practical jolking Elite! ;)
About that new content... | mrsmiley { March 05, 2004 }
Ok, if you insist! ;P This week we have Halo Babies style concept sketches of the Wraith, Warthog, Scorpion, Banshee, and Ghost. Check 'em out!
Don't Mess with this Mouse | mrsmiley { February 25, 2004 }
HBN member, AngryMouse14, has supplied us with 4 new animated avatars this week! They are very cool, and I plan on receiving some more for other comics in the future... *hint hint* He also has had his first piece of halo babies fanart posted. Thanks, mouse!
Artful | mrsmiley { January 09, 2004 }
For the first time in a long while, a fan has actually submitted some art! Anyone else want to follow suit? We have 2 new submissions from eek in our fan art section. I also just added a neat lil' concept drawing of the Chief's pistol to our sketches database. Enjoy!
Happy New Year! | mrsmiley { December 31, 2003 }
As you can see to the left, we already have over half of the amount needed to move to our new site! We have had some very generous donors, and I am sure they will find that their generosity will pay off! =) If you don't know what I am talking about, please read about the new Halo Babies Donations Program. Anyways, these awesome sponsors have put me in a good mood, so I have released a sketch version of the newest (and coolest) desktop by Gruntsbane. It is available in the sketches section. Check it out, and may God bless your new year!
The Joy of Giving | mrsmiley { December 26, 2003 }
As a late Christmas gift to all of our awesome fans, today we have a new comic for you! But wait! There's more! Gruntsbane has been working on an incredible Halo 2 picture for a while now, and it is finally available - as a desktop! Go check out this amazing new work of art in our (MOXC) desktop section!
3 New Sketches | mrsmiley { October 24, 2003 }
Ever wonder how Gruntsbane puts his ideas on paper? We have got 3 new concept sketches available to Members Only in our Sketches section!
2 New Sketches | mrsmiley { October 17, 2003 }
2 new sketches have been added to the MOXC Sketches section! We will have more for you next week as well!
New Fan Wallpaper | mrsmiley { September 19, 2003 }
An excellent new wallpaper has just been posted by, Bebert1 in the newly created fan section under the Desktop area. Go check it out!
No Comic this Week = Lotsa Sketches | mrsmiley { September 05, 2003 }
Because Joel is currently in the midst of a busy school week, and has been working his ass off for the last few months to bring you all a new comic every friday, he is taking this week off. However, I have added a bunch of new Sketches! With these you can see into the planning and detail that is involved in every Halo Babies comic strip.
New Sketches | mrsmiley { September 01, 2003 }
2 New Covenant sketches have added to the MOXC Sketches section! I will post more this friday!
First Halo Babies Fan Art | mrsmiley { August 30, 2003 }
A funny strip sketch has been posted by an anonymous artist in our Fan Art section! Thanks for supporting Halo Babies!
New Fan Art | mrsmiley { August 13, 2003 }
Our newest image was drawn by Snake Eyes. You will also notice that I revamped the Fan Art section to include both a Halo Babies and a Halo category. This way you can send your stuff even if you can't draw diapers on Grunts! ;)
First Fan Artist | mrsmiley { August 10, 2003 }
I have just posted the very first picture in our Fan Art section! (MOXC) Although not Halo Babies related, this picture submitted by Dave-154 is very well done!
New MOXC Content | mrsmiley { July 29, 2003 }
I have just added 2 of Gruntsbane's kick-ass wallpapers to the Desktop section! Membership is required! (and free!)
Coming Up Next Week | mrsmiley { July 25, 2003 }
If you have enjoyed Halo Babies so far, just wait till next week! Next friday we will release another comic as well as more MOXC! (Members Only eXlusive Content) Feedback and suggestions are always welcome in the Forum.
Halo Babies Have Arrived! | mrsmiley { July 25, 2003 }
The official launch of the Halo Babies website is now! We currenty have 2 new comics available for viewing with a new one coming next week! Also, in our Members Only eXclusive (MOX) section we have various character sketches, and will be releasing a wallpaper soon! If you haven't already, join the Forum to discuss Halo Babies and other things. Finally, Bungie's Lorraine McLees (the founder of Halo Babies) is currently searching for some original Halo Babies material! We've got a lot going on here, so be sure to drop in now and then!
What Is MOXC? | mrsmiley { July 25, 2003 }
MOXC stands for Members Only eXclusive Content, also referred to as just "MOX". When you see a news post or a link with this symbol next to it, you know it is only for members of MSXL, or for members of our Forum. For slightly more info, go here.